2 Corinthians 11

2 Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Verse by verse study through 2 Corinthians.

Sermon Tone Analysis
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2 Corinthians 11:1–3 ESV
1 I wish you would bear with me in a little foolishness. Do bear with me! 2 For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to one husband, to present you as a pure virgin to Christ. 3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
The Bible continually reminds us…
Exciting / Wonderful Opportunities to Equip / Taught @ GFA
Benefits of Vs. by Vs. teaching / Exemplified I Tim
Our Team also did some work w/Widows Orphans / painting / devo’s w/children /
Church service @ leprosy hosp..
Workshops (prophecy / worship / IBS)
Great excitement / especially amongst pastors
Many only have 8-10 sermons..
When I found out about this, from one of our translators..
I talked about American Pastors.
Many only have 5 or 6 topics..
Essentially.. 5 or 6 sermons.. taught over and over again..
Different words.. different analogies.. same content.
IBS = not only a way to learn a passage..
But also.. a way to TEACH a passage.
Encouragement.. because.. they begged for more info on IBS..
We were able to learn more about the church in Nepal..
How to more effectively minister in future..
Those close to Katmandu:
Have opportunities.. many of them.
Koinonia Patan Church / very active in hosting conferences / training the believers..
We are now seeing some doors open.. for more rural opportunities:
E. Nepal
Because of the strikes / political unrest: = Low Attendance!
mixed blessing!
Not as many people to participate in the training:
Left us w/excess funds:
Furnished orphanage – up to 12 children.
Joining w/Lynchburg in helping to fund a translation project of Expository Teaching thru whole Bible in Nepalee.
Funds set aside for monthly allocation to orphanage.
W/in next month or 2 / We should be getting an extensive report: Carl..
Hopefully, by next week, I can have some pics put together..
I know that this trip:
Continuing and compounding effect on the church in Nepal..
But @ same time.. it also had an effect on me.. and hopefully.. a compounding effect upon all of us..
For it was very cool to see.. how the H.S. put together a mixture of several elements..
It became very obvious.. that not only was I trying to teach something to the Nepalese pastors and church leaders..
But.. the Lord was definitely trying to teach me something too..
And it came.. as a mixed package..
The two chapters I taught in I Tim.. carried a common theme..
A theme that falls right in line with our previous study in chapt 10.. and our current study in chpt 11.. of II Cor..
It was obvious… that He was showing me something..
.. between the believers in Nepal..
And the believers here..
It was obvious.. that He was showing me something..
.. between the blindness and despair of their culture..
And the blindness and despair of our culture..
When I taught & 4.. it became obvious to me.. that both had a common theme:
That the enemy wants to destroy our faith..
But His means of destruction… is often, very subtle.. and patient..
For… we could take a building down.. w/a bulldozer.. or w/dynamite..
But the termite.. he could take the building down..
By chewing away it’s timbers..
And by weakening it’s support.. ++
One method.. is pretty easy to identify..
If someone was strapping a bunch of TNT to our house..
We’d recognize that.. we’d get upset..
We’d call the cops.. ++
If someone was in our front yard with a bulldozer..
And they were coming towards our house..
We’d throw a fit.. We’d lay down in front of that bull-dozer..
We’d take that driver out of his seat and beat him off of our property w/a bat.. ++
But.. the termites.. they’re quiet.. they’re sneaky.. they’re patient..
And on the outside.. everything looks just fine..
We don’t even realize we’re experiencing damage.. ++
But in reality..
Our timbers are being reduced to dust..
And one day.. our structural integrity.. is going to lack..
And we didn’t even see it coming. ++
Four years ago, when we were given this building… we noticed something strange about some of the walls down-stairs. If you leaned against them, they would move. ++
After a little investigation, we found out that all of the 2x4 studs along the back wall, and some on the side… were the consistency of paper.
The previous owners knew there were termites. They killed the termites. But… they left the damage in place. On the surface… it wasn’t noticeable.. but, just below the surface… all the structural integrity, was reduced to dust. ++
This is how spiritual warfare usually happens…
We don’t even see it coming..
But one day.. this is where we could end up also..
Our spiritual integrity.. is going to lack..
It’s going to look good on the outside..
But inside.. it’s being reduced to saw-dust.. ++
And of this very thing.. Paul is warning us..
Not only was it in and 4..
right here.. in chapter 11 of II Cor..
The termites were creeping in..
And the church at Corinth didn’t even see it happening.
