Did you learn anything?

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Hebrews 5.1-10

Did you learn anything?
Hebrews 5:1–10 NRSV
Every high priest chosen from among mortals is put in charge of things pertaining to God on their behalf, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He is able to deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself is subject to weakness; and because of this he must offer sacrifice for his own sins as well as for those of the people. And one does not presume to take this honor, but takes it only when called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest, but was appointed by the one who said to him, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you”; as he says also in another place, “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.” In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; and having been made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him, having been designated by God a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
Faith leads to Obedience which is expressed through our willingness to Hear which is the same as our obedience and is acted out in our Doing.
And so we will not do anything………….without hearing…………and if we have really heard………..than we ought to obey………
And…………real obedience does not happen……….without faith!
Because any action taken says to some degree………I believe in what I am being told or in who I am being asked by…..
And that’s why………….whenever we are asked to do something………..and we are failing to be obedient………..the next question is always…………
“Did…………..you hear me?”
Because if you heard me…………and you chose not to move…………it communicates that either you don’t believe in my words…………or the power behind my words and their benefit……..
And generally speaking………we tend to believe that obedience is not necessary……
But…….whenever there is a lesson to be learned………..it always involves obedience…….
And there is absolutely no way……….to get out of neutral……..and live a beneficial life…….without obedience!
And the Hebrew writer is again assessing the audience and recommending strongly what is necessary for a beneficial life!
And………..the reason we are engaged by the thought of this writer……….is because the worst thing we could do…………is to refuse the lesson!
And the quickest way………………to get kicked out of the classroom is to disrespect the teacher…………and operate with an attitude that says…………I’m not here to learn!
And so the Hebrew writer begins this lesson….. in verses 1-6
5.1-6 (Summarize)
And according to the text…………the writer begins with how one is selected for this role of High priest and their function.
The writer says……
It is their service to offer both gifts and sacrifices on behalf of the sins of the people to God…..
And they are helpful to the people but they are limited in what they can do.
Because before they can offer anything for anybody else………they have to first give a purification offering for themselves…..because they cannot come into God’s presence with their own sin.
And so then the writer goes on to say…………..that this role is a role of honor……….and nobody takes it upon themselves………..to place honor on themselves…………
But because God is superior to everything else…………….it is only God who has the audacity to call……….a person into this role
And so it is God………….who invites Aaron into the role of High priest……….and it is God who invites Christ into the role of High priest
And it is here that we find the writer introducing the Superiority of Christ into the role of High Priest…..
Because the Hebrew writer observes Christ to have been chosen by God to be High Priest……….
But there is a difference between an Aaron in the Old Testament……..and a Jesus Christ in the New Testament………
Because although they are chosen by the same God……….there is greater capacity in Jesus Christ………
As a matter of fact……….even as High Priest Aaron needed a Moses to speak to, and hear from God………
Because even though Aaron enters into the presence of God in the holies of holies……….in , God tells Moses……….
“Tell your brother……….he can’t just come into my presence whenever he gets ready, because behind the veil in front of the mercy seat is where I show up!”
And I like the way the Hebrew writer says it………..
Because according to the text………the role of High Priest from an Christological perspective is a merger of the royal office and the priestly office.
Because he is a descendant of David…………and the Son of God………..and as king………and priest………he is then Messiah!
And………..the power of seeing Christ as High priest is in a reconciliation mode of intercession………….which stands between God who is fully divine……….and humanity who is fully human…….
And……….successfully reach in both directions…………..
And not only that……….but allows us unlimited access
(pause and expound)
Look at it now…………because it’s powerful to see Christ working this out!
5.7 (Read)
According to the text………..here is one of the first lessons……….
“Because in the days of his flesh he offered up prayers and supplications”
As much as we see in Christ…………as he operated on earth………the one thing that we saw him doing consistently was……….praying
And………….with everything that Christ had to face in his life……….if he was ever going to get through it………….to fulfill his purpose…………the one thing he had to do……………….was pray
And the text says…………….not only prayer but also…………supplications….
a. And………….what this shows…………….is that whenever someone wanted to communicate that they needed assistance they would plead for help by holding an olive branch intertwined with white wool signifying that they are in need of peace…….
And so what the Hebrew writer does is specify an example in which the prayers and supplications of Christ……………were marked with strong crying………..and tears………..
Because you really don’t understand the lesson………..until you have seen someone fighting for you just because that’s their purpose…………
And the Hebrew writer………..says I want you to think about at least 2 examples……………
The first is when Christ……………was in the garden of Gethsemane……….and the second is when Christ was on the Cross…..
And in both instances………….Christ………….felt the full weight………..of what it was like…………..to have to deal with this sinful flesh!
