Praying in the Spirit

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I'm going to restart this. Next slide please.

Do you know what?

I'm relying on you for your slides for the size of my next side, please.

Last week we talked about traveling prayer. It's when got burdens your heart and you begin the process of birthing something from Heaven to Earth. We seen that we read the story of Elijah Elijah received the word from God the word was I'm going to send the rain but then Elijah had to go pray and he says he talked to his head between his legs and he started to pray cuz he was in a birthing position. Travailing prayer is not something we can do. We own our own it's not something that we can manufacture you can try but you're wasting your time. It's something that only God can do for us. It's when you read your Bible you you read it and then all the sudden there's a word in there that could next deep within your heart and that says connecting with your heart through something that happened your heart begins to break you begin to get burning about the same thing that got hurt his burden for And then you begin this process of birthing it out. You begin to travail pray and sometimes during Groats. Sometimes they're in the end Mellen that you don't know. Sometimes you wake up on your bed and you just weepy and you don't know why but you know God's doing something there. That's another way of traveling next five, please.

Today we're going to talk about. praying in the spirit you guys ready for this one? And Jude 20th June the 1st chapter the 20th verse that said something very clear. If you have your Bibles, I want you to go get your files and go to it as much as you and if you have a pain, I want you to underline. This is a very teaching style today, very teaching a lot of information. But the same time I want you to grab a hold of this.

Any Jude? It says this.

it says but you beloved build yourselves up found it on your Most Holy Faith make progress rise, like an edifice higher and higher praying in the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit as yourself up in your Most Holy Faith by praying in the Holy Ghost. What do you think Judy Judy is not a long book. Jude is very short sweet and it hurts. You can't read you without getting sore feet and crying. Cuz it's very direct.

What do you say I want you to build yourself up be founded on and the way that you do that. He makes a note here by praying in what?

Death in your Bibles, right? It's not just up here on the screen. You sure about that?

So my first question next slide what is praying in the Holy Ghost?

What I read the scripture. I always ask questions. How is she going to get answers? I'm asking. What does this mean? What does it look? Like? What is it? What is praying in the Holy Ghost? Why is it even in there and why does it say build myself up in my Most Holy Faith by praying in the holy spirit. So evidently praying in the Holy Spirit fills me up in my face.

Let's dive.

So I told you question would be what is praying in the Holy Ghost question 2 would be how do we pray in the Holy Ghost? You need to understand something when God said something you have to ask questions. What is it? And how do I do it? If you don't understand what it is, you can't enter into doing it. Jurassic B this place where we gain understanding and that understanding is seen through wisdom when I begin to activate and do the Bible says it's not the heroes that are blessed. But those who do the word. You can hear it, but that's how faith comes but Those Who Kill the word don't be deceived now, you can read it a multiple times. But unless you're activating in it, unless you're actively doing it. You don't know it.

You guys ready to dive with me? Let's go to Corinthians 14 1 through 5. We're going to be diving deep today.

post a link to the Corinthian Church Let me see later. She's talking to the community of Christians at Corinth. They would have these meetings such as we are having right now where they would gather together and there's a lot of things going on everyone in the group will begin to pray in tongues. They begin to pray and like people to come in and they would understand the liquor word. It's like me going to actually did this. I went to an Amish church with a new order Amish church out in. Kinsman and I'm in there and they're singing Everything in Dutch. And if you ever been to an almost out of church, it's very slow in the songs are so the whole time. I'm there. I'm going

They were sitting there saying. But I at least home then right.

So he says if you're speaking in unknown language that other people don't know. Let me give you some advice don't check it out pursue and seek to acquire this love make it your anger Great quest and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowment known as gifts, especially that you may prophesy into the Divine will and purpose inspired preaching and teaching. Let me see stop there. Support of the Corinth Church says Hey, I want you to pursue love but that be the best gift that you would love people very well that you would learn how to walk in the love of God because it surpasses all knowledge. And he said now that that's your aim. I also want you to desire and cultivate. You know what that looks like cultivate. What Farmers sow seed in the ground he begins to do what Cult of it would be. So he Waters that he tends to the Garden God's asking us to seek after don't make it our aim. Don't make it the first aim, but at least have it in your lying ass go. You guys ready?

For one species unknown to men but to God for 14, no one understands or catches his meaning because in the Holy Spirit, he other secret room and hidden things not obvious to understanding. Hold on. Everyone got their highlighters.

because in the Holy Spirit

the other secret truths hidden things not obvious to understanding.

What did Jude 1 say?

build yourself up in your Most Holy Faith by praying in the Holy

We're gaining understanding. Let's keep diving. But on the other hand the one prophesied to interpret the Divine will and purpose inspired preaching and teaching speaks to men for their up building and constructive spiritual progress and encouragement and consolation. Is using it to build up in Courage and said that he is constructing something there.