Look again at the first two verses… ++
When Paul says folly.. he does not mean: “foolishness”..
In the Gk.. the word “foolishness” generally refers to perversity.. or wickedness..
But it also.. speaks of “indiscretion, imprudence, or carelessness..” ++
So, in a way.., Paul confesses right up..
He asks the church in Corinth..
To patiently put up with his.. imprudence.. his carelessness of speech..
For what he’s about to say..
Is necessary… Paul is sorely concerned about a threat that is taking root below the surface in this church. ++
And even as they are growing expectant that speakers and teachers and leaders should have impressive appearance and impressive speech… Paul is going to declare… even though his appearance and his speech might seem foolish… he has something very important to say. ++
This chpt begins in the same way that chpt 9 began.. where he said: “it’s superfluous for me to write to you…”
.. or.. “it’s excessively un-needful for me to write to you on this topic.. but here it goes anyway”.. ++
The foolishness of chapter eleven.. is a response to the foolishness thoughts and actions of the Corinthians..
For, even as they had received the correction of 1 Corinthians… and they had made some changes… they were still embracing… and giving ear to.. doctrines of wickedness.. and perversity.. ++
Paul wanted to bring their thinking.. back home..
He wanted to remind them, of the work that he had done amongst them..
But by reminding them.. many would have said: “Oh Paul, he’s just bragging on himself.”
But if he didn’t say anything at all..
The Super Apostles… the showmen… the fancy orators would say:
“See.. we told you.. Paul didn’t accomplish anything!” ++
So.. yes.. it was.. like chapter nine.. above and beyond what was necessary.. it was.. as vs. 1 confesses.. “foolishness”
But at the same time.. the H.S. deemed it: “completely.. necessary” ++
What follows.. is going to be a mixture of personal defense.. and doctrine..
Because the church at Corinth was being duped into an embrace.. of bad doctrine..
False teachers were coming in.. they were saying.. that they were “better Apostles”.. ++
They were very impressive, and probably entertaining.. in their oratory skills..
And by their trumped up credentials.. and their impressive presentation..
Many in the church were embracing.. their perverted gospel. ++
This is why Paul is giving a personal defense..
For they were giving credit to a teaching..
.. based on the credentials and the method of presentation of the teacher..
Rather than.. the content of the actual teaching.
What did he say? Are you sure the words he spoke were correct?
Sure they were… for we laughed… we were engaged… we clapped… we were drawn in… we felt good by hearing it.
This is so relevant.. still to this day.. Because people are still the same now, as they were then… Human nature has not changed… which is why we can look at these historical situations, and even though they are nearly 2000 years old… they still apply to our lives…
.. How easy is it to be “wowed” by an impressive and moving presentation?
.. To be more attentive to a new voice?
.. to be swayed into agreement w/somebody.. because they are: gifted, entertaining, well known.. or wealthy??? ++
For some.. the message is not nearly as important.. as the vehicle for that message.
Many people still go to church to feed upon the Word… and their experience is more akin to a visit at Chucky Cheese, than the experience of a quality, well balanced, and nourishing meal. ++
This is the mentality that Paul was up against.. ++
So.. to re-affirm the doctrine that he delivered..
He must also.. re-affirm himself.. ++
To the rational mind..
This would seem.. a bit on the ridiculous side.. - Why can’t the truth that Paul speaks… be enough?
Why does Paul have to validate himself, in order to validate a message… which is self validating?
This is foolish. Which is exactly what Paul confessed in verse one. ++
Thus the reason.. for the confession of folly.
The false teachers had come in… and they were beginning to win the affections of those in Corinth..
Affections which were drawing people away from sound doctrine..
So Paul attempts to re-gain their affections..
.. by reminding them.. of his relationship.. and his dedication to them.. ++
First off: he says: “he’s jealous for them”
The parallel, is of a father, for a child..
Of a parent who desires to see his/her child… make the right decisions.. and experience the blessings of a righteous life.
His desire.. is that they would be presented.. . unto X.. as a pure virgin.. ++
The application being this:
We belong to Christ. It’s common to say, that the church is the Bride of Christ… because some parables utilize this illustration. The Bible literally says, that New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ…
But.. because of parables… we can also say, that we too have a ‘bride like’ relationship to Christ.
You can read about Jesus returning for His church as a Bride… in: and ,
But until then.. we are still His.. and we are still, continually presented before Him..
