Jesus: Once and For All
Good morning church. I put everybody feels better than I do. Goodness, gracious actually feel better than I have but I sound far worse. So but try to cover the mic when I cough so it doesn't like Sara buddy to death or whatever. About the missile and you'll have to hear me clear my throat and sniff and I apologize Bruce 10 today. This will be his 13 chapter store closing on the end of this and I'm Before we read this this is one of those is interesting thing on the slides that Leah butt up and we did before Heart of Worship. I had those in my mind to do during the sermon because they're such strong reference back. I thought I can't fit in there very well and apparently God insisted. So they're in there anyway, so today my contacts ahead of time. That's what they're speaking about about God desire or some of his burnt offering. So let's go ahead if you will terminate Hebrews 10 Let's read it and then we will study it together. Alright Hebrews 10 with a man. That's probably Me by pads doing its thing. All right, these realities that can never by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year make perfect. Those who draw near. Otherwise would they not have ceased to be offered to the worshippers having once been Clans would no longer have any consciousness of sent but in these sacrifices, there is a reminder send every year or does it possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins consequently when Christ came into the world, he said sacrifices and offerings, you have not desired but a body have you prepared for me in burnt offerings and sent offerings. You have taken no pleasure and I said behold I have come to do your Will O God as it is written of me in the scroll of the book. When he said above you have neither desire nor taking pleasure in sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and sin offering these are offered according to the law then he added behold I have come to do your will he does away with the first in order to establish the second and by that we will have been Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all and every priest and a lie that is service offering repeatedly the same sacrifices which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all-time a single sacrifice for send he sat down at the right hand of God waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet or by a single offering he hath perfected for all time. Those who are being Sanctified and the Holy Spirit also Bears witness to us or after saying This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days declares the Lord. I will put my laws on their hearts and I will write them on their minds and he adds I will remember their sins and their Lawless Deeds no more where there is forgiveness of these there is no longer any offering for sin. Therefore Brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus by the New and Living Way that he open for us through the curtain that is through his flesh. And since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of Faith with a heart sprinkle clean from an evil conscience in our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of Our Hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works not neglecting to meet together as the as is the habit of some but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day Drawing Near for if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving a knowledge of the truth. No longer remains a sacrifice for sins but a fearful expectation of judgment and the fury of fire that will consume the adversaries anyone who is set aside the law of Moses dies without Mercy on the evidence of two or three Witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think will be deserve by the one who is Trampled Under Foot the Son of God and has profaned the blood of the Covenant by which he was Sanctified and it's outrageous Spirit of Grace who said vengeance is mine. I will repay. And again, the Lord will judge of people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God, but work all the former days when after you were enlightened you endured a hard struggle with suffering sometimes being publicly exposed to reproach in Affliction and sometimes being partners with those so treated Provide compassion on those in prison and you joyfully accepted the plundering of your property since you knew that you yourself had a better possession and abiding one. Therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is Promised for yet a little while in the coming one will come and will not delay but my right chest when shall live by faith and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him. We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who have faith and preserve their souls. Pretty please. Play Father more challenging words here. In Hebrews a great deal of encouragement a great deal of instruction Lord. I pray as we open this book and we study this lower that you'll take all the concerns in the things. I might be bothering us illness or bills or schedules or whatever is on our minds when we came into this place or things are perhaps weighing us down. We put all that aside we dedicate this time for the study of your word Lord. I pray the Holy Spirit will open our our minds and our hearts to this word Lord and it will and prints off on us so that we can't seem to think about anything but your word as we leave this place and if we carry on our daily lives or thank you so much for this time together. I pray that you will use it for your good at singing something. I pray. Amen. all right, but title the sermon once and for all fun fact that was the title. I originally had for my sermon last week and then I realized the next chapter is actually that sort of again and I thought I'd only the same title twice but there's a there's a real theme Happening Here If it hasn't if you're not resonated with it yet what the writer is doing all the time is saying whatever you think is important is not because of Jesus, right? If you are relying on something else other than Christ if you're lying on anything of your own ability or priests ability or someone outside your you know, any of that it's it's Jesus and not just Jesus like I'll take this sacrifice and put Jesus there and then I'll come here every year and worship Christ Jesus did it one time on the cross and it takes care of it. I started with this slide. God is reasonable.
