Developing a Lifestyle of Thanksgiving

Developing a Lifestyle of Thanksgiving  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Problem: We only see problems

We instinctively only see the problems around us. This is humanity to it’s core, from Adam and Eve, to Cain, Jacob, The Israelite Nation, the Disciples, and us, we all are quicker to fear and doubt than we are to faith and thanksgiving. Its interesting that prior to the Law there are few, if any, references to thanksgiving. Neither Adam nor Eve thanked God for his creation, and, compared to Abel’s gift of the fat portions from the firstborn of his flock, Cain’s gift of “some fruit” seems singularly thankless. The families of Isaac and Jacob contended over God’s blessing rather than thanking him for it. Ingratitude reached its nadir when, after the exodus, Israel grumbled again and again, rather than thanking God for his deliverance and for food that literally fell from heaven.
It was the institution of the Law that created space for Thanksgiving. I think that’s funny, prior to the Law we didn’t have a perspective that made room for thanksgiving. When Moses received the Law a place was made for the Thank Offering, which was a subset of the peace and fellowship offerings. So the Law made a place for peace and fellowship through thanksgiving! Once the Law was established and was practiced we have this period of time where the nation of Israel goes back and forth in their devotion to the Lord. There are constant issues with obedience and oppression. Then David comes along and we see for the first time that thanksgiving is brought to the forefront of human life. The Psalmists make tons of encouragements to offer thanksgiving. Lets look at a few:

106 Praise the LORD!

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,

for his steadfast love endures forever!

I will praise the name of God with a song;

I will magnify him with thanksgiving.

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;

let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

and his courts with praise!

Give thanks to him; bless his name!

I think it’s super interesting that David, the warrior king, who fought his whole life, is the one that brings Israel into this lifestyle of thanksgiving.

He appointed some of the Levites as ministers before the ark of the LORD, even to celebrate and to thank and praise the LORD God of Israel

So he left Asaph and his relatives there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD to minister before the ark continually, as every day’s work required;

This worship ministry goes on for 33 years! Woah!!
What does that tell me about the how I should be living my life? Can we know what it means to be thankful without outside stressors? There are a ton of Psalms that are crying out to the Lord for deliverance and for sadness that end with thanksgiving. There seems to be this theme of “Lord I have a legitimate problem and I need You to fix it, but until then I will declare Your goodness and I will be thankful for what You’ve done for me!” David, when he finally successfully brings the Ark back to Jerusalem, doesn’t place the Ark in the Tent of Moses but instead builds a place for the Levites to continually offer thanksgiving in song and burnt offerings. Moses’ tent was still standing, sacrifices were still being made there, but the Ark wasn’t there, It was surrounded by Thanksgiving and Freewill offerings instead. So, there is a prophetic message here for us, if we want to see the Presence increase in and around us then we must prioritize thanksgiving!
This worship ministry goes on for 33 years! Woah!!
What does that tell me about the how I should be living my life? Can we know what it means to be thankful without outside stressors? There are a ton of Psalms that are crying out to the Lord for deliverance and for sadness that end with thanksgiving. There seems to be this theme of “Lord I have a legitimate problem and I need You to fix it, but until then I will declare Your goodness and I will be thankful for what You’ve done for me!” David, when he finally successfully brings the Ark back to Jerusalem, doesn’t place the Ark in the Tent of Moses but instead builds a place for the Levites to continually offer thanksgiving in song and burnt offerings. Moses’ tent was still standing, sacrifices were still being made there, but the Ark wasn’t there, It was surrounded by Thanksgiving and Freewill offerings instead. So, there is a prophetic message here for us, if we want to see the Presence increase in and around us then we must prioritize thanksgiving!
That theme is carried all the way through the Exile. There is this undertone to the Prophets that knows the goodness of God, even in the midst of judgment and correction. When Ezra and Nehemiah go back to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple, thanksgiving is a central focus. That story is filled with opposition from the enemies of Israel. They constantly threaten the people that are doing the work, they harass them with words, and they organize little raids to come and disrupt the repair. There is another prophetic nugget here, that if we expect to repair and rebuild the broken down parts of our lives then thanksgiving has to be the central focus. We cannot be distracted by the enemy and his little games, he is a liar and not worth my attention. My focus has to remain on the work of the Lord and what He is doing and has done!
The teachings of Jesus and the Apostles magnify the importance of thanksgiving even more than the OT did. Thanksgiving is referenced 55 times in the NT. When Jesus wanted to feed the 5000 and the 4000 He started with an offering of thanksgiving to the Father. Again, another prophetic nugget, if you want to have something to feed people, something of value and substance that will help them walk through life then you need to make sure that thanksgiving is a part of your life! The Last Supper is included in this, if we want to appropriately engage in Communion thanksgiving needs to be present. The Early Church, in Acts, thanked the Lord for their meals, a tradition that is often overlooked now. I am always so encouraged when I see people out in the real world that pray over their meals. The Apostle Paul even thanked the Lord when he was about to be shipwrecked.
Paul’s attitude toward life and ministry was that the Lord should be thanked in every situation. It didn’t matter if he was getting rocks hurled at him, if he was being chased out of town, mocked, shipwrecked, no matter what Paul sought to maintain an attitude of gratitude. The Epistles, the letters from the Apostles to the Church, were full of encouragements to give thanks.

11 You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God. 12 For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Colossians 4:2

2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;

Colossians 4:2

2 Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving;

So, what’s the point? If I am constantly bringing my problems to the Lord and never thanking Him for what He’s already done then I am losing a giant part of my relationship with Him. The Father wants to hear about what I am dealing with, but more than that He wants relationship with me. This morning I was reading in Mark about the woman that broke the alabaster jar over Jesus, I imagined that she could, and logically maybe should, have used the money for that offering for something else. I’m sure that this woman had real life to contend with, people that she owed money to, food she needed to buy, a home that needed things, but in spite of all of life’s little worries and trappings she brought an extravagant gift to the Lord. She poured out an offering of thanks and love to the Lord for what He had done for her. There is a belief that this woman was previously possessed, that it was possibly Mary Magdelene, and that was the reason for her offering. Whatever the reason, she brought something so beautiful and memorable to the Lord that He declared that “Wherever the Gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her.”
So, Whats
Thanksgiving isn’t just for a holiday, or an attitude for a short season, it should be a lifestyle for those that love the Lord. We should bring our offerings and prayers with thanksgiving no matter the circumstances of life.

Colossians 3:17

17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

What does this look like practically?
Scripture provides perspective, so get in it daily!
Prayer invites communion with Holy Spirit and that will change how you see your situation.
Service, doing things for other people shows you just the impact of living selflessly.
Doriani, D. (1996). Thankfulness, Thanksgiving. In Evangelical dictionary of biblical theology (electronic ed., p. 769). Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
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