5.30pm 27.10.2019 Romans 12:9-21 Love, Love, Love

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Romans 12-16 How then shall I live?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:39
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Well, it's a famous song here. It is, for it from the Beatles All You Need Is Love love love love is all you need it. So I was a song out of my rights in 1967 until this week, but it's actually I am so strong that was written for a special events code World, which was the first television on. The Beatles. Did I live performance of this song 400 million people in 25 different countries have a new satellite link-up. This song was commissioned for that event.

I feel like this is the finch into this section of Romans now. As pool riots about love and he's writing about the love of God for us. She's already written quite a lot about that in Romans. We should that's right. We have that in office Reading of loving one another loving other Christians and pulses All You Need Is Love so you sort of how it to live as Christians believe in view of God's mercies chapter 12 verse 1 as a Living Sacrifice. Holy and acceptable to God's been rescued by God's mercies into his family. How about we all in a family house? You look around one another this is family here, but God has rescued us into and so chapter 12 verse 5.

We are one body in Christ and individual members of one another and so we will match so I'm about to give to one another is how pull finished last week. And so how are we to leave now in this body? What poll says it's with long? That's why he goes down in the shopping list of Love let love be genuine the shopping list and then all these things underneath it. But actually I think that's we have a look at it. We'll see but it's not just kind of one thing to the next but actually pool is going through hit with a bit of progression as pool gives us the headline look at Festival of genuine love how many shows us this involves loving actions to one another How many rides have been more minutes about loving reactions to one another as well and even wider? So that's where the game tonight genuine love loving actions and loving reactions. Let's first have a look at this genuine love chapter 12 Bus 9 who says let love be genuine paints. What is evil hold fast to wants his Goods, don't be hypocritical hypocrite in the times when this was written in Greek was playing a prompt by while pretending The post says on love is not to be like that. It's not slip on as we come to church each way. It's not to be nice to see you act that we put on with one another or even the how are you when we not really interested in listening to the Anza. The alarm is not to be like that, but it's to be genuine love. How about how he's all love to be genuine? What's my pool legs down a little bit deeper. With the second half of us mine. All love is to hate what is evil and hold fast or cling or please to what is good. These are strong word Heights and please hate evil cleave to his Goods. I would like kids summer often saying to them X sight II Hanks and then whatever it is that say, I hate bananas or I hate school or at we got it from time to time. I hate you because he's such a strong word. Then I say to look what I think you're really saying is that you like school or you don't like something about me because I lost you to do something. You don't want to do whatever. Hate is such a strong word, but it is right to Heights. What is evil? When it's right to love what is good and to cling to watch is good if it's negative and positive pair, of course, we see this genuine love in the love of God then we he Heights what is evil and he clings to what is good and say I like him. Which I have this genuine love still quite abstract to the practicalities of genuine. Love is just a concept love gets its hands dirty. First lie in our loving actions bus is 10 and 11 bus 10 have a look that says love one another with mutual affection outdo one another in showing honor do not like the Arlington Spirits serve the Lord. To pull hair is using family language reminder ground. We've been adopted and brought in by grace through faith into the family of Jones. Another would have been a big thing for the Christian very different backgrounds Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians. And maybe some of us here have very different backgrounds. Who's been saying in the Bible says before that's what we've been joined together in Jesus and so are now brothers and sisters because of what Jesus has done. And so we should love one another with the same affection that we have for family because we are family.

I'm sorry in our love for one. Another will be wanting to show honor to one another if you like. We'll be having a friendly competition for how we can all know each other how we can treat each other as significance. Because each of us matters, I ain't jealous of being brought by a gold into his family. Be lazy or lag. You know love from another instead will be zealous in our love for one another and will be will be passionate in all spirits. Serving the lord as we seek to serve one another in love.

Will love one another as a family however difference we are from each other. Oh night shirt that is too often associate with people like us but if you know of the poet Rudyard Kipling in his poem we and it begins like this mother and me sister and Auntie say who the People Like Us. Are we and everyone else is dying. But that's not what Jesus is doing. He's not just Gathering of people like us into his family his Gathering people very unlike us in a bind us together with the bones of family. That's why he's a bit of a challenge. I've a supper that you might be people like you have a chat with someone else. Who's different to you different stage of Life different in some other way and let me for a different country and maybe for a country that's doing well in the rugby at the moment. I'm sorry for the one from New Zealand. That's So Raven Chatsworth smog Englishmen That's a getting will seriously practically love one another.

And to love one another in all reactions as well. That's why pool goes to IND other buses from bus is 12 to 21 love in your reaction to different situations of us 12 situations of Hope and suffering that pulls already talked about passing TD in chapter. I see if you remember last year. I hope we have of Christians of Glory light such a comment posted in that situation which a rejoice in that hurt but we have bots in this world's while we wait for that Glory. They'll be suffering. I not suffering we have to be patient. I thought to be all reaction to that. Reaction of love is to be patient to suffering.