Reason I did this as I thought Hebrews 10 is a very logical and thoughtful opening. It's not that the whole book isn't very logical or isn't very reasonable. But there are sometimes when I think we might take for granted the fact that Christ fulfilled a law. That was very descript. It's not a lot of touchy-feely. Just mysteriously loved us and Jesus is came out of nowhere and said I love you and everything was okay because Christ did something. I don't even understand the more you study the more you start to see how Christ fulfill all the very last week. I put the pictures of the Tabernacle of that was described by God in great detail. It all meant something was all logical and reasonable price fulfillment of every piece of that is logical reason. I'm not trying to get into that here, but he starts to touch on this even at the beginning if these sacrifices were adequate if what you were doing before was fine. Why do we have to keep doing? It's because they weren't effective. It's not the top because of that. They were effective. God said do them so they did them, but they were incorrectly understanding what the effect was. What kind of showing in this doesn't make you clean these sacrifices don't atone for those sins. Your best efforts are only going to delay. He said well the delay. It's just the old I'm not talk about Jesus come and talk about the old sacrificial system. No sins were not paid for. If anyone has ever dealt with like some sore, maybe a line of a creditor having a bill do if you ever like we have a car loan and every year they send us a certificate say you can skip a payment for Christmas or something, right? You like all great we were ahead money or not. I had money. It feels like you are because the little bit of extra money this month, but that money is still do they just push your date out one more month? That's what they were doing. Right they were bringing in and they're paying the minimum payment the minimum payment was ago and this and that okay with all of the law, but the principal the amount do your sin debt is accruing in the flea-bitten get that now it's in the word very clear what's going on the more you study some people in the Old Testament got it. We're eating some of David songs about up here today David understood he understood the burden of blood and sacrifice and how bad it was it when you read it songs. He's tired of it. He's tired of the rope and it all I do. Send and then I go when I bring another sacrifice in again with the same again with a sacrifice, I'm tired of this. I'm no good. I'm not getting better. God bring something to fix me. I cannot wait for that the final sacrifice. I think this concept is very simple and it's very complex at the same time. Like a lot of things have got right if you explain it like a bill do that makes good sense, but we forget is the manner in which this has to be fulfilled is much different than the way we pay our bills at some point. I could if I had a windfall I can get on my checkbook and pay the whole car off. In this reality if I call God and I say hey, can I get my payoff amount? He's going to say it's at Trinity under my wrath. I don't have that you don't you never will why it's a Trinity, right? I cannot pay the amount due and I'm still having to it. Right now once again, the Jews didn't get this they didn't understand how in debt they were the word propitiation between that's come up a few times. It's very pertinent hear. It's a great where we don't use it very often because it doesn't translate very well into things that are not of Jesus Jesus propitiation is him fulfilling the debt he paid with his perfect sinless what everything things I could not pay it because I don't have perfect symbols. What if we took all of our blood in his whole room to put it together? It's useless for what price did on the cross all the blood of all Humanity for all time is in debt to God. And God chose otherwise right not said no, there's a plan for this. It's coming. The Old Testament was distraught with that. The whole point is if what they did in the past was enough and we would have had to continue doing it. It would have been a need for another savior. The repetition was designed to show you how in debt you were right after a hundred thousand months of skipping a payment you should have realized Who's going to pay for this if we're not allowed to skip a payment? I don't think I can make ends meet. They never got that look like all here comes the thing. I just pay the minimum never done with credit debt for your first time around the space. You start to feel this like a wonderful. I mean I bought this TV, but I'll have to pay me $30 if you sit down to nothing like this TV is going to cost me $200,000 if I pay the minimum they know what they're doing right now. That's not a busy is not loaning us, you know send that's not the it's not a perfect example, but the idea here is the offerings that the Jews are participating in a minimum payment due per God's payment plan. The secret was the total amount due the principle of their sin was unpayable. He told him that if it wasn't able wise you have us doing that. Why did he have it put blood on a Passover? Because he didn't want you to die. Well, but maybe he just likes us. We're okay like the angel of death was passed over you because God is gracious. Angel of death is still do you write? Well, nobody passed over so simple it's complicated filmed in a study.
