Jesus responds to his skeptics - Luke 11:14-32
Jesus invites us to believe the truth, that he is the one who brings the kingdom of God to bear in our lives.
Alternative Explanations
Jesus drives out a demon
Answer One - He’s a demon (Lk 11:17-28)
Answer Two - Give us a sign (Lk 11:29-32)
The pattern of events in the book of Jonah corresponds to that in the story of the Son of man. Jonah is thrown into the sea and swallowed by the fish, returns three days later to the land of the living, and proclaims God’s message to the men of Nineveh; and the career of Jesus shows the same kind of sequence—death, burial, resurrection, proclamation.
The difference between Jonah’s sign to Nineveh and Jesus’s sign to his own generation is that in the latter there is ‘something greater than Jonah’ (11:32). Not someone greater, you notice: Jesus is not, strictly speaking, comparing himself with Jonah. It is the whole thing which is greater, deeper, more real. Jonah experienced a kind of death, a kind of burial, and a kind of resurrection, and he went to Nineveh with only an embryonic version of the good news—good, but limited. But in Jesus something greater is happening. The Holy Spirit has broken into the world in power, and by means of a real death, a real burial, and a real resurrection, he is able to offer to the world real salvation, at the deepest possible level. That which the story of Jonah illustrated and foreshadowed is made actual in the person of Jesus.