10/27/2019 - Sunday Service - Acts

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The Book of Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:00:11
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All right.

We have children's church today a man. So all the young children can go to children's church this morning, and it's all right, give it up for the children. right Majora praise team this morning and man, praise the Lord for the head a couple had some folks that are not feeling well, so I drummer couldn't be with us, and we're a little precious little girls and then my brother Doug my brother Doug has a son that's in the hospital and so he's taking care of his grandchild this afternoon. So there is stuff going around sickness going around and I'm sure you all are aware aware of it. So anyways good to have each and everyone of you in the house this morning. I want to thank you. It was wonderful to have brother Darryl A Renault and Brother David Throckmorton to fill in while we were gone. We had a really a glorious time Dunedin die in before we left and Men all the cards and everything. I mean, like I said Wednesday night we were able to do things that we would not have been able to do because of your love and your generosity to us. And so we just appreciate So much. So one of the big topics was before we left that had to do with a pink Jeep. So here we go. Not in that awesome that God can make something. I'm not talking about the Jeep for me. But anyway, but that but I look at the backdrop and I'm thinking man how incredibly beautiful that was. But if you noticed that we're on the front and the back end of his Jeep man, so we were pushing and pulling at the same time. So but anyways, it's got a little trick photo they're going on but truly we want to just thank you from the bottom of my heart. It was just a true Geordie be able to do that for the away for the last couple weeks and enjoy your family in North Carolina from Arizona and went to North Carolina. It's been a week with our kids. I got to see my grandson play football on Friday night. And what did you a call to pass right in front of me? I was taking a picture in about ran like right into me. If that's all I do is all good. I like to be part of the play, you know, so I like to be born is all good. But anyway, I'm excited for you guys have had a break from the book of Acts for a couple weeks. Guess what? Guess what we are still in the book of Acts. That's exactly right. So if you will open up your Bibles to Acts chapter 13, we're going to accept or 13 and and as you're doing that I want to share a little something with you kind of bring you up-to-date where we're at going through the book of Acts in Jerusalem in a D30. Jesus died on the cross resurrected on the third day then ascended into heaven. 50 days after the Resurrection The Holy Spirit fell on the apostles giving them power purpose and a plan out of the joy out of Joy the church was born. I want to think about that and powered by the Holy Spirit Peter gave his first sermon 3000 Hearts were transformed hearing receiving and repenting the young Church walk in unity and put on praise. An out of Joy the good news creates community.

Peter and John then continue to spread the good news through preaching and miracles and the church grew another 5,000 yet inside and outside forces threatened the unity of the church still outage or the church multiplied. It 8031 Stephen gave a powerful sermon connecting the Old Testament to Jesus and rebuking in love the people for their hard hearts. And and for the people in their hard Hearts, they were enraged the people Stone Stephen making him the first Christian martyr. It ain't E34 the good news continue to multiply through Philips Ministry in Samaria and caesarea. Meanwhile on the road to Damascus the Lord transform the heart of saw a man who persecuted countless Christians and Saul became Paul. After this conversion the good news continue to spread through the ministry of Paul and Peter God gave Peter a vision and used him first to reach the Gentiles and as the Believers were scattered because of persecution Antioch became the church's Center of operations while the Lord continue to protect the church in Jerusalem. Already 44 King Herod Agrippa the first executed the Apostle James. This is what we talked about the last time I had Peter arrested, but an angel of the Lord rescue Peter leading him out of prison. In every day and age the church received both persecution and price. All multiplication comes at a cost, but we must fight for and pray for Unity we must fight for and we must pray for Unity in this body in the body of Christ. We must We must be willing to give up our preferences. We must be willing to say goodbye. We must be willing to move forward for the good of the church and the sake of the good news. Auto Joy the church multiplies. This is ax and the good news is always advancing. It's always have it. Dunedin I have been with you guys for wonderful 22 months. Our hearts have been knitted together with each and everyone of you. We are grateful for God's direction for all of our lives together. Colitas here to minister alongside each and every one of you so as we go into the word of God this morning. I want to give you sort of a state of the union of the Beverly Hill Campus Hills campus Cornerstone. I want to talk a little bit about where we came from kind of where we're at today and where we're going tomorrow. And so when I was thinking about this, I was thinking about you know, that when it started the beginning of the beginning which I was so grateful to Dara was here a couple weeks ago is Dara was very instrumental in the formation of the what we have right here right now. And so I thank the Lord for using Daryl to help bring this together. Not only Daryl and Cornerstone, but also a Heritage Baptist as well and brother Barry whom I never met. And so I just want to encourage you as we can look to congregations Cornerstone Baptist and Heritage Baptist join together. Listen to join together Heritage unselfishly for the sake of the Gospel walked across the street over here to the community center, which is where Cornerstone.