I'm embarrassed 13 is responding in love to the situations of others. Does 13 contribute to the needs of the Saints of other believers and extend Hospitality to strangers she Christian love genuine love reacts to the physical needs of the family. If someone's in deeds will help them out. I know that this happens here that's in Clements and it's a wonderful thing to see let us keep going or not genuine. Why do not love for one another. It brings in the brother or sister that we don't yet know into a home and welcomes them. This situation of responding to the needs of others was Prince full front impose mind as he's writing Romans because in chapter 15, he talks about other situations about a Christian then he talks about how he's taking a collection from Gentile Christians when he's being on Mission and he's bringing the money that they've contributed to the needs of Jewish Christians in Jerusalem weather in great need financially there in poverty. And he says the base is responding to that situation of I was Paul Jewish Christians that these rich Argento under able to contribute to that needs and then I pull rights to the church and I'm saying that he wants them to show him hospitality and he's going to come and stay with them on his way. But I might send him and support him as he goes off to spying is his plan and extends his mission into a new frontier. So the edge of the Roman Empire as it was then What's a pool once genuine love to respond to the situations of others? And I'm just as with a new way of living here. He's not making up a new Christian. But he's just following along in the teaching and life all Jesus. Isn't he? I was right to have the Powerball of a Good Samaritan Reds as all first reading. But Jesus says you have to love God and to love your neighbor and then the person texting out on Apple. What does it look like to love? My neighbor? And Jesus says it looks like enemies loving one another as a as a Samaritan helps out a Jew in needs that says situation and genuine love helps him out at Great cost of Samaritan, isn't it? That's genuine love and repairable. Jesus says to us go and do likewise. Where is it that we need to go and do likewise in genuine love this week in a situation that comes out. Let's go and do likewise and then as we got on me and loving reactions, it seems that Jesus is mine. Does he's writing. Let me read from some of Matthew Chapter 5 from bus 43 and then I'll read a few bits from pool in Romans that Jesus says you have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy, but I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be children of your father in Heaven. What he is pulled and see I think picks up on these words of Jesus in chapter 12 of Romans verse 14 bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse them that are 17 do not repay anyone evil for evil but take thoughts for what is Noble in the sight of oil? And then verse 19 beloved never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God. Friend is written vengeance is mine. I will repay says the Lord not if your enemies are hungry feed them. If you give them something to drink by doing this you will hate burning coals on their heads do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with Goods. Play pool wants us to react rightly in genuine. Love to evil when that is done to us about Paul. When Jesus doesn't come naturally actually, we will want to get even with someone who hurt some so will those who persecute us for following Jesus will repay evil with evil and we'll both want to be the ones like a vigilante bringing Justice to others in our own kind of way. That is not genuine. Love. Who reminds us because genuine love hates what is evil? So, how can we repay evil for evil and genuine love holds fast to what is good and it will do good rather than evil. And so genuine love has Paul writes He blesses rather than cusses and I would have been very Christendom room who may not have been persecuted. Impulses don't get back about blessed as your response. That's what genuine love does genuine love seeks to live in harmony with one another. XVI Apple says live in harmony with one another do not be holte but it starts tonight with the lonely do not claim to be wiser than you are. I've been living in harmony with one another means embarrassed 15 Will Rejoice with those who Rejoice will weep with those who weep and if it is possible because I taken so far as it depends on you live peaceably with all

holiday is a wonderful thing isn't its and a beautiful thing. I was thinking about how many and music House lovely to have everything sounding lovely and in June and all the lights working together. Well as we have with off wonderful band, but if something and maybe if someone's playing the guitar and one of the strings on the statue in it ruins the harmony, doesn't it? I'm just one string Out Of Tune that can ruin that the music and SO2. I'm on Christians. Just one fights and arguments Amana ruins the hominid that we have to have.

but we not going to have disagreements that cause fights and quarrels among us because genuine love as far as it depends on you live peaceably with all Genuine love is a love that lives in harmony with one another and that is a wonderful thing.

And genuine love does not repay evil for evil words to follow chat Romans chapter 12 verse 2 financially way to be different and be transformed by genuine love. So it won't take Vengeance ourselves will leave that to God, then we'll leave it in his hands on that. She will respond lovingly. In response to evil and harm and hurt so it is done to us. Because I was 21 with not to be overcome by evil but way to overcome evil with Goods. That's how I wonder. What is your reaction to those who wronged you in some kind of way that whether it's outside the church or inside the church. I think this is a bit blurry and I think that's actually find evil done to us. What is a reaction going to be? The props Atlanta email that comes across to us as Road attacking us in some way. Are we going to fly back another one quickly? Probably going to sit on its even respond anymore. That's a Sikh to bring Harmony. I want some reaction to those who wrong us both says let's react in genuine. Love. I love that does Goods I love that reacts in that way. Because the Beatles were right All You Need Is Love That's what pool you that's what Jesus knew. That's what pulling you the Christians in Rome needed to he withhold a different backgrounds and all that was going on for them. And that's what God knows that we always need to hear to don't we? Are all we need is love by the key thing is where are we going to look for that long?

