Don't just get Counted, Get Organized in God's Company

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Two of my favourite professors, ran quite regimented, purposeful yet warm classrooms. One was an engineer, the other graduated from WestPoint and served in the Vietnam war,and then as a chaplain. Teaching as seasoned pastor and preacher, raise up another generation. Class ran with purpose, sang a psalm, NT - precision, only clarification questions …; Denny Prutow - so pastor what’s your point. Such clarity, well organized, resourced, now I’ve had other teachers with incredible story telling qualities, bad teachers so kind, but these two stick out in their effectiveness. No question what you were in each particular class for, and they with great concern passion, sensitivity, brought t you along to that goal.
Well congregation as we think of God’s counting and then organizing His people, we are in grave danger in the church in North America in 2019 - lots of people don’t want to be counted, live in age of low commitment , people don’t trust leaders, institutions, anti-authority, hyper egalitarianism - church become a place where loosely connected individuals, get a shot of inspiration - to live individual faith life - Low expectation and low participation in the stated goal . Relationship with God is seen more as a table for two with Jesus and me, then a feast for a whole kingdom. A person’s vision of the Promised Land, Heaven more like Jesus and me at a cottage in the woods, than a community in Zion the City of God on earth.
Well Guess what when God calls a people, he doesn’t tell them to take a poll and get all our felt needs, and then boil it down to the lowest common denominator. - and we’ll call that church. No we have a teacher more like Bob Cara or Denny Prutow - who calls us not just to be in the class room , as individuals , but calls us with a real purpose with organization.
Numbers 2:9–10 ESV
All those listed of the camp of Judah, by their companies, were 186,400. They shall set out first on the march. “On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben by their companies, the chief of the people of Reuben being Elizur the son of Shedeur,
How do you think of the God’s church - See must thin of it as Paul calls it in household of God, family. Must think of it as the earthly equivalent of God’s assembly of angels - what is it called - the heavenly HOST Lord Sabat his name -
Galatians 6:16 ESV
And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
This is how they were instructed again and again to be organized and to camp - by their companies Picture it with their standards , military banners from each tribe …
If this chapters seems a littlee monotonous it should, for all its order, but it is no less exciting if you understand the point of these nubmers and the sginicance of the organization. Because though this frist genereation will rebel and die in the desert, not make the final journey, we are not just learning about them to learn from their mistakes and trials. The first third of the book of Numbers is given to us - see a people bursting with expecrtation - whole nation of slaves organized as a dynamic commuinityand army that is supposed to be a kingdom of priests that will represent God tot he world. They just passed through the Red Sea, heard aGod aand saw His glory - promises of Abraham to become a great nation coming true, and now orgnaized by God to blesses all the families of the earth. And as the last verse of Chapter points ou
t Thus did the people of Israel. According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, each one in his clan, according to his fathers’ house.
Numbers 2:34 ESV
Thus did the people of Israel. According to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, each one in his clan, according to his fathers’ house.
- the people start with obedience, eagerly carying out every thing in minute detal - it seems to be working! Something goes terribly wrong later, but we are to be like this ideal community of God - ready for action as Christ’s church in the world! Well, congregation that’s the
Well, congregation thatt’s the Key truth: Christ counts us as His Household and roganizes with His Poeple in a Spiritual Army for service in His World!
Key truth: Christ counts us as His Household and organizes with His People in a Spiritual Army for service in His World!
Why did Caesar Augustus have a census, to see who could be taxed. Like our government too, counting how many citizens we have and those being counted will stand up a contribute to our community. Another reason a census took place in the ancient world - like WWI WWII here, like conscription - number our fighting men. Enlist people in an army. Now that’s commitment to stand up and be counted like that.
Most of us read these numbers like baseball pitching statistics. lot of decimal numbers not quite sure of all those acroniymns they keepp adding, eyes just glaze over. Soon you’ll see why these names matter so much, but the numbers, are telling us in God’s comunity, his household, all stand up to be counted; none opt out.
This tells us something about what it means to belng to God’s people.
I. A King calls for you to be Counted to Solidify You Commitment
& (Secure Your Inheritance)
There are two types of groups - some have fuzzy boundaries - like Sierra Club, or Audubon Society, other are Edge Bounded Groups. not only share a common interest or goal, but there is a definite boundary clearly defined. A family is an edge-bounded group - you’re either in or out, Now what’s great about this is that its not how much a like you are that defines if you are in. In a family some come in by adoption, some marry in, not always clear what all the members have in common, but there is no fuzzy middle either in or out.
Most of us read these numbers like baseball pitching statistics. lot of decimal numbers not quite sure of all those acroniymns they keepp adding, eyes just glaze over. Soon you’ll see why these names matter so much, but the numbers, are telling us in God’s comunity, his household, all stand up to be counted; none opt out.
