Faith Promise
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Fairh Promise
Fairh Promise
This church supports missionaries through faith promise giving.
Each month on the third Sunday of the month we receive your faith promise missions offering.
A faith promise is an offering you give to support missionaries.
It is not your tithe or a portion of your tithe.
It is an amount that you pray about and that the Lord leads you to give.
It is an amount you give regularly as the Lord provides each month.
It requires faith—you trust that the Lord will supply it to you each month.
In just a moment we will receive the last offering for the faith promise you made last year (Much thanks to those of you who weren’t here last year or who didn’t make a faith promise, but who give in the offering.)
Next Sunday morning we will make a new faith promise for the upcoming year of missions giving.
We need $4000.00 per month to meet our current commitments as a church.
We will meet and exceed that budget as each of us make a faith promise according to what the Lord lays upon our hearts.
Pray about it diligently this week so next Sunday you will be prepared to write down a monthly amount you will give to missions as the Lord enables you.
I know there are many of you who make a faith promise every year—yet many others do not.
I encourage you this year, if you have never, or its been a while, since you have made a faith promise to missions, to make a faith promise of some amount.
I am not concerned about the amount of your faith promise, I am concerned that you start enjoying in your life the blessings of God that accompanies you making a faith promise.
About few years ago a young man in the church said he wasn’t sure about this faith promise thing and giving to missions, but he put down twenty dollars per month for missions—he couldn’t wait to text me that afternoon and tell me as he walked out of the grocery store after church he looked down and saw a twenty dollar bill and nobody around to claim it—in less than an hour God gave Him his first month’s faith promise.
Whether God leads you to a $5 faith promise or a $500 or a $5000 faith promise, that is between you and the Lord, but if you will give to missions God will respond to you.