2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (Part 35) True Ministry: Its Motive and Message
• Its motive, 5:11-15
• Its message, 5:16-21
Its Motive—vv. 11-15
• Motives falsely attributed to Paul, vv. 11-13
• What truly motivated Paul, vv. 14-15
Two fundamental convictions: 1) Since Christ died for all, all have undergone death; 2) His death (the message of reconciliation) leaves no options except to live for Him.
Its Message, vv. 16-21
• Attitude change, vv. 16-17: Old rejected attitude, v. 16
• New attitude, v. 17
The doctrine of reconciliation
• The author (source)—v. 18: God through Christ where man can be . . .1) Moved from a position of enmity (hostility). 2) To a position of amity (friendship).
• The nature, v. 19: 1) Its accomplishment; 2) Its method; 3) Its proclaimers.
Three reckonings (imputations) of sin in Scripture
1) Imputation to the Savior: God imputed sin to Christ that was real but not rightly His; 2) Imputation to man (two of these): a) In Adam all have sinned. God imputed sin to man that was real and rightly his; 2) For the believer God imputed righteousness that was real but not rightly his.