Dealing With Hypocrisy
Sermon Tone Analysis
Dealing With Hypocrisy
Dealing With Hypocrisy
john 2.12-
12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days. 13 And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, 14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; 16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. 17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
Key verses go over each one
14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
john 214
15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;
john 2.
16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.
16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. 17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
ALFRED NOBEL, the creator of the Nobel Peace Prize, who made his fortune from the discovery of dynamite.
ALFRED NOBEL, the creator of the Nobel Peace Prize, who made his fortune from the discovery of dynamite.
Joseph Stalin - the workers' champion who murdered 30 million of his fellow workers.
A mom that chastises her children for playing video games all day ; but binges watches a series on NETFLEX
A dad that gets upset for his child caught cheating on an exam all the but fails to report income on his taxes....
It happened among family and friends; it happened in the little town of Cana nine miles out of Nazareth with people they knew and grew up with. Mary was there and the family of Jesus and the extended family,
This is a miracle in which tens of thousands of people participate, and they’re not watching and they’re not innocent bystanders.
And what causes Jesus to do what He does here is an age-old problem and one that we must address as well.
Hypocrisy - saying or believing something but doing something else …
Christians are all hypocrites – we’ve heard this before.
Cry that thousands of non-Christians flock to to try and poke holes in Christianity.
Christian Hypocrisy – What is it?
Hypocrisy is “claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.”1
In fact, the ancient Greek word comes from the word for a stage actor or one who wears a mask. It is not necessarily the fact that they sin that makes them a hypocrite, it’s the fact that they don’t acknowledge it. They don’t admit that their lives contradict what they say. They are inauthentic and imposters.
Perhaps you have personal experience with a Christian hypocrite. I do.
Perhaps you know someone who says one thing and then does another. They teach one thing and live the opposite.
In a sense, we are all hypocrites. The term isn’t reserved for Christians.
Christian Hypocrisy – Jesus’ Reaction
Combatting hypocrisy was a passion for Jesus. In fact, much of is dedicated to this topic. Here are some excerpts:
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous,
matt 23
“Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: ‘The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. For they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see...
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
“‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.
The problem in our text!
They were crowding out the court of the gentiles
They profiting from the sale of doves and sacrifices
Your sacrifice would be rejected as unclean so buy an official one
They money changes has one approved purpose to collect the temple tax and exchange rate for different detonations ...
Not to profit in the exchange rate by charging interest
Ladies and gentlemen they were pretending to be religious while taking advantage of God’s people...
In the name of God they were profiting off the people...
ALFRED NOBEL, the creator of the Nobel Peace Prize, who made his fortune from the discovery of dynamite.
Joseph Stalin - the workers' champion who murdered 30 million of his fellow workers.
A mom that chastises her children for playing video games all day ; but binges watches a series on NETFLEX
A dad that gets upset for his child caught cheating on an exam all the but fails to report income on his taxes....
Dealing With Hypocrisy
Dealing With Hypocrisy
I We Recognize it
I We Recognize it
13 And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, 14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
John 2.
It in your face right out in front....
The Passover of the Jews, that’s an annual feast followed by another feast of seven days of unleavened bread that God mandated. You remember when Israel was delivered from Egypt—Exodus chapter 12—they were told the last plague is going to be the death of the firstborn.
And so, as He always did, He comes to the Passover. In fact, His ministry begins at a Passover, and it ends at a Passover. And at both of those Passovers, the first and the last, He does the same action against the Temple.
At the first Passover, He cleanses the Temple to publicly begin His ministry.
At the last, He cleanses the Temple to publicly end His ministry; then becomes the Passover Lamb.
And in between during His ministry, there will be two other Passovers. John tells us about one in chapter 6, and another in chapter 11. He always kept the Passover, always.
This time as He enters into the Temple to begin His ministry, and by the way, He had been there every year of His life.
He goes in. He found, verse 14, in the Temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the moneychangers seated at their tables.
14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
It appears as if the city of Jerusalem could have had a hundred to three hundred thousand inhabitants normally, we don’t know exactly.
Passover that number would be expanded to read a million.
Josephus goes so far as to say 2.7 million, but that’s because he multiplies the number of sacrifices by ten.