We are continually.. in His sight.. in fellowship w/Him.. in His service… in His.. family.. ++
And so.. the principle of being presented unto Him, as a bride..
.. is not just a future application..
But for us.. it’s a continual, present application.. ++
Often times.. we think of being defiled, or of being made impure.. as that end result of wickedness and sin..
But the discussion that parallels to Paul’s “pure virgin” analogy.. is not about moral behavior.. but rather.. it’s about: “doctrine”..
For one does relate to the other.. ++
Sound doctrine leads to: a life of holiness and morality.. It is a holiness and a morality that responds to grace. It is built upon an understanding of the Gospel. It is supported and engaged by an understanding of God’s nature. Grace… Gospel… God… these are vital issues of doctrine. It’s important that our understanding of them be solid. ++
A religious morality that is gained through false doctrine..
Will often lead to one of two things...
And if un-sound doctrine isn’t creating legalism..
Either a devotion to legalistic behavior… motivated by fear, manipulation and oppression..
It’s creating a compromised morality.. and disdain for holiness..
It will lead to a departure from sincere and pure devotion.
This is the treat that the Corinthians were facing.
2 Corinthians 11:3–4 ESV
3 But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 4 For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Paul recognizes.. that the workers of iniquity in Corinth..
.. are.. like the serpent of
They are able to deceive..
They are able to bring corruption.. to the minds of a believer.. ..
And draw them away from what?
“the sincere and pure devotion to Christ”
“sincerity.. or.. ‘a singleness of devotion’”
The corruption that was creeping into the church..
Was creating a mentality of “in-sincerity”
It was bringing the threat of “a divided devotion”
One of the main problems that these early churches were facing.. concerned legalism.. ++
It became very evident in Ephesus.. and this was the topic that he warned Timothy about in 2 Tim… chpts 1 and 4..
They came to a church… telling the believers that they had a great faith in Christ..
However.. it was not a complete faith.. for there were still acts of the law that needed to be embraced.. ++
It’s a mentality that many of us struggle with.. as believers..
Because when we see this faith as it is..
We often respond.. from our own internal sense of justice..
By saying.. “this just isn’t fair”.. ++
“it’s not fair, that God would be pleased w/me and my life.. based on the righteousness of X alone.”
“It’s not fair.. that I would be received in His presence, and accounted as holy.. based on the acceptance and holiness of X alone.”
To our minds.. that’s not fair.. ++
And to appease our internal sense of justice..
We feel like we need to do stuff to make God happy with us..
So we practice laws.. rituals.. traditions..
We suffer through rituals of our own making..
So that in the end.. we can feel like.. it’s at least.. a little bit fair.. - We are not perfect. We have failed… but hey, we endured our religious traditions… we went to the class… we let the preacher scream at us… we gave the money we were told to give… we suffered as we were told to suffer…
Grace alone doesn’t feel fair… so we create religious things to do… so it does feel, at least… a little bit fair.
We can say.. “Sure, I’m going to heaven.. I did all the stuff I was s’posed to do, and God should be happy w/me because of it.” ++
We want to appease our own sense of justice..
We want to say.. “it’s fair”..
And that’s why it becomes very easy for us.. to either embrace doctrines of legalism..
Or, create sufferings and stigmatas of our own to induce feelings of personal fairness before God.. ++
See how far removed we are, as Americans… from a life that has been lived.. either under strict legalism.. or religious ritualism???…
Our culture is far removed from it..
And yet.. as Xtians.. it’s so easy for us to fall into it.. ++
Just think.. how easy it was, for the Judiasers of the NT to draw in new converts…
They were a people who either practiced the rituals of paganism…
Or.. they were the people who lived under the guidelines of the law..
And suddenly.. they receive Christ..
They experience grace..
They merely have to: receive freely..
And God has accepted them… God is receiving their fellowship. Wow.. everything’s great….
Until.. they begin to think about it too much.. ++
And they hear.. that they are acceptable to God..
But they don’t feel like it..
And suddenly.. a crafty preacher comes along..
With impressive speech.. and a convincing message..
And that preacher strikes a chord with you..
You don’t feel acceptable to God..
And they tell you.. “you’re not.. unless you also do these other things…” ++
You must also.. eat these certain foods..
You must not marry..
You must kneel down on this prayer rug every day this week..
And send it back into our ministry w/a list of your requests and a check for $300. ++
You must.. receive our free.. miracle spring water..
But to activate your faith.. and make the water work..