I want you to cheat Jude 20 in your mind. Because the first part that says to love it. build up

he speaks in a Strange Talk edifies and improves himself, but you prophesize interpreting the Divine will and purpose and teaching with inspiration edifies improves the church that promotes growth and Christian wisdom piety, Holiness and happiness. Pause for a moment. He who speaks in a strange tongue does what?

Enterprise edifies himself

Do you know what edify means in the Greek? I know it looks like okie dokie.

okie dokie

you guys ready for the pronunciation?

OK Google la la Or I could do meow.

How to pronounce a couple times I get up here and I still can't do the Greeks. It means to house. To be a house Builder that is to construct. in the Greek edify it means that so when we go back it says he who speaks in a strange tone edifies that okie dokie word and saying that house pillar construct begins to build your building something. Let's go back to build yourself up in your Most Holy Faith.

Are you guys following me?

Going on in Corinthians. Is this speak in unknown tongues, but especially prophesied. I want to underline something here underline the word all.

I want to check this disclosure.

My problem is you see on this, but if you have a Bible in your head, I want you holding up.

I want you to say with me that this is my Bible.

I believe what it says. I want everything. God has for me. my Bible is not Pentecostal Methodist Lutheran Catholic

Baptist Presbyterian Mennonite Amish and all the above my Bible is the infallible Which means true? really true

it is word. Is 4 MI? Hey, Matt, put it down.

this is not a denominational Doctrine I don't know where the word people thought. It was okay to coin something. That's for everyone.

That's like trying to sell someone air and trust me you can do it because I have paintball guns.

Do not talk to the worship team about that.

but this is not a denominational Doctrine guys. It's his anger Bible in my pulse is I wish. all Who's included in all?

You sure. Even that little girl that was waving the flags. Emma Oh.


that throws out the whole series of some gifts are mine and some gifts are yours done it?

Told you were diving deep today. It has to throw that out then our life were taught things that may not be biblical. Before we dive in the Bible. What we do is we take the lenses of what we were taught. But other people we put them on and we read the scriptures for someone else's View.

I'm asking you today to take those off. And put on God's view put on the whole armor of God right now put on the helmet of salvation. So we can think right. Put on the breastplate of righteousness to understand that we're position, right? purge yourself with the belt of Truth because the belt of Truth is his word because Jesus said your word is true. And after you did that I want you to make sure you got your piece sneakers on.

More importantly. I want you to have your sword drawn.

Because the word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. Cutting separating and I'm paraphrasing this park that which is spiritual and that which is cardinal.

Showing you the intentions of the hearts.

Because I wish that you all speak in tongues and unknown tongues, but most especially prophecy. So who gets tossed who is prophecy?

Come on, let's see if you gargle.

That's a tough one to pull out in there. So I went to the dentist and had to pull up my wisdom tooth. There was no goes on my wisdom.

Any set there and rock it back and forth. And I just started rocking it back and forth. I sent you. Could you know me again? Serena me again and after he knocked me again, he started rocking it again. And eventually that thing pop right out.

Right. Now it may feel like in your heart you being rocked and your mind you may feel like you're being rocked. back and forth But I'm not going to another man's Doctrine. I'm going to the word of God.

Because his word is what sets us free from our own ways of thinking so we can enter in his supposed talking to this church and he said hey you all I wish that you all and I wish you all would prophesy that means to be inspired to preach in interpreting the Divine will and purpose. Let me explain what that looks like at a church setting and that there was no such thing as the New Testament you guys agree with me. Because it was being written. So palsy, I want you to promise. I want you guys to begin to steal yourself before the Lord asked God what he wants to speak out the people to teach and that's what they did. They have the Old Testament and they begin to say well even in the Old Testament they would reference in it's about even and asked when Peter gave his first sermon he references the old testament old testament until they use the Old Testament as a reference to a point, but what they were speaking was not even written down yet. Are we in agreement?

Praying in the Holy Spirit is also known as speaking in tongues the taboo of a lot of people certain churches.

My son KY that say this is crazy. Crazy Jackson. He talked a lot when he was young. This dude was like one and a half 10 dinosaur in the world, man. He start pronouncing things he knew how to talk and then all the sudden we took him to his doctor's but I turn right to thank you.

Do you know where the way talks is dinosaur and when he went there?

Calling them out by name. How did you learn to talk? I said. We haven't been teaching them. He just kind of picked it up as he went to think I comes in the picture taxes or what. He's like two years old size 1 Jack 63 and kind and talk when he was two guys to now if you can talk to you with silent. Then all of a sudden we're up in the bed one day laying as a family talkin and kite just jumped up on the bed and he says I'm boss, baby.

boss, baby


is only one rooster in this.

But my little son was looking at my boss, baby. I said, okay. Well your boss baby. I'm boss that that agreement. Yay.

