2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4 (Part 9) The Canceled Visit
The Canceled Visit.
1. The canceled visit was in their best interest, therefore, an act of love—1:23.
2. The canceled visit was not a misuse of authority—1:24.
3. The cancelation of the visit will be a cancelation of pain—2:1-2.
4. The canceled visit will provide time for repentance—2:3-4.
Painful letter
• The purpose--2:3a
• The force--v. 3b
• The emotion—v. 4: 1) The origin—“out of”; 2) The circumstances—“with.”
Principles from study
• Carnality will never understand the actions of love.
• Love is the willingness and compulsion to do what is best for another no matter what it costs me.
• The hardest thing for man to see is the love of God through the events of life.
• Submission to the will of God is evidenced by a new capacity to make good decisions.