But the thing that was a blessing was is that I know that Daryl I know Pastor Greg had a vision to come out and do a new work in this area that needed to be gospel. You need to be a church in here if I need to be at church a new plant. And so I know Darryl was over at the community center doing that all the while that was going on in this church here called Heritage Baptist pastor. Barry was fighting through cancer.

And I can't even begin to Fathom staying up here in the Pulpit is a pastor fighting through cancer and all the Ender and I've heard so many different stories from Brother Bob and everything that he had to do even even to help finish some of the verses and words, you know. But the but the thing that that saddens my heart is that a lot of people had left I guess in it comes down to a few numbers. Here's what got me was unselfishly. This congregation call Harry's Baptist. Got up walked out this church and walked across that street and went over to Pastor Darrell and they didn't want to see the doors closed on this campus in facility. They want to see the gospel spread. And they merge together. That took place and I'm saying is because a lot of you may not even understand the history behind the Hills campus. But they signed a covenant agreement was signed on June 7th 2016.

It's a really the church merging together. That's kind of like the birth of this church. Really when you come by and book the congregation's together. Brother Darryl Bean instrumental that sat down with Brother Bear and I think they both oven it corn to brother Dan Rickson. And so and so when I look at this and it's so Daryl became the first pastor of the Hills campus church for. Of time. I know how long it was. But then after Pastor Darrell was here then Pastor David Smith came, and I know y'all know Pastor David Smith. All right. And so and he's preached here since he's he's he's brought the sermon here as well since I've been here as well fact, he was the instrumental and kicking it off to get me to think about coming here.

I know Pastor David for over 20 years great man of God love the Lord with everything that is from his toes. He loves the Lord. I saw he was here for. Tom nearly a year and then we came off first Sunday and I was going to do this our first Sunday was Christmas Eve Christmas Eve was the first service. And I was going to bring my little Joy Bell and remember that the bell and I was going to bring it in and shake it a little bit. But what a wonderful time that was I think about where the church is come from. And those of you that have been here during the duration. No. And it wasn't always easy. I'm sure there were struggles and and they're all struggling there always be struggles. This message today is going to be so vital for you to hear this this morning.

Just get the good news the gospel always advances. How did Vance's for people like you and I? The body the church. This is how it invent. Don't encourage you to really listen this morning. She presently look around. This was a church. That was about to close.

I believe we're far from that, don't you? I meant and so I so I encouraged this morning and I'm encouraged about some of the things that we're doing here. I'm I'm encouraged by the organization is being set up with in in the house. You're a ministerial team through our leaders that we have. We have a long way to go and there's still a lot of work in front of us. But we are making Headway. I don't want you to be discouraged by what you be encouraged or what you're saying no matter what you see. You know, what the devil is a liar. And he will cause you think we're not getting better. But we are I see it and many of you do to as well. One of the things I wanted to share, what was the Hoosier one campaign that we started doing a few about a month or so ago? And that board is out in the for you when you look at it sell this ping pong balls and people who are sharing their faith to Amber balls mean that that the white balls mean to put the name on there and you drop it in there. That's who you're praying for God brought with them on your heart to pray and hopefully open up dialect to lead them to Jesus. The Amber ball is that you have a spiritual conversation with that person that you've been praying for and the green ball is that they have received Jesus as their savior. And so just a way for us to visually see what's going on within the campus of what we're doing in the people in the body of Christ here at the hills Camp. So with that I want to share a little special thing with you brother. You can share that for me.