I think I started speaking full sentences out of the blue. and I'm like what in the world? How did this happen? Would you look at the psychological level it's because when there's a first child in the house and that child talks the second Ones playing catch-up. So they're going to acquire and pick up things a lot easier than what the first one did and it bath in advance them.

So, I picked it up because he was watching his brother Jack's doing and he picked it up to some things are caught and not

a lot of times we go and we want people to teach us but a lot of times the spirit wants you to catch it. from him it's not something to be taught. It's something to be caught. Just like Kai's language.

We're still diving guys. 1st Corinthians, 14619 we're picking back up.

No, brother, and if I come to you speaking in unknown tongues, you shall how shall I make it to your advantage unless I speak to you either in Revelation disclosure of God Wilton man in knowledge or in Prophecy or an instruction. He said if I'm up here talking to you guys whole time and it does you no good. It's like if I begin to speak pidgin English

In Nigeria cuz my buddy was Nigerian. He started teaching Mia. The harmony of did that profit you guys hear me say that I have a clue.

Sao Paulo saying if you're together your everyone speaking in tongues, I give a message in tongues it does you no good because you don't understand what I'm saying.

If even an anatomy musical instrument such as a flute or a hard do not give it a distinct notes. How will anyone listen know or understand? What is play Someone Saved image straight?

Oh, yes.

Can remember how to play it forget it?

Please don't be offended. If I did to your piano that makes no sense. Or does it sound good when I'm doing this doesn't do koalas say if you are speaking in unknown language in a group setting

that's how it sounds.

He said that's exactly the musical. Come on now. I can't even wrap to that. Musical

Chipola saying that he's like, hey guys. Let's pick it back up.

And if a war bugle gives a sponsor in distinct call who will prepare for battle. That means like charge if it's making all these weird noises. I tried to tell you guys there was a war, couldn't you understand me know because you do. charging signal that's what Paul was saying.

First. I'm just so it is with you. If you in an unknown tongue speak words that are not intelligible. How will anyone understand what you were saying for? You will be talking into empty space. What are you saying is your understanding is not edified. It's not built. You won't get what they're saying. It does you no good. It doesn't do you the person doing it? No good. It does the people know God. There are I suppose all these many to us unknown towns in the world somewhere and not is destitute of its own power of expression and meeting. What are you saying is you're speaking in unknown song. No one around to know what you're saying, but I'm sure somewhere there's someone who speak that language that it does hold power and that they would understand.

But if I start talking pidgin English everyone here and say that dude's mad. Stop that cool. Either mad crazy. That's what you guys are going to think. So Paul is saying he goes on but if I do not know the force and the significance of the speaks the language I still seem to be a foreigner to the one who speaks to the speaker who addresses me will seem as a foreigner to me. So is with yourselves, so it is with yourself, since you are so eager and ambitious to possess spiritual endowment and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Paul never rebuked them for going after spiritual gifts. Can we get can we get okay with that? Paul is not rebuking them for wanting spiritual gifts. He's rebuking them for how they're using their spiritual gifts.

We all World agreement there. He's not against you seek it up and spiritual gifts. Neither is gone. I think that's why you has them because the Bible says this that those who come to God must believe that he is and that he is a Reed Ward of them that diligently seek him one day. We'll talk about God reward system cuz he has one Okay. Can we can we say okay with that because he has one. The Bible says Jesus grew in favor with man and with God. I'm not. What does all the same but you don't favor us all the same? Can someone learn how to grow in favor?

Okay. God does not show favoritism or partiality hear me straight. But he does favor people differently based on your relationship. Find me if you guys are parents. Call me if you guys have friends so that everyone how many people know that sometimes your kids fall out of favor with you. Sometimes your friends fall out of favor with you. It doesn't mean you don't love more like them. They just fell out of favor.

Let's go there for the person who speaks in an unknown tongue should pray for the power to interpret and explain. The first thing that he wants you to do is if you pray an unknown language, please seek the interpretation. For if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit by the Holy Spirit within me what?

Who remembers with Jude 120 says?

remembers it but you beloved building yourself up in your Most Holy Faith by praying and the

Michelle things are in walking now.

This is an unlocking moment year. I can't do that if I don't understand what that is, and I need to gain understanding so I can see clear. If I'm praying in unknown tongues my spirit by the Holy Spirit Within Me praise, but my mind is unproductive. It Bears no fruit and helps nobody. So what do you say when I pray in the spirit? It's not edifying. My mind is building my spirit up in my face. According to God's word not man-made traditions and rules or denominational stand points.

