How Christ Reveals His Glory In Us
How Christ Reveals His Glory in Us
Wine was wine. The word used is oinos, the only word for wine in the New Testament. In the Septuagint it is used to translate the Hebrew words yayin and tirosh. The word yayin is derived from a root word yayan meaning “to ferment.” The word yayin occurs 142 times in the Old Testament and includes all kinds of fermented wine. The first use of the word is in connection with Noah’s drunkenness (Genesis 9:21). It is used of the wine brought forth by Melchizedek for Abraham (Genesis 14:18). The same word is used in connection with Nabal and his extreme intoxication (1 Samuel 25:36–37). It was used at the feasts of the Lord (Deuteronomy 14:23–26) and was the wine poured out in the drink offering (Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 23:13; Numbers 15:5).
The word tirosh comes from the root yarash, (“to possess”), evidently because of wine’s power to take possession of a person’s brain. The word occurs thirty-four times in the Old Testament.
There can be little doubt that wine is what was served at the wedding, not grape juice. And they ran out of wine.