2 Corinthians 1:8-14 (Part 5) The God of All Comfort
The deadly peril from men, vv. 8-10.
• The affliction described, vv. 8-9
• The intervention (delivery), vv. 10-11 (God and Christians)
Observations from 1:3-11
• The end of affliction (stress) is consolation/comfort of ourselves; the end of consolation is the consolation of others
• We cannot help others until we learn how to derive comfort for ourselves
Explanation of conduct, 1:12-2:13 (direction we are heading in study)
• Conduct described
• Conduct defended
Conduct described, 1:12-14
• Outward appearance, 1:12: 1) Sincerity—not self-seeking; free of pretense and hypocrisy; 2) The testimony of his conscience—we are for real.
• Inner motive: 1) Godly sincerity—judges and looked at in sunlight; 2) They have been tested, and
they are for real.
• Doctrinally: 1) Not fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God; 2) The idea is—he rejects human viewpoint and orients to the grace of God.
• Honest clarity, vv. 13-14: 1) Assumes his letters are read; 2) Assumes they can be understood.