Getting a Right Focus (7)
What is “Sovereignty?”
Sovereignty is God’s right to do what He want s with what is His.
Sovereignty is a matter of ownership.
What is the Extent of God’s Sovereignty?
God controls the universe.
God controls the plant and animal creation.
God controls all nations.
God controls the length of a man’s life.
God controls all things for His glory.
Is God’s Sovereignty Limited?
Ultimately God is in complete control of all things, though He may choose to let certain events happen according to natural laws that He has ordained.
The existence of sin.
Even though God hates sin, for reasons not revealed to us, sin is present by His permission.
God permits some sin to fully manifest itself.
God prevents some sin.
God determines the limits to which Satan may go in tempting or trying an individual.
God can overrule every expression of sin for His glory.
God can restore the wasted years of a sinful life.
The Free Will of Man
Sovereignty/freedom forms an antinomy (“a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences correctly drawn from such principles”). Antinomies in the Bible, however, consist only of apparent contradictions, not ultimate ones. One can accept the truths of an antinomy and live with them, accepting by faith what cannot be reconciled; or one can try to harmonize the apparent contradictions in an antinomy, which inevitably leads to overemphasizing one truth to the neglect or even denial of the other. Sovereignty must not obliterate free will, and free will must never dilute sovereignty.