Grace- All or Nothing
Sermon Tone Analysis
- another verse we had studied a lot
We are looking at the familiar and rediscovering grace together…
Contextual things-
They are super upset with Jesus- They want to disprove that he is the messiah-
He eats with sinners-
He doesn’t recognize them as having authority over Him.
So they come together- let’s trip Him up. Let’s give him a situation where he can’t win.
So they bring him this woman caught in adultery.
Moses’ law says we should stone her, what do you say?
2 possible answers
1. I am the friend of sinners- let’s have mercy on this poor woman.
In doing so, negating the Law and justice of God. He would be discredited by the Jews.
2. Execute her-
In doing so, He would be in violation of the Roman government that said only they can execute- He would be executed by the Romans.
Have you ever been in a no-win situation?
We get this idea that Jesus was doing something so profound- what was He writing in the dirt?
What if He was just waiting on God?
Don’t you think that the Bible would tell us if what He was writing in the dirt mattered?
Let me tell you what actually happened and what Jesus was modeling for us?
Wait on the Lord-
Something stirs in the midst- the Holy Spirit-
Why old to young?
How God wanted to do it- He is a God of order.
Oldest to youngest-
This isn’t a story of some profound teaching from Jesus. It is instead a miracle-
Do you see what happened? Jesus gets caught up, kneels and says nothing. Just draws in the dirt- very childlike, and waits on God.
God gives Him the words- He who hasn’t sinned
Then Jesus kneels back down and draws.
Oldest- a vision of rocks, and commandments-
1st- guilty
2nd - guilty
The oldest first, then down the line to the youngest, the Holy Spirit reminds them of their sins and breaks their heart.
Then it’s just Jesus and the woman-
Where are those who condemn you? Do men condemn you? No!
Neither do I
Jesus’ will is empty hell, full Heaven.
Sometimes you have to just let God:
Me in Norway- the money multiplied-
Grace is God doing it, when we couldn’t…
Jesus- in trouble because he is righteous
The woman in trouble because of her sin-
For both- God did a miracle.
There are people in situations today- some it is your fault, some it isn’t.
What if we waited on God. Like children.