This tells us something about what it means to belng to God’s people. There are two types of groups - some have fuzzy boudnaries - like Sierra Club, or Audobon Society, other are Edge Bounded Groups. not only share a comon interest or goal, but there is a defintie boundary clearly defined. A family is an edge-boudned group - you’re either in or out, Now what’s great about this is that its not how much a like you are thaat dfines if you are in. In afmaily some come in by adotion, some marry in, not always clear what all the members have in common, but there is no fuzzy middle either in or out.
This group here in Numbers, they have some that have been born into Israel, but others that just recently joiined them - Egyptians. And opposite to that as we wandered the desert, our guide kept saying, this wilderness, really wildernesses, actually had highways through it, Nubians, those who’d become Bedouin - tribes passiging through like Midianite who picked up Joseph, any of these Israelites could have pulled the parachute cord at any point and said ‘m leaving God’s community, joining differnt group.
But a census forces teh question on yhou are you in or out - with God’s popee Do you want to be counted or exommunicated? Do you chose the God Israel as your family, your household - will you be bound by his flock, his fellowship of people bounded in covenant with the LORD Jehovah - or do it alone or bind yourself to others gods. Look at
And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
Galatians 6:16 ESV
And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.
The Church is God’s coverannt community, and Christ it’s king calls you to akcnoelge his name to be coutned publically and officially among his poeople. This certainly was why Luke in Acts could record people being added to the number, and why you should ask whether - you are counted in the number of God’s community on earth.
Standing up to be counted in meant being counted on to provide for ongoing ministry in this community, real skin in the game, each assessed 1/2 shekel, later called temple tax, for us a tithe in proportion to our income. Standing up in Numbers meant being counted to step forward in both the march to the Promised Land together, but also the Battle against Powers of Darkness stood against Gods’ kingdom.
But next we must see the purpose of this partiuclar census. It is not just a roll call or membership roll here. how are God’s people numbered and organized.
But next we must see the purpose of this partiuclar census. It is not just a roll call or membership roll here. how are God’s people numbered and organized.
II. God’s People Submit to the Organizing & Leading of God’s Gracious Arrangement
This is fascinating. It is like the truths of the creation story - not just that God created, nor how we can match that up with scientific , but making a real life, true description for all ages of how God created. How by His word did he create and order and show His Lordship and purpose. now in the chaos imagine the 10s of thousands, chaos - these are fallen sinners like you and me. … look at us in election time - as Gurret put it not exactly a picture of tolerance and unity. How does God arrange these very different people. Here must allow for so much diversity, and allow for how God reshuffles the deck - no bland treat everyone the same way, a real recognition for leadership and authority, and self-giving sacrifice to serve the common good more than your self.
If God organized his church the same way we organized the world - totally egalitarian, lowest common denominator, or by power, or like the Jews oldest to youngest. That’s how the first mere numbering of God’s people goes. Who does it begin with?
Numbers 1:20 ESV
The people of Reuben, Israel’s firstborn, their generations, by their clans, by their fathers’ houses, according to the number of names, head by head, every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:
Reuben’s the eldest son, all the way down to Leah’s young son. Then Rachel's oldest son down youngest, then the sons of maidservants. But look at how the camp is organized by God: who does it start with? Unlike our compass points the big deal isn’t North, but East Sun arose, the way the Tent of meeting with God’s presence faced, direction of Garden of Eden. And who is there Reuben? No? Judah?
Where is Reuben? Demoted, remember his sexual sin, Jacob mixed blessing with curse - unsteady nature not the leader of God’ household. And who is beside him there on the south least important compass point? Simeon - who with Levi when Jacob entered the promised land, responded with most extreme violence and personal vengeance, tricking and slaughtering all of Shechem. Also demoted. Levi was part of that too, no land, Jacob’s dying words, Levi will scattered among the brothers. But look at Judah, he too was not innocent , sexual sin with one he thought was a Canaanite prostitute , he too like all the other brothers sinners who sold their brother into slavery - but do you remember what Judah did there in Egypt second time down. Willing to lay down his life for Benjamin as they go down and then down there - act of substituting love, becomes the head of God’s household. favoured spot at the head, as it were looking into Gods’ tent. And the second most important point of their compass - rear guard where the sunset - W who do you see at the head there? Ephraim .
So interesting - only two from first generation to say we can take the land, who actually don’t die with the first generation - Caleb from Judah, and Joshua from Ephraim. What two tribes left before the exile, - Israel in the North - led by Ephraim and Judah in the South.
King Arthur had knight and he organized them around what - a round table - so no fighting and pandering for preeminence. But God’s camp, not round table, all different types of people, all equally sinners, and equally in need of grace, but God’s worked that in varying degrees and different ways, for them to work together - committed to serving in position God’s given them! God’s reshuffled the deck on those who abuse their power, hasn’t chosen those to lead by standards of the world. And look at Levi - in self-giving service, gives up all claims to land and given special responsibility of service.
