Understanding God's Vision

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The title today's message is Understanding God's vision. And we are going to be in Proverbs 29:18.

Does anybody know what a proverb is?

My definition really simple. It's just a wise short. That's easy to remember.

Exactly. It's something to keep close to your heart to remember. So today's proverb that we're going to study. I'm actually excited cuz I'm going to get the chance to teach a little bit. I promise I will preach after I'm done teaching but I do like teaching as well. Proverbs 29:18 says where there is no vision the people perish but he that keepeth the law happy. Is he? Before we get into it too deep. Does anybody here ever struggle with understanding scripture? Have you ever read something in the Bible and said I have no idea what that means. That's everybody everybody. Wonders you read something like that where there is no vision the people perish but he that keepeth the law happy is he so the problem is sometimes we can to find scripture and interpret it in our own way and it could be totally wrong. I could easily say okay where there is no vision the people perish so that must mean that if my eyes are closed. I'll walk off cliff. I know that sounds silly, but you can see kind of how that would make sense. I actually want to close my eyes almost walked off the stage.

For your amusement not really. But the great thing about this is I'm a firm believer that you have to define the words that you're reading. Because we know that the Bible we have it in English, but it was not originally written in English, right? This is Old Testament. Does anybody know the original route translation? Hebrew a man Hebrew

so Part of studying the Bible. Here's a little bit of the teaching when you ever get to a scripture that you don't understand.

Look up the words. Define the words to things 3 things I have with me when I read the Bible. I have my Bible. I have what is called a concordance which is the link between my English Bible and the Greek in the Hebrew. And if you want to learn more about that, come see me, I'll show you what it is. It helps me to find what these words are and I also have dictionary.com on my laptop right close to me because I want to know what this means. because if this is a wise saying that I should keep close to my heart.

I don't know what it means, right?

So we're going to break it down. Check this thing out. I can put through the slide and it has a laser. look at look at

just picking on you. That's why I'll Point anyway, that falls asleep.

Where there is no vision one of the key words here vision.

And we can see that this has nothing to do with your eyesight Vision in this context means Revelation or a message from God.

the people perish again translated Parish means Take the Lead Run wild or live on restraint. Wow. You can see how this problem is already. Just changing its form, isn't it?

But he that keepeth the law. The law is instruction or Direction. It could mean the biblical law moral law or even direction as in God's Direction. Happy is he happy meaning blessed? Joyful or favored? awesome So if I were to revise this in my mind.

Where there is no direction from God? the people live unrestrained but those who follow God's instruction shall be blessed.

Cool, huh? Basic Bible study but you can see how

I was even guilty this too when I first got saved as very much it was all but the quantity that I could read it the Bible open up the word that I read. I read all of you know, the Gospel of John. Maisel back and I thought but I don't really remember a whole lot that I read. It's the comprehension. It's understanding what this stuff means and God begins to open your eyes. So where there is no direction from God the people live on restrained, but those who follow God's instruction shall be blessed. jump ahead of myself

So now we can really break this down now we can really talk about this now. I can preach you guys still with me. All right. Here we go. Where there is no direction from God the people live on restraint.

When you are not receiving clear Direction and instruction from him.

When he's not guiding your life.

We live on restraint. We do our own thing. These are people.

That are led by selfish ambition.


But even when I think of unrestrained, I think of those that don't follow God's Direction whether they don't know God's direction or they refuse to listen to it. Are wandering Souls? Jesus called them the lost sheep. Wanderers scary sorry about that. Not really.

blind eyes covered Walking in the darkness Wanderers

But sometimes we think of being lost meaning that we have no purpose on this Earth. But there are many people. listen Who live productive successful lives here on this Earth?

But they never achieve true happiness true contentment. Because they had ignored the life that the Lord has chosen for them to live.

one more time There are many people who live productive and successful lives, but they never achieve true happiness and contentment because they have ignored the life that the Lord has chosen for them to live. Do you know that God has a plan for your life?

I look at it like God has this bird's eye view over everything. He sees it all. He knew you before you were even formed in the womb. He had a plan for you. He has a plan for you. But whose job is it to find that plan? Whose job is it to figure that out?

your job Georgia

because so many times because We don't go to him. We don't see can we don't ask him?