Do you hear me? Say something and you're like, I don't get that. I think he's wrong. I think he's studied misunderstands that and I'm going to have a talk with her about it. Let's have a talk about that. I don't know everything. I certainly didn't write this book. I don't have some sort of magical, you know, holy spirit in-dwelling. It's letting me interpret this properly and only me that's not true. I'm doing my honest best up here, but it's probably not perfect. So by all means that's confusing. Let's go studying. Go back to that the tile 7 once and for all. this is only I think for us and maybe isn't quite as stressed as it would have been for them. And in any regard as we talked about this little bit is is the notion of of a blood sacrifice really isn't talk about by even the modern church at all. It's kind of unseemly him anyways, and okay the blood we sing about the blood a little bit but we don't want to think about it because we like to think about God is being loving and forgiving and that's great. Christ's sacrifice was sufficient to take away our said because it was paid for with blood that was without sin. Jesus Christ could not have lived and just stayed alive and said God, this is okay. Just just make it go away. That's not the way this works blood is required. But to take it all away to take on all the sins of the world the blood had to be completely symbols.
Because of the scope of his blood no more sacrifices required not of Jews at that time, not of us today. There's no need for sacrifice. Any further. It is not a requirement of the Covenant. You do not need to bring anything in here not certainly not animals or whatever else but there's nothing that's required of your offering is not a required sacrifice for your salvation. Your sins have been paid for in Christ sent offerings burn offerings Shadow's pointing to Christ work. All of it was intended to show you how significant the work of Christ was. Show me we talked about that a little bit last week, but that the protocol used in their sacrificial process was incredible. I mean, there's entire books of the Bible literally that speak about what had to happen to make this process work in God's proper way. It was not easy multiple birds and yarn a different color Fabrics. I mean, it's it's you had to have somebody there are priests that knew it studied and understood it follow the protocol to a t if you didn't bad things happen, like God killed you you cease to be you turn the salt. Does that kind of stuff a lot when you don't obey so they were very very careful what they did while I was just a real Workhorse. I mean, he just like cracking the whip. No that was designed to point to Christ work this area here with a bread goes this clothing you made Priestly garments. They sure look nice throw blood on why God said to a purified is it I don't understand that don't seem to releasing filthy, right? This isn't price Blood The Shadow All this stuff designed to purify something that will never be pure. Perfection attained perfection tell me a little bit of a above an I raised by, I'm in Christ. I'm not perfect. No, I have not been made perfect yet. I'm being made perfect. I think of vacation but this sacrifice is the perfect sacrifice unlike the other sacrifices an animal was killed a blood was shed piano or Mane dead Christ is alive. He was able to sacrifice his blood without sin and then overcome death the only sacrifice that lives after the sacrifice his perfect sacrifice is made complete in his resurrection. This is a differentiator, right? That's what scene is Right final it is for us till today. I don't know anybody that's been resurrected in like my purview never happened that I've seen. It didn't mean something pretty significant. They come back from the dead. Oh my gosh. What what do they have to say? What's going on here? Right. Let's figure this out. When it when Christ comes back. We find out that he comes back to sit at the right hand of the father. He's there right now. He is alive he is at the right hand of the father. His sacrifice is once and for all it's done. It's complete in the Forgiveness that he Grant is perfect by his design. I put repent and be saved simple, right? Simple enough. Maybe you think I'm sure I've heard it before trying to burn all that stuff, right? I just repent and I'm sick. What does it mean to forgive want to talk a little bit about forgiveness? In our vernacular, there's usually two usages there's cancellation like debt like if you owe me $10 I could forgive the debt you owe me nothing. Or forgive cancel like my hatred for something right if somebody wrongs me. Maybe they don't owe me anything but an apology but I could forgive them. Of what they did to me, right? Those are kind of the two big the two strongest usages in our in our van Dyke which one of those is it.