The whole emphasis of this camp is the various groups and individuals part of a bigger whole. The emphasis is on the 12 and anyone can join even the “outsiders” but as part 5 of the 12. Deeply symbolic here: jesus very deliberately chooses 12 apostles for the new covenant fulfilling the 12 tribes. IN the book of
Revelation 21:12–14 ESV
It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed— on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
The point is that God’s people united in these promises to Abraham's 12, built on the foundation of the 12 Apostles - God’s people - are not just individuals but member of a tribe, even those adopted ones, by which organized in that tribe they receive inheritance and promised land, and function under the leadership God provide through very human community.
But the greatest thing about the way God numbers, then organizes His people in both OT and NT isniether, the boundaries, nor the gracious order of diverese people into a unified whole by grace. But God’s household, his church, no only has definite boundaries, and real human leeadership and roles of service. But God’s household is fcoused not so much on boundary keeping or leadership styles, but on the cetnre of the camp.
III. God’s Household Are Focused on God’s Presence at the Centre of the Camp
Never forget story in Today, about a guy who decided to standing front of a blank wall with a friend in a line, whole line formed, focused on nothing. That’s not to be our church. Churches can get focused on themselves - structure mission, evangelism programs, - mechanics of doing church, easy to get focused on the keep of the those outward boundaries , but Numbers teaches us that when God created His Household, we are to commit and organize ourselves centred on God’s presence in our midst. That’s the most important point of this chapter of God’s word to you.
Here is something
how do you do that? How do you and we together focus our lives on God’s presence in our midst. I will tell you: The only way to be God-centred, is to be Christ centred. We saw last week that it was Christ says the NT who led Israel in the desert. Same Christ , Emmanuel , Tent of meeting just a foreshadowing, Numbers in the Wilderness experience, a paradigm - that Christ must fulfill in our lives.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 ESV
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
The Son of God tabernacled in a safe ‘form’ of God incarnate in our midst. How do you approach this Presenceo f God in our midst. Lookat N
They shall camp facing the tent of meeting on every side.
Numbers 2:2 ESV
“The people of Israel shall camp each by his own standard, with the banners of their fathers’ houses. They shall camp facing the tent of meeting on every side.
When you pitch a tent camping, must decide which way to set up the tent, which way to orientate your sleeping bag. You are doing the same symbolically, spiritually with your daily life - orientated to entertainment, to money , to pleasure, to escaping pain by … avoiding loneliness. chasing success. Which way is your life normally facing? Ramses II in this very wilderness big military campaign, one his temples that Moses maybe saw growing up, camp in square with huge tent fro human being in the middle. God of Pharaoh huge elaborate ornate, bigger bigger bigger,
But God chooses same medium, but no physical idol, symbol, but tabernacle of His glorious presence, with mercy seat, with a copy of His Word. God says I need you facing all that represents, you need these activities at the centre of your life. Together, need to gather for worship for service at my feet.
Ian Duiguid: That worship, the enjoyment of who God is and his favor toward us in Christ, is to be what we seek above all things. It is the one thing that is truly distinctive about us as God’s people. If the church does not provide political commentary and social action, others may step into the gap. But if the church doesn’t worship God, no one else will give him the glory he deserves. What is more, just as Moses didn’t want the Promised Land if it came without God’s presence, so too we are not to seek God because of the blessings that may come to us when we do, but simply for himself.
But that word facing, also means some distance from it, far off. We learn in
Joshua 3:4 ESV
Yet there shall be a distance between you and it, about 2,000 cubits in length. Do not come near it, in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.”
Being God-centred is no light matter, Our religion which the organization and numbering of our lives represents is not a take it or leave it affair. Up to you, Boutique Christianity - what ever suits your fancy, you get to make it up, tailor it to your tastes and preferences, all just human ideas about God any way.
No, who is surrounding that tent of meeting: Do you remember
Numbers 1:53 ESV
But the Levites shall camp around the tabernacle of the testimony, so that there may be no wrath on the congregation of the people of Israel. And the Levites shall keep guard over the tabernacle of the testimony.”
Numbers 1:52 ESV
The people of Israel shall pitch their tents by their companies, each man in his own camp and each man by his own standard.
And now we are getting close to the heart of this book and the gospel. If you are going to dwell with the real living, awesome in power and glory and holiness God - its a dangerous affair - our sin and our rebellion, our do it my way approach to life, at cost of God’s \glory and our neighbours good, brings wrath - which is god’s just and right response to evil. Wouldn’t want to live in a world without wrath on evil, but it will consume us. The energy of God is the source of life, but when God intersects with an unholy world - it can be huge trouble. It is like if you want to live God centred - you’ve got a nuclear reactor in the centre of the church your home, your life, and if you approach it by breaking down the containment walls - got a big problem. And yet we must walk with this God.
