The Joy of a Christ-Centered Covenant - part ii
Series: A Meaning-Full Marriage
Title: The Joy of a Christ-Centered Covenant - Part ii
Starting Points:
(1) Marriage is the institution created by God -
(2) God's created intention is confirmed by Jesus Christ -
(3) The gospel of Christ allows us to understand marriage - ,
See God's mercy in Hosea as:
(1) Initiatory (week one)
(2) Intentional (tonight)
(3) Inclusive (next week)
Parable of Snake and Mouse
A man purchased a white mouse to use as food for his pet snake. He dropped the unsuspecting mouse into the snake’s glass cage, where the snake was sleeping in a bed of sawdust. The tiny mouse had a serious problem on his hands. At any moment he could be swallowed alive. Obviously, the mouse needed to come up with a brilliant plan.
What did the terrified creature do? He quickly set up work covering the snake with sawdust chips until it was completely buried. With that, the mouse apparently thought he had solved his problem.
The solution, however, came from outside. The man took pity on the silly little mouse and removed him from the cage. No matter how hard we try to cover or deny our sinful nature, it’s fool’s work. Sin will eventually awake from sleep and shake off its cover. Were it not for the saving grace of the Master’s hand, sin would eat us alive.
Source unknown
Points for tonight:
(1) God's mercy is an attribute that helps to describe God. -
God’s mercy means God’s goodness toward those in misery and distress.
(a) An oversimplified definition of mercy is that “God’s mercy is withholding punishment from those who deserve it.”
(b) A better understanding of mercy is “an inner tender pity (bowels) that results in outward acts of compassion” - (example of Joseph in )
(2) God is merciful, but there are times where He withholds acts of mercy - ,
Good for the Sufferer and Spectators
Pain is not good in itself. What is good in any painful experience is, for the sufferer, his submission to the will of God, and, for the spectators, the compassion aroused and the acts of mercy to which it leads.
C. S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain
(a) The merciful God intentionally withholds actions of mercy in response to sin ()
(b) The merciful God intentionally withhold actions of mercy with intention of repentance (of the offender) and restoration to covenant faithfulness ()
(3) God is merciful by withholding actions of mercy to people who are in sin.
(a) God understands the deceptiveness of sin () - Sin leads us to believe that we will be satisfied by its’ provision.
(b) God understands the self-destructiveness of sin (),
God is merciful. There are times when we see that God withheld his merciful activity. This does not mean that God overlooked sin. Even this intentional withholding of mercy is a merciful act by the merciful God. God did so to provoke his people to return to Himself.
(1) Intentionally seeking the spiritual maturity of your spouse is not optional ()
Two extreme concerns: lording husband & the passive husband
Two extreme concerns: irreverent wife & nagging wife
(2) Intentionally seeking the spiritual maturity of your spouse has a clear means ()
Sacrificial love: To the husband, you give yourself for the application of the gospel to your wife.
Submissive reverence: To the wife, you give yourself for the application of the gospel to your husband. -
(3) Intentionally seeking the spiritual maturity o f the spouse has a clear end ()
(1) Showing intentional mercy begins with the mercy you’ve received.
Begin each day with the gospel mercy that you have received.
Be clear on what this mercy means and what it does not mean.
(i) This is an initiating mercy
(ii) This is an intentional mercy (not passive)
(2) Showing intentional mercy is the Lord’s work through submissive spouses.
You must be under the control of God’s Spirit.
You must be committed to a war against sin. -
Incomplete Mercy
In our dealings with those caught in sexual lust, mercy is incomplete unless we do as Jesus did; call it sin. We have winked, giggled, made alibis, or ignored sin all too long. A friend in deed is one who says quietly, but firmly, “What you’re doing friend is sin. It is harmful to you and to others. It is destructive to God’s dream for you.
Source unknown