Psalm 119 | #3 God's Word Invites Relationship (Part 2)
Life is really about relationships, and God’s Word invites us to center our relationships around it and Christ. In this sermon, we will look in the Scriptures at three types of people with whom we are invited to relate in God’s Word.
If you want to establish long friendships, then you must develop a short memory.
The Carnegie Technological Institute has stated that 90% of all people who fail in their life’s vocation fail because they cannot get along with people.
1) God’s Word invites us to interact with it and ourselves.
Wycliff Bible translators Bob and Jan Smutherman were assigned to the Macuna people of southeast Colombia, South America. Progress was going well in putting the Bible into the Macuna language. The chief’s son was engaged as the language helper. Each portion of the Scripture had to be checked and double-checked for meaning and clarity.
After five years of labor, the Gospel of John was being finalized for publication. Gathered together to hear the Word of God, the tribe sat patiently.
Beginning at John 9:1, the son read about Jesus’ encounter with the man born blind. When he got to the verse where Jesus says that this man was born blind “in order that the works of God might be put on display,” the old chief stood to his feet. Requiring silence by his uplifted right hand, he said, “We must stop killing our babies.”
To a people steeped in animism, the normal process was to take their deformed babies to a desolate place. There the babies were deserted and exposed until dead.
The implications of the gospel became shockingly clear upon hearing of a better way.
2) God’s Word invites us to interact with it and our church.
90% of new members will stay in the church if:
(1) They can articulate their faith (implies need for membership and evangelism classes).
(2) They belong to subgroups (i.e. choir, Bible Studies, Sunday School classes, etc.).
(3) They have 4–8 close friendships within the church.