The Wife's Duty of Submission Pt. 2
The reason wives submit to their husbands is because of God's created order and God's intent for marriage to picture the Church.
The Basis For This Submission
Headship defined
The Order of Creation
The creation of the woman:
The Roles In Marriage:
Proof Verses
Moreover, this is what wives really want. We hear much to the contrary today, particularly from women’s liberation spokespersons, and we might therefore think that women want to dominate their husbands—and should, if they have the brains and will to do it. But this is the devil’s lie. No good woman (indeed, hardly any woman at all) wants a man she can boss around. She wants a man she can look up to, whose judgment she can respect, and whose leadership she can respond to. If she does not get this in her man, she feels cheated. True, wives are sinners like their husbands. Wives will press their husbands on the question of mastery. They will fight for their own way. But deep inside, what wives really want is a man who will rule them and their home—gently and with love, to be sure—but rule them nevertheless.