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Focus: God hears those who cry out and seek justice.

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The parable we just read today is one that’s either referred to as…

The Unjust Judge or The Persistent Widow
The Persistent Widow
The Persistent Widow
At first, when I heard it was going to be Children’s Sabbath I thought “man this parable is perfect”
If anyone knows anything about nat giving up and asking the same questions over and over again it’s children!
Now children, don’t think we’re picking on you guys, I mean us parents say the same thing over and over again too, don’t we?
“Pick up your room, Do your homework, Why aren’t you wearing pants, What did your mom tell you”… things like that.
But seriously, today we’re going to look at a parable that has some similarities and some differences in what you might find in Jesus’ other parables.
Just before today’s text Jesus is instructing his followers on what will happen in the end of time and how God will judge quickly in the end.
As I preached two weeks ago about their possible struggles with FORGIVENESS and lacking FAITH.
They are then told that the Kingdom of God cometh with no observation.
Or as mentioned in Matthews Gospel, “like a thief in the night” ()
Jesus’s return was the topic right before today’s scripture.
So Jesus was sticking with what was quickly becoming important and shared words that they needed to hear.
Jesus Christ was faced with a crowd where he was instructing them on the importance of prayer.
Just how important was prayer to the Lord?
So important that for the first time in all of the parables that Jesus told… he tells them the POINT of the parable at the beginning!
All other parables Jesus tells them at the END of the parable.
But this one, he doesn’t waste any time, gets straight to the point.
Makes known right away, that we are to pray.
Wouldn’t it be nice if LIFE was as kind and thoughtful and upfront like Jesus was for this parable?
Could you imagine going to school and the teacher telling you up front “This won’t be on the test”
or you start a relationship with someone and they tell you “Yeah, 6 months tops”
or you go to buy a house and the realtor says “there’s mold in the attic that you’ll overlook until about 4 years into your mortgage”
or you go in for a job interview and they say “can you start today? Because we hired a guy yesterday and we’ve already fired him because this is a terrible job…”
No, life isn’t like that.
You typically have to go through the process of learning before you ever find out the answer!
A test produces a testimony.
So for Jesus to tell us up front what it is he’s wanting us to know before he even starts the parable; means it’s pretty important.
We should listen up!
Should probably take it serious; he just mentioned a similar parable earlier in Luke. (Luke 15:5-11)
How Much More may people of faith trust in God for vindication….
Much like the parable he taught after he taught them HOW to pray…
Luke 15:5-11
friend who knocks in the middle of the night
needs bread
kids are asleep
Basically says, “I am not about to wake my kids up to get you some bread”
(Guaranteed next time that friend comes over there’ll be a sign that says “GLUTEN FREE HOUSEHOLD” on the door…. Just saying!)
The friend gave in though.
Like the judge we read about today, who caved.
Not because of friendship, but because of brashness (the request was heard)
The judge caved in due to her annoyance and pestering.
The judge is thinking “HOW MUCH MORE CAN I TAKE FROM THIS WOMAN!!”
We as Christians ask “How much more…..” As well.
But ours is different, when we understand this parable.
HOW MUCH MORE…. Can we trust God to hear our prayers.
For God is a good God.
That parable goes on to say that …
“Which father among you would give a snake to your child if the child asked for a fish? 12 If a child asked for an egg, what father would give the child a scorpion?”
As evil as WE are, as FAR FROM PERFECT that we are….
Even WE would not do that to our children whom we love.
Again, HOW MUCH MORE … will God do for his children who seek after him.
He will not wait to be worn down, he hears us immediately.
It’s his answers that we don’t always agree with.
If he says no, we have an option.
Give up.
Keep praying.
God sometimes answers us in ways we don’t want to hear.
“Not now”
“Wait, I’ve got a better timing for this”
“Well, how about THIS instead”
It’s up to us to HEAR and COMMUNICATE with God to understand his will.
The thing I think Jesus wants us to take away from this part of the parable is this…
God hears his people.
When you first hear the parable about the unjust judge, you may think “what a minute, who’s the judge in this? God? Surely not!”
It’s not. And don’t call me Shirley!