Weller 12 counter question, right? So nice work on that beat be certain here that there is a there is a payment owed, right? We don't just hate God and he can say oh, it's it's okay. We owed that price work on the cross is debt forgiveness. He is taking away the amount due from us and paid it himself. Now. We talked about propitiation. There's that word again the send that wasn't just wiped clean. Difference in our forgiveness if you owe me $10 and I say I forgive you. $10 what really happened to the debt? We say it was canceled. But in reality, I'm just paying it to myself right if I said money was owed. Now. I say it's not one could argue. Well, basically I just kicked in the money that you owed me to take care of your debt to write it off to make it right. I had it at 10 to the -10. I put the Implanon + 10 in there my own money to take care of the money you owed me in this case. That's what happened price. God says my rap is do them. Cry says put it on me. They owe you nothing. It wasn't free. It did just go away. In just wipe the sent out and say well just blood it's like it never looks like it was never ever committed. No, it was absolutely committed and it was paid for by Jesus Christ on that cross. Wasn't free and clear it right. However Christ calls us to repentance right he does calls to do this. This is the part of forgiveness. This is this is us acknowledge that the hatred of are saying is Justified that may seem a little strange phrases like 15 times, right? We talked about repentance. If we're not careful, we could very quickly dab into sacrifice again. Well, I need to repeat what I need to do if all these 10 steps and how you were printed. What's a good right to the Heart of Worship? You read? All these Old Testament scriptures or something about attitude something about demeanor the condition of my heart a repentant heart, right? I understand. I acknowledge that God hating my sin was correct. That was me sending I warranted that hatred I deserve that rap what I did was wrong. I am a sinner. Now I can comprehend the sacrifice that Christ made when I understand what my sin was. Only then can I really understand what Christ on the cross and if you look at the world around us today, this is the hardest part. We spend so much time taking sin and trying to justify it away from needing repentance. Well gift God made me this way, then that's the way it is. I mean, I really wanted that thing and I really hated that person and they did something wrong to me. So it's fine that I slashed their tires whenever I see you. I just took that but I know that's what I would really want because why would you make me so hateful in my heart if it wasn't good like the heart is deceitful the Bible tells us not to trust us, but we spend a lot of time convincing ourselves with other people then I won't feel the same way that this this sin nature and me is okay. If this is a good that is the opposite of repentance that self-justification terrible. Terrible. Are we Christians must be justified by Christ alone and not justification paid for by his blood alone. If we can understand that that that our sin is sin and a god hating it as is right and correct. It will never really perceive what Christ said on the cross. He just seemed to die for somebody else's Sim but not mine because I'm not stand for this is critical. I might be a little confusing but let's look at some extremes. I put the word wrong in front.
Just another city taking out contacts. This is wrong. Price is elected in forgiving me and nothing. I can do will take that away. I will then do what I want with no regard to God's plan for my life. Right? I mean, I've been forgiven and nothing I can do until your way then. Why does it matter? What is the matter guts that matters but God said that's that's how it has to be. Here's the other side what price is elected me, but I must earn my forgiveness and if I don't do all the right things in Atlanta like me or something, I mean I'm in but I'm also wrong this is both. These are both incorrect the top one when I was a youth group, we used to call that the license to send Jesus to put in my wallet and I don't do what I want does it because if that's how you're living your life, you don't understand what the blood that has done. You understand what I paid for the second one you're discounting the power of the blood for the blood did save me but now I got to Work towards learning that salvation forever know the blood has paid the debt, right? When you forgive somebody a debt. They could never pay out of the graciousness of their heart the probably say, how can I ever repay you as a reference that thing was that come from? It's a natural response to something. I can't afford. That's what we should be saying. How can I ever repay your good news us?