I don’t know how legitimate that would be, but let’s say for the sake of being conservative there are a million people—and I think that’s pretty safe—that have literally descended upon the city of Jerusalem for the Passover and the subsequent feast.
That means that every room in every inn and every room that wasn’t a room for occupancy was turned into a room for occupancy. Every...every extra room in every single home was filled and people were packed into rooms in multiples to get this mass of people in. The population fourfold what it normally would be, let’s say.
How many animals did they slaughter? Was Josephus right in saying 250 thousand?
But there was more than that going on.
But there was more than that going on. Apparently by this time and there’s some historical indications of this, the people who used to buy and sell outside the Temple have now moved inside the Courtyard.
Apparently by this time and there’s some historical indications of this, the people who used to buy and sell outside the Temple have now moved inside the Courtyard.
In the middle of this there are people selling oxen, sheep and doves which means there are oxen, sheep and doves there.
And there are moneychangers seated at their tables.
The reason they were selling sacrifices is because people coming from long distances would find it inconvenient and cumbersome to take animals with them, and so they would purchase an animal when they arrived there.
And experience told them that if they brought an animal, it would probably be rejected by the folks that checked out the suitability of the animal and if the animal was refused, they would have to buy one of the temple animals anyway.
What a joke .....
They were to bring the best of their flock or possession - not to purchase one
maybe all they had was a dove or pigeon but it was a sacrifice
Maybe they brought their own and it was rejected so they could by one....
That’s kind of how they did their business. They rejected the ones that were brought so they could make money on exorbitant prices on the ones they sold.
Also, by the way, everybody had to pay for the animal and the temple tax in the currency that was accepted in Israel.
And these people would be from other countries, have different currency, would have to be changed.
Some historians say the exchange rate went over ten percent, twelve percent of the coin exchange. So there was business going on there in the temple. Extortion, really, , when Jesus does this again, He says, “You’ve turned My Father’s house into a den of thieves, robbers.”
So into this crushing place with tens of thousands of people and animals, buyers and sellers, under the control of about three hundred Temple police, if you add all the folks who were responsible to keep the peace in there and to manage the crowd control and to make sure that they took care of any incidents and disruptions, you’d get about three hundred, maybe a little less, maybe two hundred and seventy
Dealing with Hypocrisy means you recognize it ....
It easy to see those that claim to know Christ and fall into sin but what about:
Its a person that so concerned about Bible and its accuracy but name call those that disagree - and only my way is right
It a Christian father that talks down to the unsaved world
It a Christian leader that treats his subordinates badly
Its a christian that spends wildly on vacations are cars but cant tithe or give to missions
More here
Listen what in you life is hypocrisy now?
Listen what in you life is hypnotically now?
Dealing With Hypocrisy
Dealing With Hypocrisy
II We Don’t Ignore It
II We Don’t Ignore It
John 2.
15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; 16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.
Jesus saw it and did not ignore it ....
Jesus sees all of this, selling sacrificial animals, money changing, and He sees that they have totally polluted His Father’s house. Their hearts are the same as the hearts of the people to whom Isaiah wrote, to whom Amos wrote. Their hearts are like to 19, you can read that at your own leisure. They’re irreverent. Should have been a place of repentance, a place of reverence, a place of humility, a place of worship, a place of praise; it’s a chaotic marketplace—abusive commerce and corruption marked that place.
Nothing enraged Jesus with holy anger and fury like irreverence. And He did His most severe action in these two incidents in His life.
All the rest of the time it was compassion and mercy. Here it was divine fury, divine fury. These are the most severe things Jesus did in His entire life and they were done against hypocritical worship.
Verse 15, “He made a scourge of cords.” Cords would be lying all over the place because there were animals everywhere and the animals were always tied to ropes and they would be also tied to crates,
And He was picking up some of these cords and braiding them into a scourge. It doesn’t seem much of a weapon against tens of thousands of people who were all going to have plenty of reason to resist what you’re doing.
Now remember, this is an unknown man, this is the beginning of His ministry…this is the beginning. They don’t have any history of Jesus to expect anything. They don’t know who Put some little ropes together, makes a little whip. And then He unleashes miracle power.
There is no human explanation for what happened. The miracle is in these words, “And drove them all out of the Temple.”
All the animals leave, all the people with the doves grab their crates and leave.
He flips over all the tables of the moneychangers. They scramble to get whatever they can and they evacuate the place to such...
