The Rapture: What? Who? When? Are YOU Ready?

Bible Prophecy  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:00:51
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THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH PASTOR JAMES WOODLEY, Th.D. CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Seven Views: 1. No Rapture = The Living Never Leave Earth; Just Gathered. 2. Pre-Tribulation = Before The Tribulation Starts 3. Partial Rapture = Only The Spiritual Christians are Raptured. 4. Baptist Bride = Only Saved Members of Baptist Churches. 5. Mid-Tribulation = In Middle of Tribulation. 6. Pre-Wrath = After Trumpets, before Vial Judgments. 7. Post-Tribulation = At The Second Coming of Christ. SUMMARY OF PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE ARGUMENTS: 1. 1 Corinthians 15:50-53 A NEW MYSTERY REVEALED 2. BOOK OF REVELATION OUTLINE 1-3 CHURCH AGE 4-19 DANIEL’S 70TH WEEK – CHURCH ABSENT (But not believers) 3. REVELATION 3:10 “KEPT FROM” 4. REVELATION 4:1-2 “COME UP HITHER” A Type Of The Rapture At Change Point Between the Church & The Tribibulation 5. REVELATION 4, 5, 19 THE 24 ELDERS IN HEAVEN Not Seen In OT Visions Stated To Be Redeemed Wearing Crowns = Rewards OT Saints Not Resurrected Until End Of Trib. 6. Israel And The Church Are Separate Programs REV. 6-19 & DANIEL 8, 9, 11, 12 & MATT. 24 & 2 THESS. 2 & JOHN 14 First 69 Weeks Were Literal, Why Not 70th? Church Was Not In Weeks 1-69, Nor Is It In The 70th Time References That All Support A Literal 70th Week Abomination Of Desolation = Still One Week In Future John 14 = A Separate Place for Church 7. TYPOLOGY OF MATTHEW 24-25 Noah & Enoch: Noah = Tribulation Saint; Enoch = Church The Wedding Feast = Groom Comes To Earth, Then Calls Bride Out 2nd Time
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