2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (Part 33) True Ministry: Its Motive and Message
• Its motive—5:11-15
• Its message—5:16-21
Its Motive—vv. 11-15
• Motives falsely attributed to Paul—vv. 11-13: 1) They said that he was crazy—why? a) The claims he makes; b) The fanaticism to which he dedicates himself; 2) Paul defends: 1) God knows our motives are pure, v. 11; 2) Even if we are crazy, it’s all for you, vv. 12-13; 3) Genuine motive is the love of Christ, v. 14.
The love of Christ constrains
• Is this Paul’s love for Christ OR Christ’s love for Paul
• He is controlled by Christ’s love for him (demonstrated at the cross, v. 14b)
• His love for Christ flows out of Christ’s love for him, v. 15
• Hemmed in—the idea of being without options (without choices)
• “Held him”—Luke 22:63
• Arrested by Christ’s love for us
• His death leaves no personal options
Two fundamental convictions
1. Since Christ died for all
2. All have undergone death: 1) Death is never anticipated as punishment for sin for the believer.
Its message, vv. 16-21
• An attitude change, vv. 16-17 1) Old rejected attitude, v. 16; 2) New attitude, v. 17