You’ll have to give… according to your faith.. to this ministry.. ++
You must.. only go to church on Saturday..
You must.. not go to an established church organization..
But rather.. meet only in the homes.. like the NT church did.. ++
You must.. be baptized immediately after salvation..
Or your salvation will not be complete…
You must… have a blue dove on your back wall, or on your pulpit.. and listen to Chuck Smith tapes.. ++
You must.. wear a suit and tie..
You must not wear a tie.. but you must wear a suit.. and it cannot have buttons..
You must never, patronize a business on Sunday..
Etc.. etc.. etc.. ++ ++
In vs. 4.. Paul warns them about those who would preach: “another Jesus… a different spirit.. and a different gospel”
He’s not warning them against a message of obvious evil..
He’s not warning them against the obvious introduction of Satanism…
He’s not warning them against human sacrifice and cannibalism..
He’s not warning them against paganism and witchcraft..
He’s not warning them against hard liquor and crack cocaine! ++
He’s warning them.. of something much more subtle..
Of something.. that is close.. something that is similar..
Something that: seems the same… but.. well, it’s a little different… ++
In the 1950’s, our public school systems were saying..
“Oh, it’s a horrible thing.. kids are chewing gum in school”
Now.. they’re saying.. “oh, it’s a horrible thing.. kid’s are having unprotected sex on the school-bus.. don’t they know we provide them with free condoms?” ++
It wasn’t an instant change…
Back then, they were shocked with John Lennon’s hair came down over his ears..
Now.. the rock bands are trying everything in the world they can think of to shock us..
And.. they just can’t do it anymore… -We as a culture, cannot be shocked… ++
The MTV generation kids are yawning at: Rob Zombie.. Slipknot and Marlyn Manson… ++
These changes aren’t instant..
They are gradual..
And that’s how it happens.. w/doctrine..
A different Christ.. a different gospel.. a different spirit..
They’re almost identical to the ones Paul taught us about..
But.. there’s a little twist.. a little addition.. a tiny change..
But we embrace it. Why?
Because the preacher.. the prophet.. the vehicle of delivery..
Is really impressive..
Really convincing.. really popular..
… wildly popular.. ++
People will soak in the false doctrine they hear from the TV Preachers with the giant sanctuaries and the private jets.... because they are popular… fun to listen to… engaging…
Why? Because so many of our Hollywood heros are part of it..
Because.. that book.. was soo good.. it was such a page turner.. I can see how it all fits together..
And… well.. c’mon.. Look at the Last Supper.. that wasn’t John sitting there.. no.. that was Mary Magdalene.. ++
Forget the fact that they were all sitting on chairs.. on one side of the table..
DaVincci was apparently clueless about how they ate an every day meal in that culture..
But hey.. he knew.. the more intense details of the holy bloodline created between the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene..
And this topic and these kinds of books.. right now.. are wildly popular..
And obviously, if that many people are going to hear them… then they must be saying something right… because numbers validate truth… numbers validate sound doctrine… numbers validate…
And do we see what each of these books is telling us?
They are telling us.. that Jesus did not die on that cross.. and rise again three days later..
By debunking that one fact..
No… numbers do not validate. Lies can draw a crowd much quicker… than the truth.
They destroy everything we base our eternal lives on…
Showmanship can draw a crowd much quicker than sound doctrine…
And so.. knowing this.. Paul makes a defense. ++
2 Corinthians 11:7–9 ESV
7 Or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted, because I preached God’s gospel to you free of charge? 8 I robbed other churches by accepting support from them in order to serve you. 9 And when I was with you and was in need, I did not burden anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied my need. So I refrained and will refrain from burdening you in any way.
2 Corinthians 11:10–12 ESV
10 As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be silenced in the regions of Achaia. 11 And why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do! 12 And what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do.
2 Corinthians 11:13–15 ESV
13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
Paul shows them how petty they are being.
They are embracing.. an altered doctrine.. on the merit of the one who presents it to them.
Paul defends himself..
I might not be a great orator..
But I know what I’m talking about..
They might say.. that they are greater apostles.. they might claim to have closer associations to the 12 disciples..
But I am still.. an apostle..
“not at all inferior to the super apostle.” ++
Surely.. those who came in.. bringing the tainted gospel.. had their hand out..
They almost always do..
Brining a message.. that has a self serving angle of personal gain.. ++
Paul reminds Corinth.. to keep an eye out for this..
By giving his own example..
