1 Samuel 15
How does Saul prove that actions speak louder than words?
Grant, Almighty God, that as you are pleased daily to exhort us to repentance, and do not suddenly execute your judgment by which we might be in an instant overwhelmed, but give us time to seek reconciliation—O grant that we may now attend to your teaching, and all your admonitions and threatenings, and become teachable and obedient to you, lest you be constrained, on finding us hardened against your threatenings, and wholly irreclaimable, to bring on us extreme vengeance. Make us then so to submit ourselves to you in the spirit of teachableness and obedience, that being placed under the protection of your Son, we may truly call on you as our Father, and find you to be so in reality, when you shall show to us that paternal love, which you have promised, and which we have all experienced from the beginning, who have truly and from the heart called on your name, through the same, even Christ our Lord. Amen.