Go out tell the world about me care for people like I care for them. That's how you repay me. Well, I won't have time to do the things. I like you asked. I'm telling you. That's how you repay me get to work go out there preach the word tell the people the truth of Christ. Here's the right one. One right one just this isn't the Bible. It says me prices elected in forgiving me and nothing I can do will take that away. I will strive to be more like Jesus by actively pursuing him and denying myself relying on him for help. Every step of the way. I got a hand in this right. There's a desire in my brain and my heart to follow Christ, but I'm not going to do better by me working. Thanks. Jesus repent for my sins. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to overcome of myself. Right, but if you heard somebody say that you'd say well that's silly right if I help somebody out of the water because they can't swim know like great. I'll jump right back in the water. Like you're going to drown again. I'm saving you. Yeah, but I know from here on out I got to swing myself. You don't know how to swim. I need to rely on Christ every step of the way but I am actively doing it. It's a choice on Main prices in control goddess driving absolutely unequivocally. I'm not he's not my co-pilot. He's driving right? However, I am still very aware of what Christ did and I'm aware of what I'm constantly doing this plague Theologian in the by week near Paul's words directly. I do the things I hate and I hate that you're somebody that's written several books of the Bible is an apostle struggling with sin in his life struggling trying to kill the man and it wasn't because I guess, you know wasn't good enough. Of course, he wasn't good enough. Nobody's good enough. He was constantly constantly Jesus help me with this cling to Christ again again again again strive to be more like Jesus by actively pursuing him and denying ourselves.
we should be confident in the most. Holy place at least words hear the word confident appears a lot in here. Talking of confidence right now by our good works. I'm not earning this. I can't approach God because of what I did. And it's not because I rephrase this a couple of times as well. It's not because God loves us so much that he just let us off the hook. It may seem that way but propitiation says otherwise I didn't let us off the hook Christ bought us off the hook. That debt was paid. It was due. It was paid for we have been purchased with a price we take our confidence in the blood of Jesus the blood he shed on that cross is where all of our confidence comes from. It covers the scent exactly as foretold in the Old Testament send warrants death death of blood blood purifies. The blood of Christ an innocent person is absolutely how I take my coffee to my Approach God the father in through the blood of Christ. We commune with God via the payment of our sin debt, which was the blood again propitiation. You might think I sound like a broken record probably does not tell you why this was something that was not evident in my life. This understanding was very foreign to me for a majority of my understanding Christianity.