The judge again represents someone who is the complete opposite of God.
Judge is unjust.
God is just.
The judge, the opposite of God, also represent unbelievers in the world too.
Non-believers can help and be good people.
Still capable of doing “good things”.
How many times have you heard, “well, he didn’t believe in God but he was a GOOD person”
Sure, there are going to be plenty of GOOD people who lack a relationship with God when it comes to the quick judgement of God.
Hell will be full of “good people”.
Good doesn’t get you in the front door. Knowing God does.
People do good, that’s fine, but without the love of God and a relationship with Christ…
They’re doing it for the wrong reason.
The judge wanted her to STOP nagging him.
Still didn’t care all that much about her or her situation. (Or anyones for that matter)
Yet still gave in.
Still helped serve justice.
He might’ve done GOOD in her eyes, but he still didn’t know God and do it out of his love of God’s people and hope to see justice done.
Again, it was for the wrong reason.
Still capable of doing “good” things.
Don’t do it for God, but for themselves.
Feel good about helping others = getting woman to STOP (benefited him, not just her)
So if an unjust judge (who is not like God) will hear the case of this persistent widow and stranger (which we are not) then surely God will hear our prayers.
God is just.
We are known, we are his child.
He will answer us.
Everything about the judge, who eventually gave in, is opposite in God.
It’s hard for non-believers to see this at times too.
Too often non-Christians have hurt/pain/anger/bitterness in their hearts towards ANYTHING dealing with God.
You want to come to a Fall Harvest Party - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
You want to go to a craft fair - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
You want to come to my child’s birthday party, they’ll be cake - Sure, where is it? - The Church - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
People are mad at God and mad at His church.
They’re caring around anger in their hearts towards God for things that have happened in their life.
Things that they believe God could have prevented.
Yes, evil and bad things happen. Tragedy and suffering happen.
Not because God doesn’t care.
But because we live in a world full of sin and sinners.
We live in a fallen world which is under the control of Satan.
This is real church.
I know it is.
I was that guy once before.
Wanted nothing to do with the church.
I saw family members go through cancer, treatment, sickness, hospice, death.
I was mad, I was upset, I was questioning everything I had believed in up to that point.
I wanted NOTHING to do with the church.
I’m not making light of this, I want you to see the reality that even when fun social community events are offered at the church
Sometimes people WILL NOT come in because they’ve been let down by God.
They’ve been getting their prayers answered with the answer they weren’t ready to hear.
Remember, No, Not Now, Wait, I’ve got a better timing for this and/or Well, how about THIS instead = are all acceptable answers.
Just not the answers we want to hear!
So that’s the judge.
Now let’s look at the other character in today’s scripture.
Here’s some background on the widow in this story….
Now, Luke often uses a widow, or widow and orphan, as examples of VULNERABILITY.
A Jewish widow was someone who lost her husband after her 60th birthday.
If she were younger, Hebrew law expected her to remarry, preferably a brother of her first husband.
Since Jewish girls married near their 14th birthday, and had as many babies as was natural at a time before birth control, most women died in their 30’s.
There were few widows in the land of Israel.
A widow could inherit her husband’s property but it was hard for her to keep it.
Again, as a vulnerable person in society.
A neighbor or relative could simply CLAIM it/DECLARE it.
She could represent herself if she had no other male relative to defend her.
This widow was exercising her right to represent her plea.
The judge was exercising his indifference.
No one was there on her behalf.
How many people in today’s society are faced with injustice.
With no one to speak up for them on their behalf.
How many are just like the widow.
Who’s going to speak up for them?
Who’s going to step up and be the voice for the voiceless.
To be the help for the helpless.
To be the hope for the hopeless.
Jesus is instructing us here to be the EARS of God.
We should hear them, too.
The emphasis of the parable should be placed on not giving up.
The opposite of giving up is holding on, keeping hope alive, trusting God, who is just.
The widow shows an example of persistence, but also faithfulness and HOPE.
Too often we hear about those who are not able to work and/or take care of themselves.
But what are WE doing about it?
Do we put them down and continue the pattern of defeat?
Or do we pray for them, fight for them, help them seek the justice that they so deserve.