And the writer says let me give you another lesson……………
The stronger the weight…………………the stronger the prayer
Because……….in these two moments………….Jesus felt everything…………
Every weakness…………..
Every sorrow……………..
Every punishment………………..
Jesus………….felt absolutely everything…………….
And…………..he had to feel absolutely everything…………so that there would be nothing left unfelt………….that could come back later and say………….you missed this…………..
And………….when it got tough……………..Jesus taught us………….what to do………
Because the text says………….
Jesus didn’t just offer a strong prayer to just anybody…………….but when it got to be too much Jesus offered his strong cries……………..
“To the one who was able to save him from death.”
The Son…………..turned to the Father………….
And here is the next lesson……………you got to get from the text…………
Whenever the Son………….turns to the Father…………the message always gets through…………
Because the text says…………..
And was heard………….in that he feared
Meaning Jesus reverenced God……...….
And reverence is the cornerstone of faith in God especially in the OT and HB….
And it is foundational to the practical theological truth of a dynamic personal relationship with God.
Reverence –
1. Piety – English word
2. Attitude vs. Action
3. Rational vs. Irrational
a. Irrational – HB – Pahad – meaning uncontrolled
b. Rational – HB – Yiraf – meaning voluntary and not coerced, and there is an intentional controlled attitude
And so…..
Jesus is showing us how to go to God even in his most vulnerable moments.
And so if we ever need God’s attention in our weakest moment…..why not use what works?
And the one thing we do know is that the Son of God knows how to get the Father’s attention………..and that’s why Paul says…
Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give unto thee…..and in the name of Jesus……Rise up and Walk!
And SOMEBODY..……needs to learn that lesson! (EXPOUND)
5.8 (read)
As the Son of God Jesus could have gotten out of it………….
But because of his human parts……….and his purpose…. He had a lesson to learn!
And………I wish I had somebody in here that understood you work harder when you got a purpose………
Because what the text is saying is that before Jesus comes to earth clothed in humanity. Jesus is fully divine.
And Full divinity has no comprehension of obedience because disobedience is not in the nature of God. So Jesus has no reason to be familiar with obedience because God is completely apart from sin.
But when Jesus puts on flesh……..now Jesus has to learn what Divinity could never know in the fullness of his humanity.
Now……through the omniscience of God the purpose of Jesus was in place before Jesus stepped into flesh and blood.
Here it is……
says “Before the foundations of the world the lamb was slain”
I heard one scholar say it like this…….…
Before any human was created……….God counseled with God’s self from a Trinitarian perspective by saying…..
“Let us make Man in our image.”
And then the Holy Spirit spoke up and said……
“But hold up……..because if we give them a will, they will turn against us.”
So in the counsel of God………..with God’s self…….God points to Jesus the Son of God and says….
“Ok……in order for this to work…………you have to die now……so that when they fall later………the solution is already in place!”
And….after Jesus is chosen before the foundations of the world……..they all agreed……….
“Ok, now lets go to work……….and create humanity.”
And because Jesus had no humanity in him until the manifestation of all of this………..
Jesus had to learn obedience through suffering…….which means Jesus was willing to be teachable because of his purpose….
Because Jesus Christ understood…..I didn’t come down here to stay in neutral…….
Which is why even at age 12 he told his mother……….don’t you know I got purpose…………
“I must be about my father’s business!”
And when Jesus looked at the cross……..Jesus started learning his hardest lesson for our sake …..
And in my spiritual imagination………….I see what the Hebrew writer sees……..
I see Jesus saying…….
“Let me learn obedience so that I can do what I came here for.”
Look at it now……..
5. 9- 10(read)
And so……….
Because Jesus learned what he had to through suffering the weight of all of our sins…………
He perfected the process……..
And says…….
Not even the Devil knew…..what was going on in terms of the Redemptive power of Jesus on the Cross…..
Because if he would have known what was really taking place, he never would of crucified Jesus…..
And I’m so glad that God don’t teach the devil how to stop me!
You have no idea how bad the devil wants to stop you
But the only problem is………….that God wont tell him nothing!
But the good news is………all we have to do is pay attention and become willing…….to learn the lesson that Jesus is teaching………
And so here…….it is……….
What is the lesson that we’re being taught?
Church family………the lesson is learning how to Obey him!
Because the real truth is that we will never move without love……….and our love is tied into our obedience……
Which is why Jesus says……in
If you really love me……..keep my commandments!
Because I just showed you………….what I’m willing to go through for my father’s name……….sake!
And……..if you learned anything…………..from what I went through………you ought to be able to do…………….Greater works than these!
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