I was never a burden on you. I took care of myself.. I received help from others..
I didn’t charge you… ++
This re-enforced Paul’s motive..
He didn’t come, to receive anything for himself..
His service.. was unto the people of Corinth.. and for their gain.. for their spiritual health.. for their lifestyle of blessing.. ++
I love what he says in vs. 12..
He wants to cut off the opportunity, or undermine the claim.. of these false teachers
These… False apostles..
False apostles..
Deceitful workers..
Those who would… transform themselves into apostles of X..
Charlatans.. frauds.. hypocrites..
Those who would come in.. following the model of Satan himself..
Presenting themselves as:
Angels of light..
Or.. ministers of righteousness.. ++
It’s amazing.. how this section of scripture falls identically in line with the passages I taught I Nepal this past week..
In ..
Paul warned Timothy against: “other doctrines”
Things that lead to disputes.. rather than godly edification..
He warned Timothy against those who were more concerned with intellectualism..
.. than they were about love.. purity.. good conscience and sincere faith..
He warned Timothy.. about the proper use of the law..
And to remain committed..
Paul warned Timothy about those who would bring legalism into the church..
Of those things.. which arise in the church..
.. which are profane and unprofitable.. ++
He encouraged Timothy.. to keep “godly exercise” as a priority..
He even defined that “godly exercise” to Timothy.. ++
In vs. 12-16… - as a Seargent.. giving charge to his soldiers.. as they prepare themselves for battle..
The over-all theme.. as I see it.. is WAR. ++
The enemy is trying to creep into the church..
And he’s not going to come in.. w/red skin.. horns.. and a pitch-fork.. ++
No.. he’s going to come in.. as an angel of light.. as a so called “minister of righteousness”..
And for those who have religious zeal..
He’s going to lead them.. down a path towards legalism..
And in this.. they will loose the simplicity that is in X..
Why? Because their devotion will be divided..
Between the person of Christ.. and the laws of man.. ++
And thus.. their heart will be divided.. ++
To those who are complacent in their faith..
He will introduce.. doctrines.. ideas.. mentalities.. that will support and validate your complacency..
And these ideas will find the complacent ear easily..
Because.. chances are.. the complacent ear will be looking for them.. ++
Often times.. we err.. when we think..
The enemy… has not been victorious in my midst..
Because.. we think..
I still have my salvation.. I am still a believer.. He has not snatched me from my eternal security..
I am still victorious!!!
And we think… that spiritual warfare, is only about Satan, trying to steal our salvation. ++
To that mentality… let me ask…
What is your victory?
Your eternal life?
Great. You can have that. ++
When you gave your life to Jesus.. the enemy didn’t cross you off his list and forget about you…
No.. when you got saved.. he took out his pen..
Dug through some file in he had in some closet somewhere..
Flipped through some old dusty files..
Pulled one out.. scrolled down through a million names in fine print on one out of thousands of pages..
Found your name..
Crossed it out there..
Returned that piece of paper.. w/millions of names on it.. into the file.. w/millions of other papers in it..
Dropped it back into the dusty file drawer..
Closed it..
Left the dark closet where he found it. ++
Then.. he walked back down to his office..
And picked up the paper that is always right on top of his desk..
The one he keeps in front of him all the time..
Takes out a great big Sharpie Marker..
And writes down your name there.. ++
Goes down to his war room..
Calls a meeting of his generals..
Passes out a file.. a thick file..
One with your picture on the front of it..
Filled w/details about you..
Every general gets a file..
Your name.. your picture goes up.. ++
Battle strategies are drawn up.. against you..
Before you gave your life to Jesus..
He had you. You were safely filed away.. in his eternal possession..
But when you got saved.. he crossed your name off of his possession list..
And transferred it.. to a place of greater urgency…. ++
So, you might say… in regards to spiritual warfare: the enemy has not been victorious.. I am still saved.. once saved.. always saved… eternally secure.. can’t be snatched out of His hand… .
Whoa! This is a mentality of selfish blindness..
We think.. it’s all about me me me me me.. ++
The battle isn’t about.. the devil.. getting you back in hell..
The battle is about the devil.. dividing your heart..
Tainting and poisoning your doctrine..
Distracting you..
Altering your focus..
Compromising your beliefs..
Crippling your devotion..
++ Why?
Because he doesn’t want you.. to be a productive soldier.. in the army of the Lord..
they have such.. an incredible advantage..
and their devotion.. their excitement.. and their service..
is something.. that we rarely see here..