That let me know a place where license to sin was very very easy to understand the cost of mice and I didn't understand how all this work. It just felt like God when hey, it's cool. And you don't owe me a dime fine. I separate your sins as far as the East is from the west by The Sims were still there. They weren't evaporated. They were over there more than enough was on Christ on the cross as the wrath of God more down. So yeah, if I sound like a broken record because I really want to stress the cost of our sin. The cost of our Salvation was very very very hot graphically. Violent Lehigh is it is is what it cost. So we're told to approach with confidence Christ died. He has his blood has been shed. He has made me clean his paid my debt. I believe it in my heart. What do we do now for neuro move down this boom boom. Boom. It's like a I'm a Christian now what in 4 verses in Hebrews draw near with the full of surance of faith. Do it 20 to let us draw near with a True Heart in full Assurance of faith of the heart sprinkle clean from an evil conscience in our bodies washed with water not try to draw in the air. If you have time John Deere draw near draw near unto Christ full of Servants of faith faith that he is instilling us to the purchase of his blood to the election process. He has created in me is regenerating me. I'm going to draw near to him the faith that I have crazy Jesus help me understand it better hold fast the confession of Our Hope of that wavering in 23. Let us hold fast our confession over that way every for he who promised is faithful. What kind of wavering wavering about Maybe I'm not sick. Maybe that's him. Knock me out that person over there is way better than I am. They've not been through this that I've done. They haven't committed the sin that I've committed. Oh my gosh. Once again, we fall right back into justify know our confession. Is that Jesus Christ Blood on the cross pay for a scent to it every minute of the day when somebody tells you not good enough, you're too dumb. You're too stupid and too fat or you're not too loud. If that's the case then help me fix that I can't do it. I confess some of this after 42 years of trying I'm still fat and abrasive. Do you have to take care of that yet? And I felt a little bit here and there but it's still struggle for me, but I'm not going to fix it myself. And if I do it's only going to be temporary. It's like everything else in the Old Testament had a little lamb in but never done that you might have had something in your life. You think I'm going to fix this in like 3 weeks you like. I'm finally I quit smoking. I don't eat this and I don't have a curse that I have. French fry and I don't drink soda every like 8 months later like 3 weeks then that's the story of my life. I'll fix it. I'll fail and then wonder you know, where were you on that one? God got some what did you hold fast to the confession? What you doing right now?
Miniature. All right here 22 through 25. Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Consider how to do it. Think about it being thoughtful. I don't know what to think about. How do you stir people up to love and good works? I don't know. You don't say he says consider how to do it that's going to be different for everybody. But once again encouragement and finally after we see this don't neglect to meet together, but encourage one another right here in the in the word of God forbade him and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works not neglecting to be together as is the habit of somebody encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day drawing your day with a capital D data Lord meeting at this time. They're already talking about Tomorrow could be the day price can come back tomorrow and go back in 2 weeks, right we going to drop here. Drone near hold fast start one another don't neglect me Together We Gather here in this place is pheasant hunting club. There's a little place we get together. We high-five we're great friends and you know, we take shopping trip. So we hit me to eat me to get on Thursday night eating hamburgers, or I don't know what the ladies.
We don't need to go there just to put a check in the box we meet together because we do that we can offer Cruz running as we do that. We grow closer to Christ. We get a chance to confess our sins all these things that we're supposed to do as members of a body are facilitated by us getting together and if we don't if we don't get together with Believers, if we don't spend time with our church family, there is no opportunity for me to encourage other believers. I can't do I can stir up other people that are not around. To be here to do that if I ever see it verbatim What do I have to do? That stuff short answer? Yes. Yes, you do. I tell you right now you have to do it down. Because it saves you. Don't come here and come to church because you're trying to get to heaven. Well, I guess you're going to church if you're trying to get to heaven cuz hopefully you learned that Jesus is the way but if you think that coming to church and sitting in these chairs is getting a a marker you're you're edging ever close to me that you making enough, you know Church Equity time to get into heaven. That's not how this works. What we do all of this follows the idea of understanding the sacrifice of Christ Our wanting to meet together encourage one another study the word trust in it. All based on the fact that I have Reliance on my there's faith that what Christ did is enough he he is enough this I am going to get together not going to be able to go and Proclaim it more if we have been saved and we willingly ignore God's commands. We are in a strange place. as we transition this slide transitions in picture of the latter half of this and it talks a little bit about in verse 26 this notion of deliberate sin e I mentioned apostasy the last week.
So apostasies just being outside of the church effectively write your prostate. Then you might call yourself a member at church, but you're not doing the things that are required of that in our case that's trusting in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior in this case what we see is this interesting scenario describing if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment in a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.
