You Might Have a Dirty Mouth...
STORY: Think of a time when words were carelessly thrown around.
I was in 5th grade and had just moved to West Virginia with my family. Back in my old school in North Carolina, I had a lot of friends. But now, in West Virginia, I was the “new kid”. I can’t tell you how many times I heard, “Oh hey, you’re the new kid!” Like, yeah, that’s me.
But new school or not, I always was attracted to the finer things in life and without exception in my 5th grade class there was this girl. She was fun. She was pretty. And I found out she lived near me!
We started hanging out. We played basketball together after school. We’d hike to a local pond and fish together until the moon came out. We laughed at each other’s jokes. Before long, I thought, “Here I am in 5th grade and I’ve found the love of my life!”
One day, I mustered up enough courage to tell her how I really felt. I said, “I like you. Like I liiiiiike you. Like, like like you.” And she looked at me and I’ll never forget what she said, “I could never like you like that. We’re friends. That’s it.” I should have stopped there, but I pressed her and I said “But why?” And she looked at me with this annoyed look on her face and said, “Ummm…because you’re short and your family’s poor!”
I had never really considered that my height was an issue until someone put it to words.
I had never really considered that my family’s finances could impact my relationships until somebody put that into words.
Sticks and stones can only break our bones.
But words can be soul destroying.
And I don’t think my friend realized in that moment that her words were like a sledgehammer that, slung carelessly about landed on my little 5th grade heart and knocked the wind out of my soul.
There is one who speaks rashly, like a piercing sword; but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.
Your words have weight!
Your words have weight!
A person who hasn’t grasped the power of words can never be said to be wise.
A parent
ILLUSTRATION: A wise parent wouldn’t send a child out to the garage to build something using a power tool without first having taken the time to teach their child how to properly use that power tool. Why? Because a wise parent understands that the same device that can be used to create can also be used to destroy.
Of course, it’s still up to the child, once properly trained to use the power tool correctly.
Our Heavenly Father wants his children to know and understand the power of our mouths. And like a good Father, He has instructed us in how to use our mouths.
There are at least 105 verses in Proverbs alone that specifically address words, their power and how we are to wield it!
Do you understand the weight of your words? Do you really understand the power you wield?
A wise person understands that words pierce like swords.
A wise person understands that words pierce like swords.
Evil people understand this and they intentionally craft their words very carefully knowing that with every jab they are one move closer to cutting through the layers of protection over our hearts.
Some people do and they craft their words carefully knowing that with every jab they are one move closer to cutting through the layers of protection over our hearts.
Hide me from the scheming of wicked people, from the mob of evildoers,
who sharpen their tongues like swords and aim bitter words like arrows,
shooting from concealed places at the blameless. They shoot at him suddenly and are not afraid.
Words can destroy.
Words can leave scars.
What’s a hack? The word has evolved overtime, but today it’s often used to describe a way of dealing with a situation or to make use of a tip or trick to do something more efficiently.
God’s Word is full of lifehacks.