Too often, we hear and see stories about those who have done wrong.
Those who have made a mistake and sinned against, not only us, but against God.
Do we too write them off as if they aren’t one of God’s own?
A few weeks ago I talked about how we are ALL welcome at God’s table.
Does this still apply, even to those who have done wrong in the eyes of a judge?
Do we forget about them completely, or do we still work together as the body of Christ to seek justice for them?
I tell you what.
I’m so excited to be a part of a church that has it’s hands involved in so many ministries.
Not just ministries that the older folks in the congregation participate in either.
We share here at FBMUMC.
Our children did a wonderful job this morning showing us the importance of OCC.
Not only have they acted it out for us.
They’ve also been active in collecting supplies.
Folding boxes.
Writing encouraging messages in the boxes.
Praying over the boxes.
Preparing and ready to help finish out the Shoe Box Season strong with our packing party prep on 10/25 and packing party on 10/26.
More details available in the bulletin and at the display in the narthex.
Speaking of Narthex.
Recently I helped make some changes with our collection center that was overtaking the narthex.
We moved the Backpack Buddies collection cart and Community Cupboard cart into the front office area.
We also moved the Heart and Hand rags to riches collection basket.
As well as the OCC collection boxes were placed there to help keep the narthex straightened up.
Well, good thing we did that.
Soon after, we had more mission collection centers to set up in the narthex.
Beth Sauvageot and team have been using the area for the shoeboxes themselves to be displayed shortly before being taken home by you the church.
We have our sign ups for our service time this month over at the Community Cupboard.
Our ecumenical, Ministerial Association ran food pantry that we house here on our campus.
Two weeks ago we collected almost $500 after services for the Heart and Hand Hike for Hunger, for our neighbors in Putnam and Kanawha County.
Not only that, but our Uth Lead and Sunday Night Youth Bible Study have been making prayer bracelets and notes that we’ve sent to our friends in Kenya at Living Hope High School.
There’s literally an entire bulletin board out in the narthex that shows a sampling of all the mission projects that our church is involved with.
Think of all of those places that we are able to reach out to in the community.
The community in Putnam County.
The community in West Virginia.
The community around the world.
We were actually so busy that we completely dropped our drawers on Undie Sunday Collection.
That is typically done on the 2nd Sunday in October, but as you know today is the 3rd Sunday in October.
So, since those are to be turned into Heart & Hand and I spend a fair amount of time there.
We will be collecting UNUSED, let me stress this out, UNUSED aka NEW
Underwear, socks, undershirts, etc…
For Men, Women, Children
Again, our church has it’s prayers focused on seeking justice for all sorts of people in our communities.
Let us never lose sight of that.
Again, this parable shows that we must keep FOCUS.
Focus on justice for all.
Forrest Burdette hears the cry of our neighbors.
But what happens if we stop listening?
What happens if we lose heart and give up?
If our prayers aren’t answered the way WE want them to be answered right away?
The emphasis of this parable isn’t that we have to WEAR God DOWN, it’s that we ought not to GIVE UP.
The opposite of GIVING UP is
holding on,
keeping hope alive,
trusting God, who is just.
As we continue to hear them, we work towards helping and never giving up on them.
Last week Pastor Ed mentioned what happens when you encounter Jesus.
You are filled with compassion.
You are seeking to see people made whole.
That’s what happens when we focus on justice for all.
These children here at this church see that, they take notice of all the ministries we work with.
If anyone is ever wanting to get their children more involved, we’d love to have them help!
*OCC Packing Party is this upcoming Saturday
*H&H 2nd Saturdays of the month with the Uth (adults are welcome to come too)
There’s plenty of opportunities to get them involved and show them what it’s like to serve God.
Remember, we aren’t a church full of “retired Christians”
But disciples of Christ who are compassionate and seeking to help make others whole.
Working towards the mission projects in the church will keep us focused on God and being persistent to the needs of others.
And if I remember correctly a few weeks back, Pastor Ed said if you had an idea that you’d like to get started; go for it!
No necessary committee meetings required!
Back to Focus
There are two ways in which we lose our focus.