That's that's a little bit. I think that's a tough thing because much like before if you read that without the idea what comes before in this chapter. It sounds like well, you know, what? What sounds like I was in and now I'm not in was I was I Electra I'm not right what we see here isn't so much a forewarning about you're going to lose your salvation or whatever else. It's about checking where you stand. It's easy to say you believe something and it's quite another to believe it. It's easy for me to say I would give you all my money if that was what God told me to do and it's quite another for me to do it when God tells me to do it. I use that example a lot because it's in the Bible the Rich Young Ruler. I've held all your loss everything that you've spoken of so far Jesus. I have done what must I do to go to heaven. He said get rid of everything. You have any leave sad? What do you like most of what he heard? I would argue that Rich Young Ruler had received knowledge of the truth. But as he walked away sad, he was sitting deliberately and because of that they're no longer made the sacrifice for sin, but a fearful expectation of judgment. That's why he said, oh, no, I don't want to give that up but something I really like and now you're telling me that I'm going to It was about his stuff is about understanding who Christ was. Who is Jesus Christ in your life? Pay the comparison of he make sure and it's a it's a good one. I took a little bit of Liberty with this but I don't think you like under the law. So he's going back to Jewish law under the law. If someone broke the first place a bet. He just says to set aside the law of Moses in my study when someone refers to something as the law of Moses cuz there's a lot of those It's usually the big one coming in at number one eye Dollar Tree that was sort of my understanding the law of Moses if someone come in and idolatry, so this would have been putting another God above God. with two or three Witnesses
They would be killed without Mercy. That was a lie.
This guy had an idol. I thought they saw it. They sought boo dead no mercy rip his legs off. Whatever. It takes no mercy. That was a lot of these people would have held in high esteem.
In this case, what if we see this comparing it to now our three new Witnesses? Breaking the first commandment with knowledge of the New Covenant. So if you now know who Jesus said he was if you understand the sacrifice that Christ made if you have knowledge as he's bitching here. Just a few hours knowledge of the truth. And you continue to deliberately send you continue to put yourself as an idol above God. Now we see the testimony of three other Witnesses the sun Trampled Under Foot the Son of God the Father. This is the Liberty prep wraps profane the blood of the Covenant I had both of these are the sun. I like the father here because the blood was required by the father becoming its form with with with with Christ blood that fulfills the Covenant but the father says blood I need 1% So that's the deal that we made with the father profane above the coming of the Holy Spirit outrageous Spirit of Grace. This is right here in the word all three of these These Witnesses have no credibility issues whatsoever. And you will be found guilty when we talked about this lack of sacrifice. If we do not keep Christ in his place if we've never put him there if we're dancing in and out of this, I think I want the the Salvation side of things, but I also want to live my own life and do what I want. Bad bad bad place in Hebron. I can't we can't fill out a form like we can't go through check boxes and say that you do do all this you're saved and if that doesn't work that way we sing about song like the Heart of Worship and it says I bring you more than a song Take the word song and put anything in it that you do for Christ sermon. I bring him more than a required does not much required. This does not save me Jeremy does not save you and me doing this does not save me this me standing here telling you this is born of my salvation. It's me, having the knowledge and accepting the reality fleeing from my sin. No longer being a slave to sin if you continue to sin. I mean. I wish I could sugarcoat this if we go on deliberately sinning after receiving the knowledge of Truth or no longer remains a sacrifice of sent its black and white. There's no there's no banana. Maybe not. It's right there in the word verbatim.
Hold on. I thought it was it be confident. We just talked about confidence. And now this now I'm worried.