Moses said this when God was going to give up on his sinful,rebelling people after the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai - not even a few weeks into the covenant and they had broken it. But Moses says:
Exodus 33:15 ESV
And he said to him, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.
Who cares about the Promised Land, or milk and honey of life, if you are not with us? I’d rather have hell, than a heaven without God. The only thing that makes aus truly distinctive people, and truly human people is your presence with us. How can we have that. When Moses intercedes like that God reveals His glory - its in that name - gracious, merciful yet not…
Need to udnertand this space between your camp and the Tent of meeting. Beteween your daily life and God. You need a Levitical ministry. Do you knwo what the Levites job was. Fourfold. They had to serve - each of the four groups of Levites, carry burden of seting up transportsing and serving at ttent. Phyiscally anbut also reigious duties, Serve the Word of God take care of teh Tablets. Not just fiery prohpets needs, but regulsar tqaachingo f teh people - you need Levites minstry and Christ and HIs preachers fulfill that. Christ and HIs kingdom of priests he shares that repsopbility with you.
But Levites also repsonblie for upholding proper boudnaries between the temple and the camp, that though boundaries crossed, make surenever wrongly crossed. All of life was to be in service to God, but in the OT great distinction between the common and the holy, between clean and unclean. This was the levites job
You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them by Moses.”
Leviticus 10:10–11 ESV
You are to distinguish between the holy and the common, and between the unclean and the clean, and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes that the Lord has spoken to them by Moses.”
The world is seen as created good order that constantly is in interplay with heaven. But the order and the interplay of heaven and earth - the Levites had to show how to bring heaven into their ordinary lives, and their ordinary lives into heaven. Patterns of God’s word teach that in ritual and in reality. Christ fulfilled the ritual, shows how to touch the unclean and not be contaminated by sin and evil but transform it! You and I need jesus like a Levite to know how to approach the nuclear reactor of God in our lives in a way that doing life and worship in God’s presence.
And that is the last two ways the Levites had to serve, they had to represent and mediate. They were not the substitute like sacrificial animals, But as priests representing all of Israel, as God’s first-born, they were to represent the whole household as a kingdom of priest. Represent how to do the common in holy way. Represent how atonement and forgiveness, mercy , cleansing and healing happened. And just the way the Levites represented this to the people of Israel, the whole of Israel was to represent this way of life to the nations. Israel and now Christ’ Church are to be priests to the Gentiles who are also called to worship God.
Aside from Balaam and the talking donkey incident, what is the part of the book of Numbers you know well? Priestly blessing isn’t it? Israel was not only to teach the nations through its life conformed to Gods’ Word, Torah, It was also to be a mediator of blessing to the nations. That gathered with them, blessing pronounced on their whole life.
Christ s the true Israel, he is the true Levite, He is the true humanity - in His his work, calling, we see represented the way of holiness to God. Though his sacrifice unique and never to be repeated, as we follow him - our perfect Levite, find God’s way of the common being touched and fulfilled by the holy. So that all of us, not giving a sacrifice in a temple, or on a cross, are now enabled to giving living sacrifice of -2 . Christ fulfills the role of priest, yet we are still called to be “holy” and to be “a royal priesthood” (; )
1 Peter 1:16 ESV
since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
1 Peter 2:9 ESV
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Dear Congregation, do you see what is at stake with putting God at the centre of your lives, but doing so through Jesus Christ, who is our only High Priest, the perfect Levite and our Tent of meeting. Do you see that it means that it means stepping forward to be numbered and organized in the Company of Christ - To say You are my king and I accept his assignment from your hand.
David L. Stubbs, Numbers, Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2009), 48.
And so as Ch 2 closes we see not a nuch of individuals haphazardly gathering, annoymously passing a ships in thenight, They like you and me, find a church to fit and to comittmt. As we stand to be numbered, God arranges us around his presence , sets us in an adopted family, a lot of people different than us, grace worked differently difference tmeaure. some much in common withotherss not so much, but he makes us a family of insiders. The church of Jesus Christ where holiness comes from the preseonce of Christ among his people. The promise cannot fail
Matthew 18:20 ESV
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
This is the first third o f the book showing us a vision of the people of God =-offering themselves in the Day of God’s visitation with eagerness - The expectation - people of worship, of service, of community and fellowship, people marked as holy unto the Lord, and loving toward their neighbours! If that is us then - don’t leave our camp here at church, departing for a picnic, trip to Disney land; but as a military mission - but our a spiritual one in this world for sure, ready to wrestle in prayer, battle against evil=ness, take every thought captive, to overcome evil with good, to share Christ’s grace! Those so numbered share in not only the work but the inheritance the promised Land.
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