Hey God. What do you want me to do with my life? What are you created me for? Why am I here? These are all really some of the most important questions that you'll ever ask. If you don't seek direction from him, if you don't seek Revelation and understanding, you will wander through your life never fulfilling the potential that God has for you. What he has created you for there are people in this room where you could even have a glimpse of what God has for you in your future. It would blow your mind. You wouldn't even be able to handle it. I'm telling you.

how many of you

Wonder God what's your plan for me? What do you have for me? But you can see how you have to get a clear understanding a revelation and eye-opening. Encounter an experience where he says this is what I have for you. Because those that understand this those that follow God's instructions shall be blessed because it's not just knowing what you're supposed to do. It's a doing what you supposed to do.

Because the key to it all it's not about having a revelation having a message having an understanding. It's not enough to know you have to do you must obey.

in this instruction following God's instructions following his Direction. It's more than just obeying the Ten Commandments. It's more than you just coming to church. And listening to me flat my gums. Right. It's so much more than that. This is between you and him.

nobody else

You and him?

But what it takes. It takes complete surrender to his will.

because those that wander say my will be done. I'm going to do my own thing. And God bless me.

But those that are happy that was that are blessed are the ones that seek his Direction. And then do it.

Makes sense, right? I love proverbs. I can get that much out of a few sentences, right? But that's what this is. This is the truth. I'm going to read it one more time where there is no direction from God the people live on restrained, but those who follow God's instructions shall be blessed. The big question is what side of the butt are you on.

as one of those going to charcoal but seriously think about it. What side of the butt are you on? Are you a Wanderer?

or are you living everyday in obedience to him?

We talked a lot about Jesus being Lord of your life.

Now I've heard some crazy stuff. Be careful how they say here. He's Lord and savior. I want you to know where I stand there are certain people that teach that he can be your savior first and then maybe down the road you can make him your lord and savior now and then maybe talk to him later. I don't believe that not at all. Nothing in the Bible shows that to me at all. It's all or nothing. It's a done deal. Jesus said deny yourself take up your cross and Follow Me by Disciple be all in. Give up the rights to your life. Surrender yourself. Don't be a Wanderer anymore seek me. I'll guide you everyday of your life. I'll Lead You In the way Everlasting, but if you're not following him, he's not leading you in the way Everlasting.

He's on in every area of your life. He's not leaving you in the way Everlasting. You're hoping that you can get your kicks and you can make your own decisions and you can do your own things. But you know, and then maybe in the end.

You'll get lucky. My Bible says that narrow is the way.

Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it.

That's the Bible That's Jesus that's words in red. So important understanding that this walk.

You're following him. That means he is leading and every step. He takes your behind him. He's directing you.

What if you call him Lord?

What does Lord mean Jesus You're My Lord You're proclaiming that Jesus is your master.

Does Jesus have authority over your life?

Is he making decisions? for you Or you making decisions for yourself?

And a lot of times we deceive ourselves. I'm doing it for Jesus. Cuz I don't want you to do things for me. I want you to just obey me he wants you to just do what he says when he says it that's part of being. I'm really being a slave. He's the Lord. But see we're not slaves. We're Bond servants. We willingly come to him and say Lord. Here's my life. Guide me direct me use me.

But it's Pride that keeps us on that unrestrained. Walk Prime says I don't need God. I'll make my own choices. And God says you make your own choices. There's consequences for your choices. What he says listen, I'm right here.

If you come to me.

I will lead you. I will show you the plans that I have for you. I will strengthen you I will give you victory.

And you will know the greatest peace and the greatest joy that anyone can ever experience and that's knowing him.

what you see

Your actions speak louder than your words. You can tell me that Jesus is your lord.

you can make we believe it. You can try to make other people believe it. You may even try to make yourself believe it.


he knows your heart and your actions speak louder than your words. Because Jesus said again Matthew 7:21 not everyone. That says to me Lord Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven not everyone who calls him Lord just because you call him Lord doesn't mean you're going to enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of my Father in heaven.

Do you obey him? Are you following him?

It's not enough to know you must do. so Jesus said if you love me you'll obey me. If you love me you'll listen and I'll guide you.

What's me? This is this is really important.

