Christ Empowered Unity
"Christ Empowered Unity (Loving others with humility)"
Calvary Bible Church - November 3rd, 2019
Philippians 2:1-4
Through the power of Christ we can be a united body of believers
The Context: Conflict without - Philippians 1:29-30
Conflict within - Philippians 4:2
4 incentives to live united in Christ
Verse 2:1
1. Encouragement in Christ
2. C________ from His love
3. Fellowship with the Spirit
4. Tenderness and C_________
4 Qualities of a united body
Verse 2:2
1. Like Minded - Rooted in the same T_________
2. Same love for each other.
Romans 12:9-10
3. Be of one accord - U_______ in Spirit.
4. Be of one mind - Intent on one P____________.
3 Ways to become a more loving person
1. Choose humility over selfish a__________.
2. Attack the problem of pride.
3. Choose to practice humility daily by putting
others' needs ahead your own.
verses 2:3-4