He attacked the system. The merchants would want to stop Him. The Temple police would feel completely responsible to stop Him.
This was an act of judgment on a system of religion.
He attacked the system. The merchants would want to stop Him. The Temple police would feel completely responsible to stop Him.
The crowd would want to stop.
This is miraculous power. This is crowd control, the likes of which has no human explanation.
Did things like this ever happen in the Temple? Yes they did. There’s a book called The Jews at the Time of Jesus. It’s written by a man named Wylen, W-y-l-e-n, and he says in there, and this is a quote, “Such incidents were not unusual as trouble in the Temple.” And he gives one very interesting one. The high priest was in the Temple at one of these events and the Jews were very unhappy with the high priest. And so they started throwing lemons at Him, blasting the high priest with lemons. He unleashed His private mercenaries, His mercenary army, and according to the record, slaughtered the people in the courtyard in the multiple thousands for throwing lemons at the high priest.
This morning message is not for you to go out and straighten everybody out but to deal with your hypocrisy…
This morning message is not for you to go out and straighten everybody out but to deal with your hypocrisy…
This message is about you .... what tables in you life need to be turned over
Does Jesus need to get a wip out and teach you a lesson ....
Dad maybe your Hypocrisy at home with you children :
You say you love God but - church and worship always looses to family events and sports
You say you love God but - the way you treat your wife is tearing up you family
You say you love God but - you talk bad about and gossip about others
You say you love God but - you have know sin that others know about but you go on and ignore it ...
You say you love God but - you never read his word or pray
If you are not save you are not a hypocrite .....
But if are save some table need to be turned over
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me.
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Illustration “Crawford County Talk”
I am out of here ....
Dealing With Hypocrisy
Dealing With Hypocrisy
III We Repair the Damage
III We Repair the Damage
16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. 17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
john 2.
john 2.16-17
They were followers of John the Baptist, preparing for the Messiah. And John it was, you remember, who said, “Follow Christ,” and they had followed Him. They have been with Him now for a while, a week at least between when they first started following Him and had the wedding at Cana and now a few days more. They know their Old Testament. And when they see Jesus do this, they remember a verse; it’s . This is the verse they remembered: “Zeal for Your house will consume me.” They know that passage. was written by David
So what does that have to do with us? There’s no Temple anymore. Oh, at least there’s no building that is the Temple, but there is a temple.
We are the Temple, aren’t we? Turn to and we’ll wrap up there, and then we’ll share in the Lord’s Table together.
17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
1 peter 4.
By turning over the tables and chasing out the money changers Jesus had started the rpair of the damage to God house and reputation ....
What abot the poor farmer/shephard that had traveled with his little boys for days to jerusalem?
He told his boys that God says we are to give our best sheep/goat to God for a sacrifice.
When he gets there the boys witness a rejection of the sacrifice and his father is told to pay up.....
How do you think they viewed God and His people after that .....
Dealing with Hypocrisy means repairing the damage.
Asking for forgiveness from God and man
More children are pushed away from Christ by parents that said one things but by their actions do something else.
We must repair the damage by:
changing our pioroties
changing our habits
changing our disposition
by manifesting love
We must on purpose realize that dmaage has been does and take action .....
This means change - its hard, costly
The only thing most stressful than change is regret
Taking steps to repair.
Taking steps to repair.
And then verse 31, “If we judge ourselves rightly, we will not be judged.” So judgment begins in the church, in the household of God, and here is where it starts. If we judge ourselves, we won’t be judged.
There’s no condemnation to those who are in Christ. But judgment begins here so that we don’t become disciplined by the Lord. And this is where the judgment starts. If we examine ourselves and come in a worthy manner, then there’s no further judgment—that judgment stands as the final judgment.
If we don’t judge ourselves rightly and discern our condition and come in a pure way, then we are exposed to the judgment of God in forms of discipline. And that’s why we come to the Lord’s Table. We come to be judged if we do not judge ourselves. So when you come to this table you are saying to the Lord, “I’m exposed at this point, to Your judgment if I don’t examine my own heart and honestly confess my own sin.”
What would happen if the Lord showed up here?
Would He do something like He did then? I think there might be many churches where He would. He is here and He will judge those who will not examine themselves and repent. So we invite you to do that.
Let’s pray.