You following me. Cuz I'm not preaching denominational stuff. This is It's All God's word and I don't have time for that. Anyway, we're on exciting adventure to build God's Kingdom. We need to all be strengthened and had to fight him build up if we plan to see this thing come forth and our day and generation. What's died then? What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit by the holy spirit that is within me, but I will also pray intelligently intelligently with my mind and understanding I will sing with my spirit by the holy that's within me, but I will sing intelligently with my mind and understanding also. What you saying is Paul Stella is Paul saying don't don't sing and pray in the spirit. Cuz I'm going to do both I'm going to sing in the spirit and pray in the spirit. My might not might understand. But guess what I'm going to do it because God gave it to me for a reason. We said no. I'm also going to pray with understanding. I'm going to pray with understanding. I'm not just going to sit there all day long and then sing in the spirit, which I don't understand. I'm a 100 worship to God with understanding so that my mind is edified as long with my spirit. I meant six TV says otherwise if you blessed and render thanks with your spirit through thoroughly aroused by the Holy Spirit. How can anyone in the position of an outsider or he who is not gifted with interpreting of unknown talk? Say the amen, which means yes even so.

To your Thanksgiving since he does not know what you're saying. To be sure you may give thanks. Well nobly but the bystander is not edifying. It does him. No good. I thank God that I speak in strange tongues languages more than any of you or all of you but to put together so pause. He says that if I'm doing this if I didn't find anyone else, but myself, let me let me let me explain this in a really simplistic if I go to the gym and work out. You don't lose weight.

Why don't you do your biceps? Don't get bigger. I'll come in here that doesn't happen and I get stronger and I can withstand the move a lot more weight now because I exercise. Iota Phi I built myself up. Is that making sense? He makes notes for me. It does me good. It does my spirit good. It's so that what I mean obstacles, they don't withstand me. I pushed through them.

I have a friend that went to the gym with me yesterday kept been there in a while. So I loaded the bar up.

And he started to lift. And he's like I put what I could live 10, so you start getting discouraged at what I can live versus what he can do and I looked as a dude. Come here pretty often. And I work out this muscle pretty often. It's stronger because I use it.

if you want yours to get stronger you have to

What do we want to get stronger to love? It build yourself up in your here's a word there. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by God's word. But Faith Grows by doing and doing God's word.

if faith comes by hearing do I got faith then Faith must surely grow by doing what God says because then you think you like me my face just increase man. I turned it really seeking after God in this and wow. Look what happened. Nevertheless in a public worship. I would rather say five words with my understanding and intelligently in order to instruct others than 10,000 words and a strange tongue. I rather receive prophetic words from God so I can speak into people so that they can get encouraging built. because if I'm just speaking in tongues, I'm at help me no one and then and there I negate the love of the the law of Love, which says love your neighbor above your

I think God knows what he's doing when he inspired these men by his Spirit to write.

But you must remember Beloved the predictions which were made by the Apostle's the special messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah the anointed the the anointed one tell him bring him back here as in Jude again. Where in Jude now so we don't put it all together.

They told you before and in the last days and the end time there will be scoffers who seek to gratify their on their own Unholy desires following after their own ungodly Passions. It is these who are agitators setting up the stink shins and causing division. Merely Central creatures Cardinal worldly minded people devoid of Holy Spirit and destitute of any higher spiritual life. Told you Jude doesn't play Man. Oh my golly. I like the book of Jude very time. I read it I get whacked real good. He said these are agitators among you. Causing division. They're their sensual. They're thinking of only what pleases them. What sounds good to them and not thinking of what is a God. But you and then this verse comes in but you beloved build yourself up found it on your Most Holy Faith make progress rise, like an edifice higher and higher brain and the Holy Spirit next verse and keep yourself in the love of God except impatiently wait for the mercy of the Lord our Lord Jesus Christ. The Messiah will bring you unto eternal life and refute. So as to convince some who dispute with you and on some have mercy and wait and who waver and doubt going to stop right there.

He said in the last day these type of people are going to rise not just in the world. He's talking about among the flock. Okay, this was written to the flock.

I'm going to rise and they're going to cause division they're going to cause all these things because you're thinking what pleases The Flash what's comfortable to The Flash? But you I want you to guard Yourself by becoming Strong by building yourself up and your faith by praying in the holy spirit. So he says Hey, I want you to go to God's gym.

That want you to start curling. So when things get crazy you can do know how to pull things in. She learn how to read and I also once you start bitching so you learn how to push things out of the way not by your strength not by your might but by my spirit. And I want you to learn how to do this you're strong because when you're strong and says this your garden keep yourself in the love of God.

Usually it's not when we're strong. It's using one more week when we quote what Jesus said to Peter for the flag that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is are you tired of your spirit being willing and your flesh being so weak?

if you are I want you to come back next Sunday. Have we deliver part 2 of praying in the spirit? Cuz it's something here. Wanted to interact with. That's so that we can have the strength to overcome that we can.

Begin to understand why he gives it and what's it for? prophecies for something and so is that

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