What Christ Has Done For Us!
To see Christ’s power in our lives, we must begin with a proper understanding of God’s Word, coupled with prayers for believers.
Christ Qualified Us...
God, the Father, has qualified believers for sharing in the blessings of salvation. We don’t qualify ourselves by our moral achievements or personal worthiness. In grace, God qualifies us when we trust Christ as the atoning sacrifice for our sin. That this salvation is ours by grace is seen in our participation in the inheritance. We don’t earn an inheritance. We receive it.
God, the Father, has qualified believers for sharing in the blessings of salvation. We don’t qualify ourselves by our moral achievements or personal worthiness. In grace, God qualifies us when we trust Christ as the atoning sacrifice for our sin. That this salvation is ours by grace is seen in our participation in the inheritance. We don’t earn an inheritance. We receive it.