I'm here with. You remember a couple months ago? We did Hoosier one campaign and he had people come up and they had a little white ping pong balls and they put the name of who's you one who should want that person that you know that came in to come to your name other name comes to your mind because their laws, I don't know Jesus as Savior and so we had everybody come up and they put the name of that one that came to their mind and sister Sheila had one that came to her mind. She put it on her we pray for these individual that is incredible campaign sister. Sheila has a wonderful story. She wants to share with you about who's you want?

Tom and I have three

So much information and the poor child looked at me like a deer in headlights. So I backed away and I just prayed someone God would send someone to share the love of Jesus with him.

We are charging.

And it's got a plan.

Bible they showed up so much we had little time for sure cuz it's so you know about the last day of their visit my heart and just no fuss. No muss. I didn't think about it much. I just I went in and got Bible. I have a lot of Bibles tonight like a journal and and then switch.



good happy hour to


applesauce sitting there


amen sister

Or maybe you need a ride on a ping pong ball and start it right now. So I just want to encourage you you can have your own store just like sister Sheila store with their grandkids at this very table right here. So get on board with who's you want? Amen?

Amen in now

I don't know. I think it's every grandparents dream that they have their grandkids. Come to know Jesus as Savior right? I remember when my kids came to know Jesus Savior. Joyful my heart to know that I can see my family my son my daughter-in-law and my kids they were completely new. Jesus is savior. So I know I know I can lay my head down tonight knowing that they're going to be with the Savior if anything happens and so there's no no more rest for the soul than the know that special when it comes to your family members. And so and so that is that is a presence is what we doing. This is there's nothing more important than sharing the love of Jesus Christ when people this is what we're about and we've got so much room to grow and but we need to come together as a body of Christ to grow together and that's what we're doing. I think when you look back in the foyer and you see that on the way out check that out and just see how many people have shared Christ with their won and how many have received Christ as their savior because they star Praying for one right here and then went out there and actively pursue their one and share the love of Christ with them and like sister Sheila and Tom do so. I just give praise and glory for what God is doing here and there's a lot more happen. I mean, we've got this Thursday, what a great opportunity this share the love of Jesus Christ and I'm not mean just share it. I just physically by being here but verbally sharing Jesus what Jesus has for us to share is the greatest news. We've got a whole world is dying around this without Jesus Christ and right here in our missing our Jerusalem right here wears many people that are dying they died today. They will split hell wide open because they don't know Jesus. And so God has this church here. This is this is the book of Acts right here. You are present in the book of Acts right now right now you are here and so I want to encourage you in that in the future. You know, I'm looking to see great things. You know, I'm thinking about this church in the future and what it's going to look like. And it's something to think about in the something to pray about it and it's something that when we come together, so here we are listen as a result of the book of Acts you and I are the result of it. We are sitting right here in this room as a result of the book of Acts this first century narrative that we've been studying all along listen reading and studying is tied directly to who we are on this side of the world miles and miles and miles away from Jerusalem. Think about that from it. We are a product of that tivity of that first century that we cannot deny. We should not deny that if we are saved we are tied directly to the first 3000 who got say we are tied directly to the 5000 they got is some way we are tied to each other once it's started in Jerusalem. And then it moved from Jerusalem to wear to Judea and Samaria and we are that other most parts of the world. And we have a mission as the church is the body of Christ, you know, there are still roads in wrong that are still driven on from the Roman days. Ancient roads that they still used today, they have some kind of a road system when I think about our road system. Cuz I got to admit Florida's that's pretty decent roads. Tell you the truth. You going to North Carolina and South Carolina and you run through 97 the only one, how you been up to 95. To get your car fixed when you get through right? I'm tired. But listen, but can you imagine? In wrong, they built such a roadway system that 2000 years later. You can still drive on today of Summer. All but it is amazing. But yet all that all that stuff that they did in wrong. They still killed our brothers and sisters. They still fed him to the Lions. Think about that. They fed him to the Lions severe persecution to the church to destroy the faith. They tried to destroy the faith. And they could not destroy the faith. The gospel is spreading from Paul to the ends of the Earth. And as we going to chapter 13 today, this is a tree transition from the apostles in Jerusalem and feed her to the Apostle Paul as he goes to the Gentiles in the sin in the Church of Antioch, which is the church to the Gentiles is what is known for as it goes and it spreads the gospel for a why because of Antioch.