You should be confident. But only the power of the blood of Jesus. That's it. That's where all of our confidence by the word exist to show us what Christ did on the cross. All of it points. Jesus is the word just bought a save it. If not for the blood that he shot on the cross. I have no. Hope there's no hope of Salvation. I can never enter in the father's presence the veil still stands between me and the lord. It's just us Jesus tore the veil then just tear Jesus's death tore the Veil. Jesus blood is on the cross. It's all because of the blood of Christ. Once we accept that were encouraged to dwell on it for the rest of our life force in everything is Grant you have a wonderful job done is going to prove me wrong. I seen that there's a funny picture of a guy sitting by the coffee cup and just a certain something and says prove prove me wrong, right my Perpetual assertion is what I'm saying is true prove me wrong get in the word research lab discussion if it's if I'm wrong I'll happily absolutely but I think the point is get in there and study spend time with God this book however, does and with encouragement to stay the course. What's the world keep on beating you down? But Jesus is still alive and you are still safe in this book talking about you know, hey, we've been through tough times before but you you got to remember how God has brought you through all that's what Jesus has done is still a applicable today and ends with this and you know, we are not of those who shrink back in or destroyed but if those who have faith and preserve their sold,
Correct time for call to action.
Two questions here. Are you confident that Jesus is the son of God. What kind of yes no. Are you confident that Jesus lived a sinless life and died an innocent, man? Are you confident that Jesus rose from the grave and lives seated at the right hand of the father? And are you confident that you have been saved by the blood of Jesus death?
I'll tell you if you said no to any of those, please don't leave this way is not talking to me. I mean it. I'm up here. I'd love to talk with you if any of those were no, let's go over this one more time. If you don't think Jesus was the son of God or if you're not confident that it was you don't think you're not, that he loved the same as life that innocent and if you're not confident he rose from the grave, you're not confident. You've been saved come talk to me.
Perhaps you thought I believe that but I wish I had more confidence in that case. You're in the right place. We need here just as Hebrews commands to encourage one another and through obedience. Jesus gives us that conference, right? It seems like a chicken and egg scenario here waiting and I want to be confident. Jesus wear their comments come from will Jesus. Will then, how do I get to spend time? We say drop closer to Jesus? Not just something we do for fun. It's like sitting in the next to the heater to get warm, right? I can't feel the warmth without being near the heat of the provides everything. Everything is of Christ. So yes, I want but I can we draw near to him because he promised me that it's confusing. But through that through study we get we gain confidence. Finally, maybe you said yes to every one of those but you feel like you're just drifted away. Maybe you feel like I'm just sending deliberately. I don't I do believe it. I'm not I'm in pretty confident, but I thought perhaps you feel the world just be up so much that you are abandoned. There's nothing there's no hope for me maybe a church that you have so much you feeling better.
the school people that renounce Christ because their church was so Just nasty to me breaks my heart. But University 9th, I want to reiterate this we are not of those who shrink back in our destroy bit of those who have faith and preserve their souls if you feel like the world's had enough and and there's no place for you and maybe the church as you've been in the past have been the same way join us. And let's see Christ together. I don't have a magic answer. I'm not going to be able to do something for you and fix anything today. That's not how this works, right? That's a Jesus's job. But as a church, we work together to get to grow into and towards Jesus everyday. Let's pray Heavenly Father. Thank you for this time together. Thank you for words that I personally find very challenging Lord Lord. I pray that is if preach this today that your word will stand alone in the my words will fade away, but the truth it is in your scripture of your work on the cross and Everything that you've done the countless examples in our lives of how you're still involved in. You're still alive. You're still interceding and you're still active in a relationship. That's real Lord that you will make a Evermore known for us. Order pay for somebody here today then. baby feels
like it or not.
I just don't know who you are. They are. They want to come home to you. They want to be confident. They want to feel free the tired of being afraid or nervous or tired of wondering what's going to happen tomorrow. If they if they they get hit or someone they love gets hit by a bus. Alright, so many things in this world that we can't answer without you but I pray if that's happening right here in this room today. Those people will take the opportunity to draw close to you. Even if it's just sitting in that pool or that they'll maybe pray to you for the first time in a long long time. And if they want some counsel and some of the play with him Lord beat him up here if plenty of people that would love to take a nap. Can you play with the Lord? Thank you again for this time together. Thank you so much for our our our our ability to gather in this place of warmth and worship you and in all these ways and once again Lord, I'm just so thankful for all you've done a cross in your son's name. I pray.