1. We lose heart because we don’t understand God’s timing or purpose.
We ask questions like, “When... or Why now.... or How could you....?
We challenge the justice and goodness of God.
2. The only acceptable reason we stop praying is when Christ himself returns.
Vs. 8 says “I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Human One comes, will he find faithfulness on earth?”
Our demonstration of faith is persistent prayer.
Having hope in God and NOT giving up.
When we stop believing a prayer will be answered church… it’s not good.
When we stop believing that God is capable of answering our prayers and we quit… we stop praying all together.
We’ve officially given up HOPE.
We’ve officially given up on our FAITH.
Now, regarding that last verse in today’s text.
If we don’t listen to those like the widow, then there will be no faith when Jesus returns.
Several supporting scriptures have been popping up over the past few weeks while studying and praying over today’s scripture.
Isaiah 1:17 says “learn to do good. Seek justice: help the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow.”
Seek justice.
Sure, there’s a comic book dedicated to the Hero’s of fake cities like Gotham and Metropolis.
Hero’s that are larger than life and seek justice for man made situations that live on comic book pages and movie screens alike.
However, when it comes to teaming up and seeking justice to help the oppressed, to defend the orphan, and like today’s scripture suggest, to plead for the widow’s sake…
We, as believers in Christ.
We, as disciples of Christ.
Fellow brothers and sisters.
WE are God’s Justice League.
We have a purpose.
We have been given the command to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to share his love, and to help those in need.
So, how do we learn to do good and seek justice?
We need to stay connected to God.
But how?
Through reading his word.
Through prayer, persistent prayer.
Each day we have an awesome opportunity to seek justice in the name of God.
Through the blood of Jesus Christ.
With the help of the Holy Spirit.
We are God’s Justice League.
But this time of year, we have an even bigger opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our children within our church.
We have each child’s name and age/grade listed on them up here on the altar.
Each year we invite you to come forward and take a name, take a child’s name home with you.
Your job, assignment, is to PRAY for these children throughout the year.
Post them up on your fridge if you’d like.
Mine, they stay in my office where I see them daily.
When you see their names, pray.
When you see them at church, pray.
When you run into them out in the community, pray.
These are your prayer buddies for the next 12 months.
I’ll leave you with this as we prepare to close with our closing HYMN/PRAISE SONG…
In Uth this Wednesday we were talking about how when life goes wrong, God GIVES US EACH OTHER.
We read in Romans 12:12
12 Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer.
God gives us each other for a reason.
When life goes wrong. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
When life is going just ok. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
When life is going great. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
Pray persistently.
Pray. ()
Jesus’s return was the topic right before today’s scripture.
So Jesus was sticking with what was quickly becoming important and shared words that they needed to hear.
Jesus Christ was faced with a crowd where he was instructing them on the importance of prayer.
Just how important was prayer to the Lord?
So important that for the first time in all of the parables that Jesus told… he tells them the POINT of the parable at the beginning!
All other parables Jesus tells them at the END of the parable.
But this one, he doesn’t waste any time, gets straight to the point.
Makes known right away, that we are to pray.
Wouldn’t it be nice if LIFE was as kind and thoughtful and upfront like Jesus was for this parable?
Could you imagine going to school and the teacher telling you up front “This won’t be on the test”
or you start a relationship with someone and they tell you “Yeah, 6 months tops”
or you go to buy a house and the realtor says “there’s mold in the attic that you’ll overlook until about 4 years into your mortgage”
or you go in for a job interview and they say “can you start today? Because we hired a guy yesterday and we’ve already fired him because this is a terrible job…”
No, life isn’t like that.
You typically have to go through the process of learning before you ever find out the answer!
A test produces a testimony.
So for Jesus to tell us up front what it is he’s wanting us to know before he even starts the parable; means it’s pretty important.
We should listen up!
Should probably take it serious; he just mentioned a similar parable earlier in Luke. ()
How Much More may people of faith trust in God for vindication….
Much like the parable he taught after he taught them HOW to pray…
friend who knocks in the middle of the night
needs bread
kids are asleep
Basically says, “I am not about to wake my kids up to get you some bread”
(Guaranteed next time that friend comes over there’ll be a sign that says “GLUTEN FREE HOUSEHOLD” on the door…. Just saying!)