Where are we going to look for love? Love love will genuine love if we are to genuinely love others has to be fueled by the genuine. Love of God for us the genuine love of God the father in loving the world so much a world that loves evil is against him. But he gave his only son to the world. To die so that we might be brought back into his family that's genuine. Love the genuine. Love of Jesus. and giving his life for his sheep as he died on the cross and tanks God's anger at our sins so that we might be made right with God, but genuine love all the holy spirit's people says in Romans chapter 5 verse 5

That's where we go for genuine Love by looking to The God Who has loved us here is how we overcome evil with goods and suffer all love to be genuine. We need to keep on going back to God's love for us. We need to keep on looking. Is pool puts it in Romans 12 bus line at the mercies of God to us and then we'll be fueled to love others. Rewind to it about Ryan, but we will do it as we look to on loving gods. Heaps in here tonight, isn't it odd to think about how does this apply for me? That might have something that stuck out for you. My brother isn't something yet. But one way from cyst at X supporting Operation Christmas Child, that way we can show genuine love for people that we don't even know for children that we don't even know. I'm going to show you a video. He said it was a wonderful story of the love of God's eye that comes out and comes through high in Operation Christmas Child as others gave these boxes at 7. Look at the store. It is Lady. My name is Elizabeth and I was born and raised in Ukraine until I was 13 years old when I turned one my father passed away and my mom unable to support us financially backed us up and moved us to a nearby Village to live with our grandparents two years down the road. My mom had my little sister Tanya and she just didn't know how to deal with the grief and the responsibility. So she tried to alcohol may be in the bigger sister. I had to step up and take care of my little sister. I had the responsibility to provide a better future for her. I knew she deserves better. She became my world so I took her by the hand and we ran away we found ourselves in an orphanage 2 years later. Tanya's father showed up and said that he was going to take her home and that since I wasn't his daughter he can't take me home with her. Says I watched her walk away and she look back at me and the only thing I could see in her eyes with joy and happiness. But the one thing I felt was heartbreak and I couldn't show her that because I knew that she deserved better. I knew that was the best I could do for her. So I let her go and in that moment, I felt hopeless I felt lost. I felt alone and I just hit rock bottom and that is where Jesus met me he didn't leave me there. He showed me that he loved and cared for me through simple gift through a shoe box when I open my box. It was filled with so many different toys. But the one thing I remember the most was a shiny yo-yo to me that yo-yo represented. Hope to meet you represented love and care. Someone cared enough to send you this box. And I instantly felt Jesus is Love in May of 2007. I was adopted by wonderful family from lambsburg who was involved in packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. And that year my family decided to pack 5 shoe boxes as we were shopping for the items to fill the boxes with I realize that I received one of the boxes back in Ukraine and with the help of family and friends that year we decided to fill a hundred boxes and instead was filled 150 from that year on I had this passion in me to fill out my boxes and share the love that I once received through this simple gift. Please don't ever stop packing shoeboxes there so many children out there just like me have never heard of Jesus or experiences Everlasting Love This shoebox changes lives, like it changed mine so many years ago.

I'm not an amazing story. I don't see true of what's genuine love very simple. Why and how stash boxes around the front to the back there? If you want to take a couple of things for someone to add to enjoy this Christmas is a little late for them. So I will tell you all the things you need to do. You need to choose whether it's a girl or boy in the age that you want to buy things for the guide you through appropriate things a little bit for them, but I'll be a wonderful thing to do by yourself or with others this week and then bring them back next Sunday and then we'll get them off to Operation Christmas Child that were others will not Justa get the chance of a gift at Christmas about today also send as you've had that something of that the good news of Jesus and who knows what God might do. After that are the bank and as we leave, but I want to finish with a song that song by The Beatles All You Need Is Love With Another Song About Love by Samuel Crossman In 1664? And he writes this him and I'll just have several favorite images of my other favorite hymns. I think my Song is Love unknown. My savior's love for me. Love to the Loveless shine that they might lovely day. Go to shyness is genuine love. The way you much lovely B, let's pray. Heavenly Father we thank you. Pineless your grace your mercies to us in so many different ways. I think he's supremely for giving us your son and let me not be forgiven not restore to made right with you through his death and Resurrection.

Thank you. That's we trust in him and come to him with brought into your family and your spirit is poured into our hearts that way might love as you have loved us. The father work in us we pray. My father Stirrup this genuine love for one another in our that we might do this better. Please help us to have love for one another the flows out from our church Community into my son even across the world in so many different ways. Please help us love with a genuine love ramen.

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