Let that sink in it's just an amazing. It's an amazing fact God can't fail and I wanted to look at the church Antioch. So let's look at Acts chapter 13 starting in verse 1. We're going to get these first three verses when a park on it in the church. That was at Antioch. There were prophets and teachers Barnabas Simeon who was called Niger Lucius the cyrenian man and a close friend of Herod the tetrarch and saw as they were ministering to the Lord and fasting the holy spirit said set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work. I've called them to do then after they fasted and prayed and laid hands on them. They sent them off. I want to park on these verses for a while cuz I want to kind of taking apart a little bit. There's so much in these verses that we just don't see sometimes we need as the Hills campus need to be a church like black Antioch. A gospel-centered Powerhouse. That's what they were outside of Jerusalem. It is shape that is molded and fueled by the good news of Jesus Christ. It is the men and women are seen as Sons and Daughters of Jesus Christ. Where he listens Jesus died on the cross, he he took the route that was meant for all of us for each and every one of us and them as well and then returning coming back resurrected from the dead he and his righteousness into all of our lives and we're saying forever free and forever. We don't have to worry about dying ever to live with Jesus Christ forever because of what Jesus did because of his love for us.

These people got it. These people experience Jesus's resurrection a lot of with the leaders.

And these people got it and they did everything they could everything they could to share what Jesus did for them to other people or we would not be sitting here today? The gospel. The good news is advancing is always always advancing and it and listen regardless of the people's back on. Jesus came for all. He came for all people think about Paul and Barnabas working together side by side. That in itself is a testament to Jesus Christ. It's a Testament of the power of Jesus Christ. Let's look at this amazing thing. If you look back at Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 4 36 to 37. Listen to this 36. It says Joseph A levite and A cypriot by birth the one the apostles called Barnabas.

Joseph name was changed to Barnabas, which means what he is the son of encouragement. He sold a field he owns he brought the money and he laid it where at the apostles feet. He sold his property to call Annie laid it at the apostles feet. Barnabas or Joseph but it's now Barnabas is all in. He's committed. He's in he believes he knows Jesus when he was a walk. His wife is sold out for who for Jesus. He's sold out. He's all completely in from Joseph our thing about it. I mean had his name change from Joseph to Barnum the son of encouragement his temperament change as well as the hold of his wealth it all changed and he saw what he had and he gave it to the apostles for distribution to help people out. He was challenged by the beauty of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Generous Barnabas was encouraging he had no problem getting under Authority here. No problem taking orders. He is legitimately sold out. He's not a fake Christian. There's no such thing as a fake Christian. He is Christian through and through. He is committed his life to Jesus Christ. How do we know he's not fake? I'll tell you how we know there's another story. That's a merry about ananias and Sapphira.

What happened to them? remember They sold some stuff too, but they didn't bring all the money in the day and they lied. And they paid the price for it. Barnabas was the real deal. And we know that for that fat right there just by itself. Then we see Listen to Saul or Paul. Listen to Saks a member access 8. We went through acts 8:1 through three assists all agreed with putting him to death Steven. Think about this on that day or severe persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem and all except the apostles were scattered throughout the land of Judea and Samaria about men buried Stephen and more deeply over him. So however was ravaging the church listen saw is ravaging the church. He would enter the house after house dragged off men and women and put them in prison. That's what Paul was doing. What star was doing? Surely surely Barnabas new some of the women whose homes were kicked in by Paul by Saul. I think about that for me. Shirley Barnabas new those family surely one of his new some of those members of the church surely he knew some of that that were Christians surely he knew when they were going in and saw was persecuted and Dragons whole family's out of the out of their homes changing their entire world. The world was destroyed because it's all Zeal for Judaism. Think about that. Here's Barnabas. So here's my question. My question is how do they even work together and Antioch?