The friend gave in though.
Like the judge we read about today, who caved.
Not because of friendship, but because of brashness (the request was heard)
The judge caved in due to her annoyance and pestering.
The judge is thinking “HOW MUCH MORE CAN I TAKE FROM THIS WOMAN!!”
We as Christians ask “How much more…..” As well.
But ours is different, when we understand this parable.
HOW MUCH MORE…. Can we trust God to hear our prayers.
For God is a good God.
That parable goes on to say that …
“Which father among you would give a snake to your child if the child asked for a fish? 12 If a child asked for an egg, what father would give the child a scorpion?”
As evil as WE are, as FAR FROM PERFECT that we are….
Even WE would not do that to our children whom we love.
Again, HOW MUCH MORE … will God do for his children who seek after him.
He will not wait to be worn down, he hears us immediately.
It’s his answers that we don’t always agree with.
If he says no, we have an option.
Give up.
Keep praying.
God sometimes answers us in ways we don’t want to hear.
“Not now”
“Wait, I’ve got a better timing for this”
“Well, how about THIS instead”
It’s up to us to HEAR and COMMUNICATE with God to understand his will.
The thing I think Jesus wants us to take away from this part of the parable is this…
God hears his people.
When you first hear the parable about the unjust judge, you may think “what a minute, who’s the judge in this? God? Surely not!”
It’s not. And don’t call me Shirley!
The judge again represents someone who is the complete opposite of God.
Judge is unjust.
God is just.
The judge, the opposite of God, also represent unbelievers in the world too.
Non-believers can help and be good people.
Still capable of doing “good things”.
How many times have you heard, “well, he didn’t believe in God but he was a GOOD person”
Sure, there are going to be plenty of GOOD people who lack a relationship with God when it comes to the quick judgement of God.
Hell will be full of “good people”.
Good doesn’t get you in the front door. Knowing God does.
People do good, that’s fine, but without the love of God and a relationship with Christ…
They’re doing it for the wrong reason.
The judge wanted her to STOP nagging him.
Still didn’t care all that much about her or her situation. (Or anyones for that matter)
Yet still gave in.
Still helped serve justice.
He might’ve done GOOD in her eyes, but he still didn’t know God and do it out of his love of God’s people and hope to see justice done.
Again, it was for the wrong reason.
Still capable of doing “good” things.
Don’t do it for God, but for themselves.
Feel good about helping others = getting woman to STOP (benefited him, not just her)
So if an unjust judge (who is not like God) will hear the case of this persistent widow and stranger (which we are not) then surely God will hear our prayers.
God is just.
We are known, we are his child.
He will answer us.
Everything about the judge, who eventually gave in, is opposite in God.
It’s hard for non-believers to see this at times too.
Too often non-Christians have hurt/pain/anger/bitterness in their hearts towards ANYTHING dealing with God.
You want to come to a Fall Harvest Party - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
You want to go to a craft fair - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
You want to come to my child’s birthday party, they’ll be cake - Sure, where is it? - The Church - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
People are mad at God and mad at His church.
They’re caring around anger in their hearts towards God for things that have happened in their life.
Things that they believe God could have prevented.
Yes, evil and bad things happen. Tragedy and suffering happen.
Not because God doesn’t care.
But because we live in a world full of sin and sinners.
We live in a fallen world which is under the control of Satan.
This is real church.
I know it is.
I was that guy once before.
Wanted nothing to do with the church.
I saw family members go through cancer, treatment, sickness, hospice, death.
I was mad, I was upset, I was questioning everything I had believed in up to that point.
I wanted NOTHING to do with the church.
I’m not making light of this, I want you to see the reality that even when fun social community events are offered at the church
Sometimes people WILL NOT come in because they’ve been let down by God.
They’ve been getting their prayers answered with the answer they weren’t ready to hear.
Remember, No, Not Now, Wait, I’ve got a better timing for this and/or Well, how about THIS instead = are all acceptable answers.
Just not the answers we want to hear!
