Lord's Prayer Act II
Power of Prayer • Sermon • Submitted
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As a teenager my parents thought it wise to get a cell phone in effort to contact me when I was out of the house. It made sense considering my mother was a single mom and worked multiple jobs. There were times in which we had to depend on other people to for rides to and from school and events. In the midst of an inconsistent and hectic schedule, my mom had firm expectations. One of those expectations was when I call, you better answer. She was definitely the epitome of persistence. She would call and call and call and call until we answered. She would leave voice messages, and typically we could gauge how angry she was depending on the tone of the message. We could have been safe, away from harm and not getting into any trouble but unless we answered the phone to alleviate her worries it only intensified. It did not matter that we were safe, if she could not confirm our safety her concerns went through the roof.
Many times we call on God in the same fashion. We call and call and call on God in prayer until we see some movement, or witness some change. It’s interesting to note that while we call God when we need him, how often do we answer when he calls us. How often do we heed his call when he puts the answer right in our face? It is interesting to note in Matthew as Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray he cautions us on how to do it. Here’s the key, we must understand “For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
We can call Him, but understand no matter how many times you call his will is still going to be done. Understand that this is His Kingdom, so it’s His rules, but if we are going to make it through life we have to call on God, we have to be in communication with Yahweh! We also have to understand that Jesus is giving us a model, “Pray like this” suggest a model rather than a fixed prayer. Prayer is about more than just needs. Prayer is about our needs and the needs of others, prayer is about relationship, prayer is about guidance, prayer is about power.
A Collective Relationship
A Collective Relationship
It is interesting to note that while we seek to build a relationship with God personally and intimately, there is a collective relationship that he has with the entire world.
Similar to a Father with children, I’m Raynell’s father, but I’m also a father to Vinnie and Azariah too.
I love them in the same unconditional and sacrificial way individually and collectively. Nonetheless I handle each their needs in various ways because they have various personalities.
God reacts to us in the same manner, the way he may deal with your request, needs, and petitions might not be the same way for someone else. It does not mean that he’s treating us unequally, it means that he knows his children.
tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his only son. In giving his only son he gives us Jesus to meet various needs of us as His children.
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Collectively we are all sinners, therefore we all need God. But the individual remedy for our sin varies dependent on the person.
“Our Father” a collective relationship, “In heaven” a place we all long to go. This also points to the transcendence of God. While His residence is further than we can fathom physically, He has the reach to provide for us emotionally, physically and spiritually.
A God that despite location, can change our situation. The omnipresence is a sense of peace. No matter our location, disposition, or environment God has the ability to intercede.
God has reach in trials, reach in prison, reach in work, and reach overseas. God is everywhere. Our Father, no matter the location, God is always there.
Treat His Name with Reverence
Treat His Name with Reverence
Because of His power, because of His holiness we are to treat his name with reverence. “Hallowed” or to treat as holy, to reverence, a sanctified name. This is not just any name, this is God. God the healer, God the helper, God the forgiveness, God the mighty, God the reliable. He is God our creator, nothing else like Him.
His name is Holy.
"I am the LORD, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King."
"There is no one holy like the LORD, Indeed, there is no one besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God.”
because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."
Understand the idea of praying to a Holy God, means that you understand the relationship. Prayer is based on sonship, not friendship. God is a loving Father, not a crazy uncle. He provides for our needs, He’s not like some of the friends and family we have that get irritated when we ask for help.
The idea of sonship suggest our prayer is a reflection of a life guided by God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God
His Kingdom
His Kingdom
Not only is a prayer God focused, the idea of judgement and salvation inspire prayer as well. We know that our time is limited on this earth. Either we die or God returns whether we like it or not our days are this earth are not promised, and or set for a certain amount of time.
Understanding in our conversation with God, we seek him because of his sovereignty, because of His goodness, because of His authority we seek him because without Him we would not be here.
All power belongs to Yahweh, this is what we must understand we can’t live in the Kingdom if we do not talk to the King. Prayer now becomes urgent because we understand judgement is eminent.
His Kingdom, His Power, His Direction...
His Will
His Will
When I gather the idea that this is His Kingdom, meaning God is running this. Then I can realize that as I’m reaching out to God, I know what I want but it’s all about His will!
Sometimes what we want does not align with His will. But when I know and understand the power and sovereignty of God I’m content and can rejoice in whatever His will is.
“Again, a second time, He went away and prayed, saying, O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from Me unless I drink it, Your will be done”
I want this to pass, but God’s will reigns supreme.
I want to leave this place, but God’s will be done.
I’m struggling in this situation right now, but God’s will be done.
Sometimes our issue is we want the blessing without the will. We want our drive thru request met and we want God to put our blessing in the bag and allow us to drive off. So when we look in the bag and our order does not match what we asked for we drive around again, God answers, we show our receipt and God still operates within his will. We may not understand the will right now, but one day we will understand His will.
So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying The will of the Lord be done”.
Sometimes we have to stop fighting the will the God and allow God to work in a manner He decides. This goes for trying to change people too, we spend so much time trying to exert our will on other folks when God is the only one that can truly change people. You can’t impose your will on people because this is what you want, sometimes God stifles our power so people know it comes from God and only God.
I come to God not because I only because of wants and needs but I want to be directed to be okay with his direction and His wishes and wants. If I acknowledge God as my Father and I revere Him, I’m fine with His direction, His guidance, and His WILL.
God’s will is done, it’s our job to bring a sense of realness and peace of God’s dwelling place to earth. I should work to show how far reaching Love is, because God is love. I should work to show the how strong forgiveness is, because without forgiveness we would not have the chance to dwell in the heaven with God.
In heaven things are not troubled by evil, I should work to be dependent upon God that on earth I’m no longer troubled by evil. God’s will be done with a cheerful attitude, a consistent spirit and a perfect peace.
God’s transcendence has the ability to reach to earth so that his people have peace in the midst of the evil and turmoil that earth brings.
Because of the reach of God I can have peace in the midst of trial.
Because of the reach of God I can have peace in the midst of sickness.
Because of the reach of God I can have peace when people talk about me.
Because of the reach of God I can have peace when folks do not believe in me.
Because of the reach of God I can experience a heavenly joy here on earth.
Because of the reach of God I can have the peace of forgiveness that stills my spirit when I’m trying to bounce back from a mistake.
Because of the reach of God Jesus could withstand the cross of Calvary.
I can withstand the stress and strain of life, because I know the kingdom I belong too.