how to make work together in Antioch This is how because of the power of the gospel and reconciles each other into Christ into each other. The power of the Gospel brings us together because listen their minds that was God first. people II God first people second, whatever God wants God gets. They learn how to get past those things. Look at Philippians 2 Philippians chapter 2 verses 3 and 4. Pause understood that Sandy Road do nothing out of rivalry or conceit. He said but in humility consider others as more important than yourself.

Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others.

I think we must pause on this sometimes. Sometimes we Elevate ourselves is more important than anybody else when the opposite is actually true where the least of everybody else. Why should be that's God's way.

This is the miracle of the Gospel the good news Mouzon Saul and Barnabas and they can come together and work together for the kingdom. That's a miracle.

Under some trying Service as this and they will be willing to die for one another as they proceed forward.

We see this in the Church of Antioch where people listen the people of Antioch were one-time enemies of each other and now because of the power of the Gospel they're working together for the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul and Barnabas partnered up to share the good news and start churches all over the place. And because they were willing to get underneath the authority of Jesus Christ, they were able to work together start new churches in here. We sit in these pews because of what they did. And this an example for you and for me and for all of us to take in and to cherish within our life.

There was another man that I listed in that scripture Manning. Let's talk about many in for a minute and very close friend of Herod Agrippa the first Think about this for me. The Heron families were not great. Amen. Remember Herod the Great at the birth of Christ and decrees that all babies under to be put to death remember that who went to such a horrendous thing.

Add brother-in-law a mother-in-law executed. Who would do such a thing some you might like that? I don't know. No, no, I'm just kidding. It's not a joking matter for real and then Herod Antipas. Listen next. He marries his Step Brothers ex-wife after Step Brothers ex-wife daughter. Right says I will give you whatever you want in my kingdom and what did she ask for? John the Baptist head

and he doesn't bring down those head on a platter. He does it she has her job as head of but listen and the night. Jesus was arrested pilot since Jesus to Herod Harry thinks he's a magician is a great asset to the nursing magician. Jesus refuses to do more miracles.

I didn't Manny. He's a lifelong friend of Herod Agrippa. Who is the grandson of Herod the Great? And we talked about him. The last time I was here. He's the one that had James kill. He's the one in prison Peter going to do the same thing to Peter. He did the James but the angel of the Lord in vain.

And then after that story out at 12, and we didn't really get to those versus been here and ends up dying. Because missed are glorifying him and the angel orthodontist truck Harry and he died full of worms.

Manning was a lifelong friend of Harry. He was the inner circle of Herod. But yet all these men and women and they are falling Christ included Manning. How can that happen? This is a testimony. Listen. It's a testimony of overcoming what overcoming our past. And look into our future. in Christ in Christ in Christ

When we think we have done something so bad so wrong that you cannot be used of God. Something's wrong that we have been pushed the boundary too far to be forgiven and can't never be useful enough for God's kingdom something raw. We must get over ourselves. It's not about us and it's not about our past. It's about our today and who were under the story were under it's about today forget. The past is behind us is gone. We live in the present. And it's a gift from God. We got to get past or passed it over ourselves. We must get out. The truth is the truth.

Bring about that. We're not.

When we do that we dwell on our past. Listen, I level it would call herself a navel gazer.

Because what are you looking at? You're looking at yourself? You're not f****** it a God Almighty who forgive you of everything you've ever committed. You're looking here looking at yourself. You're inside yourself, and you can't forgive yourself.

Call wants to put it in the past. Jesus died for all of our sin.

They all look how bad I know. I am how bad I was. I can't be used of God.

Listen, it's never about how awful you were. It's about how awesome got it.