So that’s the judge.
Now let’s look at the other character in today’s scripture.
Here’s some background on the widow in this story….
Now, Luke often uses a widow, or widow and orphan, as examples of VULNERABILITY.
A Jewish widow was someone who lost her husband after her 60th birthday.
If she were younger, Hebrew law expected her to remarry, preferably a brother of her first husband.
Since Jewish girls married near their 14th birthday, and had as many babies as was natural at a time before birth control, most women died in their 30’s.
There were few widows in the land of Israel.
A widow could inherit her husband’s property but it was hard for her to keep it.
Again, as a vulnerable person in society.
A neighbor or relative could simply CLAIM it/DECLARE it.
She could represent herself if she had no other male relative to defend her.
This widow was exercising her right to represent her plea.
The judge was exercising his indifference.
No one was there on her behalf.
How many people in today’s society are faced with injustice.
With no one to speak up for them on their behalf.
How many are just like the widow.
Who’s going to speak up for them?
Who’s going to step up and be the voice for the voiceless.
To be the help for the helpless.
To be the hope for the hopeless.
Jesus is instructing us here to be the EARS of God.
We should hear them, too.
The emphasis of the parable should be placed on not giving up.
The opposite of giving up is holding on, keeping hope alive, trusting God, who is just.
The widow shows an example of persistence, but also faithfulness and HOPE.
Too often we hear about those who are not able to work and/or take care of themselves.
But what are WE doing about it?
Do we put them down and continue the pattern of defeat?
Or do we pray for them, fight for them, help them seek the justice that they so deserve.
Too often, we hear and see stories about those who have done wrong.
Those who have made a mistake and sinned against, not only us, but against God.
Do we too write them off as if they aren’t one of God’s own?
A few weeks ago I talked about how we are ALL welcome at God’s table.
Does this still apply, even to those who have done wrong in the eyes of a judge?
Do we forget about them completely, or do we still work together as the body of Christ to seek justice for them?
I tell you what.
I’m so excited to be a part of a church that has it’s hands involved in so many ministries.
Not just ministries that the older folks in the congregation participate in either.
We share here at FBMUMC.
Our children did a wonderful job this morning showing us the importance of OCC.
Not only have they acted it out for us.
They’ve also been active in collecting supplies.
Folding boxes.
Writing encouraging messages in the boxes.
Praying over the boxes.
Preparing and ready to help finish out the Shoe Box Season strong with our packing party prep on 10/25 and packing party on 10/26.
More details available in the bulletin and at the display in the narthex.
Speaking of Narthex.
Recently I helped make some changes with our collection center that was overtaking the narthex.
We moved the Backpack Buddies collection cart and Community Cupboard cart into the front office area.
We also moved the Heart and Hand rags to riches collection basket.
As well as the OCC collection boxes were placed there to help keep the narthex straightened up.
Well, good thing we did that.
Soon after, we had more mission collection centers to set up in the narthex.
Beth Sauvageot and team have been using the area for the shoeboxes themselves to be displayed shortly before being taken home by you the church.
We have our sign ups for our service time this month over at the Community Cupboard.
Our ecumenical, Ministerial Association ran food pantry that we house here on our campus.
Two weeks ago we collected almost $500 after services for the Heart and Hand Hike for Hunger, for our neighbors in Putnam and Kanawha County.
Not only that, but our Uth Lead and Sunday Night Youth Bible Study have been making prayer bracelets and notes that we’ve sent to our friends in Kenya at Living Hope High School.
There’s literally an entire bulletin board out in the narthex that shows a sampling of all the mission projects that our church is involved with.
Think of all of those places that we are able to reach out to in the community.
The community in Putnam County.
The community in West Virginia.
The community around the world.
We were actually so busy that we completely dropped our drawers on Undie Sunday Collection.
That is typically done on the 2nd Sunday in October, but as you know today is the 3rd Sunday in October.
So, since those are to be turned into Heart & Hand and I spend a fair amount of time there.
We will be collecting UNUSED, let me stress this out, UNUSED aka NEW
Underwear, socks, undershirts, etc…
For Men, Women, Children
Again, our church has it’s prayers focused on seeking justice for all sorts of people in our communities.