Because they know more intimately.. the darkness and the wickedness they have been saved from..
They have little.. in way of worldly temptation.. to distract them from a life of spiritual devotion..
And yet.. the enemy still has his devices..
We look at their poverty.. the persecution.. the darkness that surrounds them..
And we think.. “Ohh.. how sad.”
But you know what?
They are saying the same thing about us..
Because they see the incredible spiritual assault that is active in our culture..
The distractions.. the comforts.. the plethora of things.. that our culture provides..
And these things are pulling us away..
The great opportunities we have.. the wealth.. the comforts..
We have so many things.. that are distracting us.. that are slowly.. weighing us down..
.. compromising ideals.. that are creeping into our minds.. into our words.. and into our doctrines..
I was amazed several years ago.. when the pastors in Sudan.. were praying for the church in America.. and the incredible assault that we were under..
They recognized it.. and grieved for the battle that we were in..
And they.. were having their children killed before them, because of their testimony for Jesus..
The church in Nepal..
They too.. are praying for us..
And they.. most of them.. are going home at night.. if they have a home..
To their 10 by 10 room that they share with 7 or 8 other people..
And they don’t have a tv to tempt them..
They don’t miss opportunities to assemble w/the other believers..
Because they don’t have the a bunch of clubs and the activities to enroll themselves or their children into..
They consider themselves at a spiritual advantage..
And in many ways.. they are right..
They are advantaged..
But.. are we to respond.. by feeling guilty?
Do we feel bad.. because we have.. because we are comfortable.. because we are wealthy?
No.. don’t feel bad..
Just wake up.. and realize..
He doesn’t want us to wake up and realize… That we are at war!
And in many of our lives..
We are defeated…
Sure.. you’re going to heaven..
But who are you going to take with you?
How many medals are going to be pinned on your coat?
How many bars on your arm?
How many recognitions for honorable service?
How many treasures are stored up? How many crowns? ++
When we’re up there in heaven.. hanging out with the angels.. what are they gonna say?
“Hey.. I remember you.. you guys remember him? Remember.. that time back in October 1986.. we rejoiced over his salvation?” - “Good to see you here in heaven.”
Or.. it could be a little different..
We could be hanging out in heaven..
And one angel will look at another.. nudge them w/their elbow and point at you..
And say.. “Hey.. look who it is… Wow.. let’s go talk to him. . Hey buddy.. good to see you.. Man.. we’ve all been big fans.. we’ve been watching you fight the good fight.. cheering you on.. rejoicing.. even.. fighting along side of you.. .. Wow.. those were some good times.. it’s soo good to have you here.. “ ++
Sure.. I’ll bet it bums the devil out.. to cross you off of that possession list that he keeps down the hall in a closet..
But he doesn’t worry too much.. when he can take your file out of the war room..
And put it in the “inactive” file cabinet.
Oh.. sure.. you still got your salvation..
A volcano is still a volcano.. even if it’s “inactive”.. ++
The inactive Xtian.. is defeated.. because they are too worried.. and too concerned.. with themselves..
It’s… “me.. me.. me..”
But folks.. we are at war.
And it is God’s desire.. that the Devil is forced to go to that “inactive” file..
Take us out..
And start pinning our picture up again in his war room… ++
That we would live lives..
That are devoted.. to sound doctrine..
Lives that are focused.. on the love.. and the grace of God..
And lives that respond to the love and the grace that we continually receive..
By giving thanks… ++
Giving thanks.. is more than an expression of words..
it’s a reaction.. of service.. devotion.. a commitment to the Lord..
Just realize… how greater the threat is…
How each comfort.. each privilege.. each luxury..
Is an opportunity.. for Satan to transmit his virus..
Rendering us.. selfish.. complacent.. and inactive.. ++zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Giving thanks… is part of the battle.
What we have.. in the US.. it’s good..
But with great privilege.. comes great responsibility..
What is our responsibility?
We have to remember.. this is WAR.. and we are in it..
We need to take a stand..
To not be those… whose hearts are divided...
Band.. invitation! ++
To not be those… that Satan finds joy in placing in the “inactive file”
But… to be those.... who realize… we not here, simply to get saved. That’s step one. Now that we are born anew as spiritual beings… we face… a spiritual battle.
You can ignore it… and be inactive, with divided hearts…
Or you can realize it… and go where god calls you… ++
I pray today… that you would know… where, and to what… God is calling you.
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