2 Corinthians 2:14-17 (Part 14) The Great Privilege of Serving the Lord
• The minority servant—vv. 14-16: Fragrance bearers.
• The majority servant—v. 17: 1) They adopted the world’s standards of success (numbers); 2) They adopted the world’s methods for success (gimmicks)
True servant of the Lord—2:17
• He teaches from pure motives
• He teaches in response to divine calling
• He teaches with a sense of responsibility
The results of true service—3:1-3
• The quality—v. 1—(The quality of a ministry is what authenticates it)
• The converts—vv. 2-3
• The metaphor of a letter—(v. 2) “you are my letter”: 1) The writer—Paul; 2) The message—Jesus Christ; 3) The stationery—the heart; 4) The ink—Holy Spirit.
• The incontrovertibility (can’t deny it) of the letter—(v. 2)—“known and read of all men”
• The content of the letter—(v. 3) “the letter of Christ” (Christ is the message of the letter)
• The instrument of writing the letter—(v. 3) “ministered by us”
• The medium of the letter—(v. 3) “not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God”
• The nature of the letter (v. 3) “not in tablets of stone but in fleshly tablets of the heart”