What Is Before Our Eyes
Prescription without diagnosis is referred to as malpractice. Oft times we set out to fix an issue without a firm understanding of what the heart of the matter is, what is right before our eyes. I am reminded of a story I heard of Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Watson. They were camping and and about 2 A.M. Holmes wakes up. seeing the sky above him he wakes Watson and says to him, "Watson look up and tell me what you see." Watson says "I see millions of stars meaning there are no clouds, indication tomorrow will most likely be a beautiful day. Based on where the moon is, I would say its about 2-3 in the morning. Why , what do you see"., to which Sherlock Holmes replies, "no Watson, someone has stolen our tent." Brother Don Hatcher reveiled the theme for our association at our annual conference, "Vision 2020. I only have two points tonight, two questions for us to look at.(1) As a church, what do we see in front of us (2)As a church, what is being seen of us.