2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (Part 36) True Ministry: Its Motive and Message
• Its motive, vv. 11-15: 1) Motives falsely attributed to Paul, vv. 11-13; 2) Paul’s genuine motivations, vv. 14-15
• Its message, vv. 16-21: 1) Attitude change, vv. 16-17: a) Old rejected attitude, v. 16; b) New attitude, v. 17; 2) The author reconciliation, v. 18: God through Christ; 3) The nature of reconciliation, vv. 19-21: a) Its accomplishments—moves man from hostility to the possibility of friendship; b) Its method—God accounted iniquity to Christ on the cross and not man (accounting term); c) Its proclaimers: 1) The ministry (service) of reconciliation, v. 18; 2) The word (doctrine) of reconciliation (v. 19).
Three reckonings (imputations) of sin in Scripture: 1) Imputation to the Savior: God imputed sin to Christ that was real but not rightly His; 2) Imputation to man (there are two) a) In Adam all have sinned. God imputed sin to man that was real and rightly his; b) For the believer God imputed righteousness that was real but not rightly his.
The proclaimers of reconciliation, vv. 19-20
• Committed: God deposited the Word of reconciliation
• Word—logos—message and/or doctrine
• The responsibility of having that message, v. 20: 1) Ambassadors: a) One who speaks for another—“for Christ” b) One who speaks in the place of another—“in Christ stead.”
The method of reconciliation, v. 21
• The action of God
• The benefit of the sinner
The implications of reconciliation, Chapter 6 (this is how Chapter 6 relates to Chapter 5)
• Reconciliation is to be effective in our lives, 6:1-2
• Reconciliation is a truth that is to be protected by right living, 6:3
• Reconciliation is to be adorned by those who are its servants, 6:4-10