The Gospel: The Essentials of Faith--Part 1. (Part 3)
The Essentials of Faith
Appropriation of salvation
• Man has a standing with God by means of faith, Romans 3:28
• In contrast to works [it is not by keeping rules)
• “Believed God”—Romans 4:3—(nothing additional)
The perversion of faith alone teaching
• Faith plus method: Faith plus—ritual, an act, an experience, etc.
• Defining faith in terms of works (this is more subtle)—faith does NOT mean: 1) Submission; 2) Commitment; 3) Making Christ Lord; 4) Discipleship; 5) Repentance of sins.
Defining faith (the essential of faith)
• The Greek word “pisteuo” means intelligent believing
• It is NOT a blind leap of “faith”
• You cannot have faith without content: 1) You can’t believe without something to believe; 2) Faith must be preceded by teaching; 3) The total value of faith depends on the validity of the content on which it rests. 4) Faith is created and sustained by content; 5) Faith is an act that is explicitly non-meritorious
Justification by faith
• Simplicity of condition (faith)
• Enormity of blessing (justified)
Is an “invitation” needed?
• Listening ears
• Responsive God
• No invitation needed