Song of Solomon
Starting with the church fathers—and then through the Middle Ages and up to the Puritans—the Song of Songs was one of the Bible’s most popular books. Believe it or not, pastors preached and scholars commented on this book more than any other book in the Bible.
Doug O’Donnell to conclude that the Song of Songs is “erotic poetry set within the ethical limits of the marriage bed.”
The Song of Songs is not an allegory, but it is part of a bigger mystery—the mystery of the Father’s love in Jesus Christ for his beloved and beautiful bride. So the song is not just about a man who loves a woman. It is also about the love of all loves, which means that there is a place in this story for all of us. The image of the bride is in the Bible to show “the uninhibited joy and tender intimacy of the divine-human communion” that all of us are offered through the Son of God.”
15 Catch the foxes for us,
the little foxes
that spoil the vineyards,
for our vineyards are in blossom.”