Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Information Age
There is more information at the tips of your fingers today then previous generations imagined possible.
Hey Google, how much information can I access presently?
in 2004, it was estimated that the worlds information storage was 5 zetabytes, that’s 4500 stacks of books, each stack goes from the earth to the sun.
The question is, what do we do with all of that information?
“the practice of supporting a political or social cause by means such as social media or online petitions, characterized as involving very little effort or commitment.”
you read about a cause that touches your heart, so you click like, you share it, and you’ve done your part.
Is there a Christian version of Slacktivism?
we hear a good message, or read something wonderful, and we give agree with it in our minds, but then never take the necessary steps to live it out.
Have you ever learned something wonderful in a sermon, and then forgotten about it within a month?
I know I have.
And I don’t want for that to happen with this critical series that we are in right now.
I want to live out the messages, and I want that for you as well.
This wont be a typical sermon today.
Because instead of presenting new material, I am going to review old material.
The goal, is to give us a chance to apply it to our lives.
Marching Orders
These are our Marching Orders as Church.
Jesus is the one calling the shots, and we are going to go forward in unity IF we are all obeying his Marching Orders.
Glorify God
Enjoy Him Forever
Introduce People to Jesus
Fully Devoted Followers
The Great Commandment
The Great Commission
What’s My Purpose?
To Glorify God
REVIEW - Main Point - (from Sept 15)
The Bible cleary tells us that God created us to glorify Him and we are commanded to glorify God in everything we do to fulfill our purpose.
-Pastor Kent
Remember the message?
“What’s Your Purpose” video asked people that question
Not many people had a good answer.
Since that time, I hope that you’ve had a chance to think through the question.
Are you living your life “On Purpose”
APPLICATION - Act in a way that causes others to give glory to God.
ACTION - Consider the next 6 days of your life.
Do you want for those days to have purpose?
If yes, then write down 1 or 2 things that you can work toward that will help others to give glory to God.
Enjoy God
Our purpose combines glory and joy like this.
Our highest purpose is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
MAIN POINT - Giving glory (praise) completes the enjoyment.
CS Lewis said it better than me.
I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment . . .
It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are; the delight is incomplete till it is expressed.
Jesus lives to Glorify God.
And Jesus is full of Joy.
During his time on earth, and even now as he rules the earth, Jesus does everything for the glory of God the Father..
Everything about Jesus life was like a light that shone.
He stood out from culture, his love was revolutionary, his teaching was authoritatie and life giving, his greatness was found in that he was the servant of all.
And his entire being shone with God’s glory.
If you are a follower of Christ, you want to live in such a way that is alive with God’s goodness.
Its a joy filled life, because it is a life that is lived in the freedom of Jesus Christ, who has forgiven your sin and made you alive in the way that is only possible through Jesus.
APPLICATION: If you are to see something glorious, then it follows that you will want to express that.
As we express God’s glory, and goodness, and character and salvation we are enjoying God.
We can do this as we sing, pray, as we talk with others, as we share, as we work, as we shine, as we celebrate.
We experience God’s Goodness only through Jesus Christ.
ACTION: Dedicate some time to expressing God’s goodness.
Here are some ways you might do that.
Count your blessings
Share with someone else
Pick one or two of those, and set some time aside this week to purpose to enjoy God through expressing his goodness.
30 Second Timer.
Introduce People to Jesus
Main Point -
Introducing people to Jesus is a significant component of your and my marching orders.
It is one of the ways we glorify God.
-Pastor Kent
Andrew, who would be become one of Jesus 12 disciples, was eager to introduce his brother Peter to Jesus.
Why was Andrew eager?
Because he had found the Messiah.
that enthusiasm followed Andrew for the rest of his life.
QUESTION - Rate your enthusiasm 1-10 for introducing people to Jesus. 1 is no enthusiasm.
10 is Andrew levels.
Show me on your fingers what rating you gave yourself.
There are some risks associated with telling other people about Jesus, and inviting them to learn more.
can damage your reputation
can change a friendship
can leave you feeling bad, (maybe it doesn’t go so well.)
But God calls us to obey him, and to trust him.
We don’t get to use these risks as reasons for disobeying God.
Penn Jillette is a magician (Penn & Teller) who is also an athiest.
You can find a video of him online telling a story about someone who wanted to introduce Penn to Jesus.
A few years ago, Jillette recorded a short video about someone who came to talk to him after one of his magic shows.
He said the guy was about his age and had participated in one of the acts as an audience member.
The man complimented Jillette on the show, then said, “I brought this for you.”
The man held up a small book.
It was a New Testament with the Psalms, something that could fit in a person’s pocket.
“I wrote in the front of it,” the man said, “and I wanted you to have this.”
The man explained he was a businessman and not crazy.
< .5
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