Let us never lose sight of that.
Again, this parable shows that we must keep FOCUS.
Focus on justice for all.
Forrest Burdette hears the cry of our neighbors.
But what happens if we stop listening?
What happens if we lose heart and give up?
If our prayers aren’t answered the way WE want them to be answered right away?
The emphasis of this parable isn’t that we have to WEAR God DOWN, it’s that we ought not to GIVE UP.
The opposite of GIVING UP is
holding on,
keeping hope alive,
trusting God, who is just.
As we continue to hear them, we work towards helping and never giving up on them.
Last week Pastor Ed mentioned what happens when you encounter Jesus.
You are filled with compassion.
You are seeking to see people made whole.
That’s what happens when we focus on justice for all.
These children here at this church see that, they take notice of all the ministries we work with.
If anyone is ever wanting to get their children more involved, we’d love to have them help!
*OCC Packing Party is this upcoming Saturday
*H&H 2nd Saturdays of the month with the Uth (adults are welcome to come too)
There’s plenty of opportunities to get them involved and show them what it’s like to serve God.
Remember, we aren’t a church full of “retired Christians”
But disciples of Christ who are compassionate and seeking to help make others whole.
Working towards the mission projects in the church will keep us focused on God and being persistent to the needs of others.
And if I remember correctly a few weeks back, Pastor Ed said if you had an idea that you’d like to get started; go for it!
No necessary committee meetings required!
Back to Focus
There are two ways in which we lose our focus.
1. We lose heart because we don’t understand God’s timing or purpose.
We ask questions like, “When... or Why now.... or How could you....?
We challenge the justice and goodness of God.
2. The only acceptable reason we stop praying is when Christ himself returns.
Vs. 8 says “I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Human One comes, will he find faithfulness on earth?”
Our demonstration of faith is persistent prayer.
Having hope in God and NOT giving up.
When we stop believing a prayer will be answered church… it’s not good.
When we stop believing that God is capable of answering our prayers and we quit… we stop praying all together.
We’ve officially given up HOPE.
We’ve officially given up on our FAITH.
Now, regarding that last verse in today’s text.
If we don’t listen to those like the widow, then there will be no faith when Jesus returns.
Several supporting scriptures have been popping up over the past few weeks while studying and praying over today’s scripture.
says “learn to do good. Seek justice: help the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow.”
Seek justice.
Sure, there’s a comic book dedicated to the Hero’s of fake cities like Gotham and Metropolis.
Hero’s that are larger than life and seek justice for man made situations that live on comic book pages and movie screens alike.
However, when it comes to teaming up and seeking justice to help the oppressed, to defend the orphan, and like today’s scripture suggest, to plead for the widow’s sake…
We, as believers in Christ.
We, as disciples of Christ.
Fellow brothers and sisters.
WE are God’s Justice League.
We have a purpose.
We have been given the command to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to share his love, and to help those in need.
So, how do we learn to do good and seek justice?
We need to stay connected to God.
But how?
Through reading his word.
Through prayer, persistent prayer.
Each day we have an awesome opportunity to seek justice in the name of God.
Through the blood of Jesus Christ.
With the help of the Holy Spirit.
We are God’s Justice League.
But this time of year, we have an even bigger opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our children within our church.
We have each child’s name and age/grade listed on them up here on the altar.
Each year we invite you to come forward and take a name, take a child’s name home with you.
Your job, assignment, is to PRAY for these children throughout the year.
Post them up on your fridge if you’d like.
Mine, they stay in my office where I see them daily.
When you see their names, pray.
When you see them at church, pray.
When you run into them out in the community, pray.
These are your prayer buddies for the next 12 months.
I’ll leave you with this as we prepare to close with our closing HYMN/PRAISE SONG…
In Uth this Wednesday we were talking about how when life goes wrong, God GIVES US EACH OTHER.
We read in
12 Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble, and devote yourselves to prayer.
God gives us each other for a reason.
When life goes wrong. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
When life is going just ok. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
When life is going great. DEVOTE YOURSELVES TO PRAYER.
Pray persistently.
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