Church Triumphant
Sermon Tone Analysis
What do you think of Church?
What do you think of Church?
When most of us think of “Church,” we tend to think of a physical building or place. Perhaps it is our parish church or the church where we grew up. Maybe we see soaring spires or stained glass windows donated by immigrant families a century and a half ago. Yes, indeed. All of these are “church.” But since Church is also the Mystical Body of Christ, we cannot say that any of those places are only Church. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered in His name, He is present. That is Church as well. Our homes, where prayers are taught, forgiveness and mercy are learned, and the covenant of marriage lived out is the domestic church.
Beyond this even, we belong to a Church that defies both time and space, because God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – defy all laws of physics.
The Catholic Church: The Church, the Mystical Body, exists on this earth, and is called the Church militant, because its members struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil. The Church suffering means the souls in Purgatory. The Church triumphant is the Church in heaven. The unity and cooperation of the members of the Church on earth, in Purgatory, in Heaven is also called the Communion of Saints.
Distinction between militant and triumphant church.
Distinction between militant and triumphant church.
The Church Militant lives by faith, The Church Triumphant lives with Christ.
Church Triumphant = Hope for today
Church Triumphant = Hope for today
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! Jerusalem—built as a city that is bound firmly together, to which the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, as was decreed for Israel, to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
Bringing the children to the Lord.
Bringing the children to the Lord.
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem!
I was a child when I was brought to the Church, baptized 9/1/1985 at Bethany Lutheran Church in Crystal Lake IL. I remember putting out foam beds for the homeless in the basement of the church. I remember pulling the fire alarm while my mother was setting up for VBS and I think there may have been a preschool because I remember lots of people running around to see what was wrong… I remember being 6 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Huntley, IL after a potluck I would go in an was the silverware with the old ladies in the kitchen. From Bethany, to Trinity, to Beautiful Savior, to Shepherd of the Valley I remember my mom and dad saying, “Its time to go to church.” Only 1/5th of those were Sunday mornings.
But it was never just an invite. It was a call to action and participation, to be challenged to growth and new experiences. When David recounts the joy of being called, “let us go to the house of the LORD!” He is gladdened by the call to engage, the community and most importantly the LORD.
We too should be calling out, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” to our neighbors our household, of course the children. For it is through being in faith community that we learn the will and ways of God in our lives and in his world.
Bound firmly together
Bound firmly together
Jerusalem—built as a city that is bound firmly together,
Jesus is the cornerstone on which the city of God is bound firmly together (ps. 118:2) As Christ fits so perfectly into place thus securing and founding the righteous establishment of God’s reign within the creation. It is on Christ this city is built mortally (on earth) according to His humanity and eternally (in heaven) according to His divinity. Knowing that the two are in fact one in Jesus. So we live today by faith in view of Christ’s sojourning on this earth, and also in His name because he is not here, but sits at the right hand of God in heaven.
Tribes of the Lord
Tribes of the Lord
to which the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, as was decreed for Israel, to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
This is not merely the flesh in the promise to the sons of Abraham, but the decree of God for what is to come. For the Church triumphant worships God in “spirit and in truth” (jn. 4:24) Namely, all people jews and gentiles. we all are called together to worship in one accord.
Luther’s Works, Volume 11 Psalm One Hundred Twenty-Two
And he very fittingly says “the testimony of Israel,” because the church militant is not yet what the church triumphant will be, but it is a sign, a figure, a hidden and altogether faithful testimony of itself. For what is future in appearance is in a mystery; what is future in reality is in a sign; what will be in the open is in what is hidden; what will be in sight is in faith; what will be set forth is in the testimony; what will be in fulfillment is in the promise.
The promise in our midst
The promise in our midst
Communion Rail
This is the symbolism behind the half moon shaped altar rails in the Scandinavian churches. The current congregation gathers around the visible half circle rail: the circle is completed beyond time and space by those who have already died. The wholeness of that transcendent circle of all the saints makes a beautiful and powerful statement about the faith we profess and the hope to which we cling.