It's not about how awful you are. So awesome. God is awesome. He Crest freedom to those who will take him in the lord. I can't do it. I can't live it. I can't be it. Look Lord. I know you know my past but I know you also know my future Lord I give up I give it all to you Jesus. It's about you is not about me. It's about you. Let me get my hands on myself and get my eyes on you. I say this cuz I got to tell myself this every single day. everyday yoga, Thomas

This is precious. What Jesus did for us is very precious?

It is often God's consistent practice to pull people from the fringes of darkness and depravity to radically change their life to become his bright lights to a lost and dying world. God has a way doing it. Listen 1st Corinthians 1:26 talks about in Falcon 1st Corinthians 1 verse 26. Listen Brothers. He says consider your car not many are Wise from a human perspective. Not many powerful not many are noble by birth. Is that God? Listen God has what chosen what is food in the world to shame who the wise and God has chosen one is what week in the world week. What week is Sinners. He's chosen to become saints of God.

Boys week listen to shame The Chosen what is insignificant? I'm having you feel insignificant. Call me honest. So I do to to speed everything. In this huge Universe, I feel like smaller than that. Msnf again. We got taste all of us in our insignificant and makes it somebody. For his glory for his good enough for us, but for him.

Splat no one can boast in his presence. I can't boast in his present. Neither. Can you if you do how I feel sorry for you? Who would do that?

Stand before God the Bible says every mouth is going to be shot. Cuz you're going to know whether you believe or didn't believe you're going to know every needs going to buy every tongue every lost a person in the world every single person in the world lost her say it'll stand face-to-face and they're going to Bow NE. We're going to confess Jesus is Lord.

Show me a sad day for some. Not for some foremost. Because there's so many people not going to help today.

He said but it is from him that you are in Christ. Jesus who became God giving wisdom for us. All righteousness sanctification redemption in order that what as it is written the one who boasts must do what we must boast who in the Lord we must boast in the Lord. He loves to take all of us the foolish things in the world to confound and mess with the wisdom of the wise people who think they're so why's this is God's preference and it's off. Look for your Bibles and all the foolish things that he the foolish ones that he took and look what he did to. You're no different. The glory of God is that you never out soon his grace. You never out sin. God's grace never there are many characters in the Bible who would chuckle at what you have done in your sin compared to what they've done.

The transforming power of the gospel and Manny has life example provided him. Listen a changed life from the old man that he was to the new man that God can use. That's why is it any obvious? Why is there God radically transform his wife is saving from the mayor from the herodian regime. He he saved them out of that and made him something to be useful for God's purpose. It's amazing.

But it also shows the level of trust. No, man is part. But even with the darkest of past God Tanner will change the very heart of a person for Christian Ministry. He will do it. There is diversity in this church in Antioch that we need to also know about as well. Think about this. Look at these people Barnabas, right Barnabas was the Hellenistic Jew from Cypress. Hellenistic Jew means that part of the Des for sit back in the BC time When they were taking in Babylonian captivity, so I'm going to let go and they were spread all over the place and they were Greek speaking. They became greek-speaking juice. And they're everywhere.

Barnabas is from Cyprus Simeon. Look at Simeon don't know where he is actually from but his he is called Niger that were Niger means black. At most Scholars and commentaries everyone I've ever read. They think he was a black man. Any skin was black and then number look at Lucius Lucius is from Cyrene, which is African. Africa and then Manning, he's a Palestinian Greek herodian. That's what he is. And then there's Saul of Tarsus grew up in Jerusalem is a Jew but not the same kind of Jew was Barnabas Saul is the hebraic Jews.

This list shows a type of Heinz 57 in the Church of Antioch. Think about that. There's a lot so much diversity in this church.

These were people at a time listen at a time who would not serve together let alone get along with each other ever. These are people who work at Spectrum. So poor opposite. They were not even to talk to each other look at each other. You would never stick these people in a home together. Never It would freak out.

It would kill each other. Why because they were trained from birth to despise the other men on those on this list. But the gospel the good new shows up. Listen to tear down all the walls to tear down all the barriers. I country has such a hard time with this.

