Introduction to OT #6
Introduction to OT #6
1 撒但起來攻擊以色列,激起大衛數點以色列人。
Amos 5:25
25 「以色列家啊,你們在曠野四十年,何嘗將祭物和供物獻給我呢?
22 因為我將你們祖先從埃及地領出來的那日,燔祭和祭物的事我並沒有提說,也沒有吩咐他們。
sn Like Jer 7:22–23, this passage seems to contradict the Pentateuchal accounts that indicate Israel did offer sacrifices during the wilderness period. It is likely that both Amos and Jeremiah overstate the case to emphasize the relative insignificance of sacrifices in comparison to weightier matters of the covenant. See R. de Vaux, Ancient Israel, 428.
2 Peter 2:15
15 他們離棄了正路,走入歧途,隨從比珥的兒子巴蘭的路;巴蘭就是那貪愛不義的工錢的人,
Jude 11
11 他們有禍了!因為他們走該隱的道路,又為財利往巴蘭的錯謬裏直奔,並在可拉的背叛中滅亡了。
Revelation 2:14
14 然而,有幾件事我要責備你,就是在你那裏有人服從了巴蘭的教訓;這巴蘭曾教唆巴勒將絆腳石放在以色列人面前,使他們吃祭過偶像之物,並且犯淫亂。
2:14 teaching of Balaam The prototypical unethical teacher whose compromise proved fatal to Israel (see Num 25:1–2; 31:16).
Some in Pergamum adopted a stance of religious compromise and encouraged others to do so. By being sexually immoral and participating in pagan activities, the individual would avoid being ostracized.
Balaam AYBD
Prostitution NBD
17 我看見他,卻不在現時;
必毀壞所有的塞特人 。
in the ancient Near Eastern literature as a whole. The immediate reference of the prophecy seems to be to David, but the eschatological theme goes beyond him. There is to be a connection made between this passage and the sighting of a star in its ascendancy by the magi, who then traveled to Bethlehem to see the one born King of the Jews (Matt 2:2). The expression “son of a star” (Aram Bar Kochba) became a title for a later claimant to kingship, but he was doomed by the Romans in A.D. 135.
10 耶和華吩咐摩西說: 11 「亞倫祭司的孫子,以利亞撒的兒子非尼哈,使我的憤怒轉離以色列人,因為在他們中間,他以我的妒忌為他的妒忌,使我不在妒忌中毀滅以色列人。 12 因此,你要說:『看哪,我將我平安的約賜給他。 13 這是他和他的後裔永遠當祭司職任的約,因他為了上帝而妒忌,他為以色列人贖罪。』」
6 摩西派他們去打仗,每支派一千人;又派以利亞撒祭司的兒子非尼哈同去;非尼哈手裏拿著聖所的器皿和吹號的號筒。 7 他們遵照耶和華所吩咐摩西的,與米甸打仗,殺了所有的男丁。 8 在所殺的人中,他們殺了米甸的王,就是以未、利金、蘇珥、戶珥、利巴五個米甸的王,又用刀殺了比珥的兒子巴蘭。 9 以色列人擄了米甸的婦女和孩童,搶奪他們一切的牲畜、牛羊和所有的財物, 10 又用火焚燒了他們所住的一切城鎮和所有的營寨。 11 以色列人把一切擄物和掠物,連人和牲畜都帶走, 12 將俘虜、掠物、擄物帶到摩押平原,在約旦河邊與耶利哥相對的營地,交給摩西和以利亞撒祭司,以及以色列的會眾。
Hammurabi, Law Code of. Law code devised by Hammurabi, the last great king of the first Babylonian dynasty (c. 1790–1750 BC), to safeguard the rights and define the responsibilities of Babylonian citizens. The laws were inscribed on stelae, which were usually erected in marketplaces or near temples for all to see. The most complete example discovered so far dates from the latter part of his reign.
1 「你若看見弟兄的牛或羊迷了路,不可避開牠們,總要把牠們牽回來交給你的弟兄。 2 你弟兄若離你遠,或是你不認識他,你就要牽到你家,留在你那裏,等你的弟兄來尋找就還給他。 3 你弟兄所失落的,無論是驢,衣服,或任何東西,你若發現,都要這樣做,不能避開。 4 你若看見你弟兄的牛或驢在路上跌倒了,不可避開牠們,總要幫助他把牛或驢拉起來。
5 「婦女不可穿戴男子所穿戴的,男人也不可穿婦女的衣服,因為這樣做是耶和華-你上帝所憎惡的。
6 「你若路上看見鳥窩,無論在樹上或地上,裏頭有小鳥或有蛋,母鳥伏在小鳥或蛋上,你不可連母鳥帶小鳥一起拿去。 7 總要放母鳥走,只可以取小鳥。這樣你就可以享福,日子得以長久。
8 「你若建造新房屋,要在屋頂安欄杆,免得有人從屋頂掉下來,血就歸於你家。
2 耶和華-我們的上帝在何烈山與我們立約。
12 耶和華從火焰中對你們說話,你們聽見說話的聲音,只有聲音,卻沒有看見形像。
16 惟恐你們的行為敗壞,為自己雕刻任何形狀的偶像,無論是男像或女像
20 耶和華將你們從埃及帶領出來,脫離鐵爐,是要你們成為他產業的子民,像今日一樣。
DEUTERONOMISTIC HISTORY. The name commonly used to designate the book of Deuteronomy as well as the section of the Hebrew Bible known as the Former Prophets, i.e., Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings. The name reflects the scholarly theory that these books comprise a single literary unit alongside the other two great historical works in the Hebrew Bible—the Tetrateuch (Genesis through Numbers) and the Chronicles complex (1-2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah). According to this theory, a later editor shifted the notice of Moses’ death from its original position at the end of Numbers to its present location at the end of Deuteronomy (chapter 34) in order to group the first five books of the Hebrew Bible into the Torah or Pentateuch.
27 巴比倫王以未‧米羅達作王的元年,就是猶大王約雅斤被擄後三十七年,十二月二十七日,他使猶大王約雅斤抬起頭來,提他出監, 28 對他說好話,使他的位高過與他一同被擄在巴比倫眾王的位; 29 又給他脫了囚服,使他終身常在巴比倫王面前吃飯。 30 王賜給他日常需用的食物,每日一份,終身都是這樣。
6 「因為你是屬於耶和華-你上帝神聖的子民;耶和華-你的上帝從地面上的萬民中揀選你,作自己寶貴的子民。
2 因為你是屬於耶和華-你上帝神聖的子民,耶和華從地面上的萬民中揀選了你,作自己寶貴的子民。」
9 約櫃裏沒有別的,只有兩塊石版,就是以色列人出埃及地,耶和華與他們立約的時候,摩西在何烈山放在那裏的。