This is literally shining a light.

on your walk with God

But it's also shining a light on what path you're on.

Cuz he makes it very clear. You're either on the path with him following him or you're on your own path and you're not going in the way Everlasting. I wish there was a way that I could soften that for you, but I can't you either living for Jesus or you're not

encouraging I am

but this is encouraging cuz this is the truth. This is the truth and the truth that sets you free. If there's anything that I'm saying, you're like, you know what I'm not living for Jesus. I'm doing my own thing. praise God

if you can make it, right. You can get on track right now today. buy simple Act of surrender Thank God here's my wife. I've been living for myself. I want to live for you.

How do you receive this instruction from God? How do you receive this direction? You got to spend time with him.

You got to spend time in the word you got to spend time in prayer. You got to see Kim. And you got to listen. And sometimes when God speaks. He says things. That maybe you don't want to hear. But you've got to be willing that no matter what you will ban trust and Obey there is no other way to be happy in Jesus.

Thank you for finishing that.

We're going places Church. We're going to do it together. But the only way we do that. Is it he's leading us?

we need a vision from him

because the world that we live in now I call you this already a couple times that I'm going to court it again and bound said while the church is looking for better methods God is looking for better men and women.

Cuz I was your pastor. I can go on the internet right now. I can look up all the hot new trends in the church. We could fill this place.

But guess what? some were called to do is it

we're called to get in line with what God has instead of saying okay God.

What do you want to do?

How do you want to do this? You guide us you direct us. You lead us a better man, or woman in God. It just means you do what he says. It's so simple just obey him. And he's going to lead you. Do your life but at first it starts with your life.

And I want you to start praying. I want you to start seeking God. I want you to say Lord give me Revelation. Give me understanding help me know.

Where I am where I'm at with you and what you want me to do.

But then also God, what are we called to be as a church? Cuz I'm going to tell you. I prayed. And God has given me a vision. For what he wants to do in this church. What he wants to do through this church. so elders start praying to a god.

Give us Revelation so that we can all be of one cord. So we can all see what God's plan is. Not my plan. Not your plan. What's God's plan? And then we go back.

But we have to seek Him and we have to be willing to follow.


If you struggle with that. If you have a hard time staying connected with gone because the first thing that happens when life gets busy life gets busy. The first thing that happens is we get disconnected from him cuz we're not spending time seeking him. We're not spending time receiving instruction.

Because I don't know how you guys feel but this last year flu. It flew by.

And it's going to be your decision.

As an individual and our decision is a church, really? Are we going to wander through another year?

Are we going to let God have his way in our lives and in our church? I feel like God did some really great things in this last year and a lot of people's lives. I've seen a lot of you guys were growing. He draws to a place but he's strengthening us for the purpose that he's going to have a group of crazy people that When God says do this we do it.

That we don't have any fear.

Although sometimes it's scary, isn't it? It can be scary to to trust him.

because some of you going off the rails here, but some of you people have violated your trust somewhere along the line.

circumstances happened things happen And you put up walls again of Pride that says. I can only count on me. I can only rely on me.

God wants to tell you.

He loves you. And you can trust them. Says come to me and I'll give you rest.

So the big question summing it all up. Are you following him?

Are you following him?


because sometimes following him. For me you and I think of following an ear you think of raston you think of peace and all these things that come happiness comes to those that obey God and follow him, right?

I think a piece I can picture myself we grew up spend time at a lake in Upstate New York and I can when I think of Peace since like Jesus is taking me there. I can kick back and look at the water. I can see the sunset. I mean just a peaceful place where I could find rest. But you know something.

Sometimes God leads us into storms sometimes God leads us into battle.

Just like David.

face to face with Goliath some of you guys going to lead you into battle. for one purpose so that you can conquer

so that you can have Victory so that you can bring people into the kingdom. But in amongst all of that you will have peace you will have joy you will have strength you will have him. Are you willing to obey?

So I want you to take a few minutes. Going to play around guitar.

This is between you and God.

Not ask me to come up here and ask him to do anything. Except close your eyes focus on him asking. Am I following you? If you know deep down in your heart that you're not following him. Are you going to make the decision today to start following him to let him lead you through your life? To no longer be a Wanderer.

But truly be a disciple be somebody. That he can use.

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