We are humans made in the image of God. I don't care what our skin color is our way. We are. What are made in the image of the king of kings and Lord were made in His image? And we're value in that respect because we are met we are a soul we matter to God. We matter. Your God would not have made it. Every Soul matters

with gospel the good new shows up tear down walls embarrassed the hostility of cultural identification the social economic status and created a new body called The Church a new people making us all what want it is a funny how man always gets in the way. He always gets in the way trying to disrupt it. That's why we have denominations. That's a man's going. It's not God's this man's doing. Man gets in the way.

Galatians 3:27 coin I listed as for as many as you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ like a Garmin there is listen to this. No, Jew or Greek slave or free male or female for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you belong to Christ and you are Abraham's seed heirs according to the promise. Neither Jew or Greek slave or free the gospel. Does that for this to happen? There must be an ongoing ethic and that's thinking of what of confession and repentance right confession repentance and a fight a real fight for True community. when to fight for community

without those three things this could never work. number these are a group of who are serious about living for God hearing from the Lord. Also the type of relational Harmony that have listened a group of men very serious about seeking the Lord and hearing from him. Amen. Don't want to hear from God. praying and listening to God how you know how verse to it said the holy spirit said when the holy spirit says and they listening to it than their hearing from God throw being obedient.

Praying fasting worth thing in the lining their world to the Lord their world to the Lord. relining near world to the Lord and that's what we have to do. So, how does the Lord speak God speaks in many ways God speaks through people God speaks through circumstances and precious dreams Visions Sarah, but this is a key. Listen. I want everyone to get this. However, God speaks to you. He will never contradict or go against is worth. ever Okay, I got speak to you. But if it contradicts this and God's not speaking to you. To which automatically tell you if you truly want to hear from God you must * 10000 be in is worth. Every single day don't leave it on the Shelf read it.

He does speak and he speaks very loudly in this book. So your circumstances dreams Visions premonitions, whatever you want to call must always be filtered through. What is the pages of the word of God?

You must all grow into his will we must dial into God's character by entering diving in this world. The word of God is our litmus test. Listen for what we should do and how we should do it. It is our litmus test. We must be informed we must be filtered by his word. Listen folks. There are no Asterix in the Bible that says except for you. Think about that. There are no a street except for you. It's not there. No, we're never have never will the filter for the Lord leading me is the word of God know where in the Bible does it tell me to marry, Denis Drummond. It doesn't tell me that in the Bible. It doesn't but the Bible does say a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord Proverbs 18:22 to single woman. I forgot that's what I have.

What about coming to the Hills campus church? It's not in the Bible is not but I know what's in the Bible says for us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as a habit of some right is that in the Bible? I need to be in the Lord's house wherever God sends me to be that's where I need to be. I'm glad y'all are here. Y'all be an obedient. That's cool. I meant I'm better music.

It's important, but the gift of preaching and teaching listen is what I have been given for the equipping of the Saints of healing of the body of Christ. So I know by the word of God, I'm supposed to be here. I know that Antiochus also, listen Antioch is also open handed. And we see this in the scripture and they collected money to help out Jerusalem during the famine. Think about this training do know that they're training evangelize equipping is seeking in prayer. The Lord's will And this blows me away Paul and Barnabas this really blew me away with rock. Look at the scripture Paul and Barnabas. Listen to Halo Barnabas. Think about this for a minute. Check this out. They train and then the church lays hands on them. The train is of the church and send them out.

Sent them out. It's amazing to me. So when I get done y'all can lay your hands on me and send me out. Now I'm just kidding. But here is a principal and I want you to get this get this principle here from your past to visit if God has worked in your heart. And life it isn't because of Pastor.

or the person but the god of the person

do not get caught exhausting The Vessel more than the vessel maker.

Ever ever don't we as people can put too much emphasis on jars made it play.

Don't do that. You'll be let down.

Yes, we are on our people but would never more than we honor the god of the people. We should encourage thank and honor that don't exhaust them. Hi for me. They will run out of air. Don't do it. Don't exalt this pastor ever.

God is building his church and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail over it. So let's work through our diversity and unity. Let's be prayed up led by his Spirit which means we must hear his spirits and do what his spirit says. Let's be open-minded with everything Watching God move in amongst us and he is moving in a monsters. We must watching he's there.

Alyssa this is the Big Y for me the Hills campus. What could the Hill Campus look like a hundred years from now?

That's what I want to see. You know, I want to see it. I'll see it as God built his church open-handed sacrificial. We have the Fall Festival this week people moving at the ministry for some kind somewhere man. We got kids teenagers. We need help and all these different areas. And I would employ you to jump in their find a place whether it's sitting here listening to reading encouraging whatever it is find your place find it don't just come in here and take up space on a few find a place in space to serve. Find a place. We cannot grow without all of you being involved in some form or fashion.

We have a great opportunity to grow in Jesus. God wants us to God designed us to God put us together. He put these people together he put all of you together for what? Share the gospel Jesus Christ and see people say that means the little children need to hear the gospel. That means our students need to hear the gospel. That means our senior dogs need to hear the gospel. That means are middle-aged folks need to hear the gospel. the Bridgers all of the Boomers the Bridgers Generation z x y q whatever. Everybody needs to hear the gospel. Everybody needs to listen to be fed. Jesus Christ. We need to hear about Jesus. He's the only way we're going to save he's the only way we're going to be together and he's the only way that's the way God designed it to build. His church is rust a shared together.

I know some of you wonder why we do this fall festival. That's one reason trying to get opportunity to share Jesus with these people that come on our campus to let her know that we exist in our neighborhood. We're not just in here to look pretty but we're in here to make an impact in their life. And in order to make that impact we've got to be here. We got to be present because when you're not present, you know what you send a message to them. Because we're not equipped and ready to do it. And when we're not here, we're not present. We send a message that it's not that big a deal God ain't that big a deal God is the biggest deal ever? You must be about what he wants to do and then let's bow our heads and close our eyes. Father I thank you Lord for this time together. I thank you Lord for the sweet people Lord. I'm preaching to myself probably Morrison. I'm preaching to them. The Lord is my prayer God that this weed listen to your word and we dive in your word that we see the example of Antioch in amongst his father Lord a week. We will see that in your yes. We're diverse. Yeah, we have different personalities. We have different traits. We had different likes we have different dislikes. We have all kinds of different things. And yes Lord, sometimes sometimes people get on my nerves and sometimes I get on their nerves and sometimes we're quirky and sometimes we don't know what we're doing or or whatever and Lord. I pray that we can look Beyond I keep our eyes focused on you and get along with one another and love each other more than we love our self. So Lord, I Thank you for all our folks are here encouraged them this morning to know God that they're here and God that you were here with them to make an impact in her life had to use them for the glory of God just like Sheila was used and Tom for their grandchildren Lord. I love that. They took it seriously, they share the gospel and their grandchildren gets saved because of it. Laura praise you Jesus for that that only happens because of you. Lord if there's someone in our miss that doesn't know you would save Yer it's my prayer that right now they say, you know, I want some of what Pastor fields to Sheila them have. I I want to be able to do that. I want to do that. I need to be saved or never trusted Christ the Savior, but I want to trust him to save her just right now just right now fetch you right now say Jesus Come into my heart change my life. I want to live for you from this day forward the best way I know how

Chasing After You Jesus forgive me for my sinfulness in my past. Forgive me for my sin Jesus. I trust you as my savior today by the faith that I have heard from the way. I'm living the chase after you with all my heart God today. I thank you Jesus for saving. Lord I think these are Christian for this time to step up and two step out and it do got what you called us to do but I'm eternally grateful for everybody this year. Let us have a great week 4 days May the power of God be manifested in each one of us as reported to the life of those who may have never heard the gospel who Jesus is equip is this week in Jesus mighty name. Amen, and amen folks. Have a great week. We'll see you. We got Bible study tonight at 6.

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I tried to tape it with one hand Louis. I'm sorry.

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