Sermon Tone Analysis
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> .9
John Macarthur and further back the SBC have made Women’s roles in the life of the church a front and center issue.
The SBC had knuckle heads making statements like… a women in my pulpit… never.
Then a couple of weeks ago, John MacArthur made the satement about Beth Moore… stay home.
Unfortunately today in our western culture, the church is somewhat divided about women in ministry.
When a man in my mother’s church, the church I grew up in said he had left there church because they had gotten a woman pastor, it made me sick and it took everything in me to hold my tongue from saying some “not so nice things.”
Tonight we will look at some passages in the Bible, at the culture it was written to and hopefully see what the Lord intended.
If women or men are to be leaders in the church, it should never be because of changing culture, but based on what the WOG says.
When studying Scripture we need to observe some groundrules.
What is going on in this particular passage, and what problem is being addressed?
2. Why is this particular admonition being given?
If this is followed all the time, will it contradict other parts of the Bible?
4. Does the writer say someting in other situations?
If you follow everything in this passage with the sameliteralism, will you have sound theology?
Our culture has changed as has our view of scripture.
The Bible doesn’t condemn slavery… dictators… and many other evils.
You can find verses that almost seem to advocate slavery.
Eph 6:5-6, Col. 3:22, Col. 4:1, 1 Tim.
6:1 There are over 50 total.
But I think we are all unanimous against slavery being re-instated… although it is … we just call it human trafficking.
The culture which the Bible was written in included slavery and polygamy.
Polygamy continued during the NT times and Paul dealt with it many times.
Paul’s writings dealt with Polygamy (1 Tim.
3:2, 1 Tim.
3:12, Titus 1:6)
Paul is writing in a male tense here which is common.
Paul als said that if a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat.
Do you think that he did not mean that if a woman doesn’t work she doesn’t eat?
Of course he did.
You have to read the Bible with the context it was written to get the full understanding of it’s meaning.
If you take these verses at face value and out of the context Paul wrote them, single people can’t be pastors.
Paul is addressing polygamy in these verses not divorce.
The verse literally means faithful to their wife or husband in present tense.
Before we look at whether or not the Bible supports women in church ministry, I want to look at some history.
God’s Creation before the Fall (Gen 1:26-28)
Both the man and woman were created in God’s image.
At this point both the man and woman were equal … both made in the image of God.
It’s obvious that due their physical make up, they were to have different roles.
Men were fathers and women were mothers.
But both were equal.
There differences were not a source of discord or inequality… but a compliment to each other.
ILL - Mike Baxter and wife… she felt replace because he was helping more around the house, but when a daughter needed her she was there.
Eve said, I’m glad you were here for me mom… to do your mom thing.
Together, God gave them the task of overseeing and ruling His creation.
At the conclusion of His creation God proclaims,
Man was created first
Man was made from MUD.
Then he was placed in the Garden that God made for him.
God gave the law to man before he created Eve.
Later Adam and Eve would add to it by adding that they could not eat it or touch it.
Anytime we add to what the WOG actually says, it’s legalism.
Man was made to live in community
The first thing that God says is not good was for the man being alone.
Guys don’t do alone very good.
What God says about one man, Matthew Henry says about all men.
The woman is to be man’s counterpart
God was niot going to create a servant.
helper - ’ezer ke-negdo’ - counterpart of the same rank and nature.
Women, you didn’t come from MUD, you came from the man…
The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of a bone of his head to rule over him, nor out of a bone his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of the side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.”
Matthew Henry
Woman is made of man’s bone and flesh.
They are to become one.
Man had sacrificed his own flesh for his wife.
Man is also instructed to sacrifice his relationship with his father and mother.
It is obvious that this instruction is written for us since Adam had no father or mother.
When the scripture refers to one flesh this shows there is to be unity of the man and the women.
When we declare that the Genesis account of creation is true, we are saying we believe that the personality of man and woman has its origin in a personal Creator who made us in His own likeness (image).
To crown His creation, God took the nonliving matter of the earth to create a man.
Then to provide man with a companion and complement, He took living matter from the man to create a woman.
This original pair was Adam and Eve.
“The account of creation of male and female in Genesis 1-2 – which we take as a foundational theological statement of the Creator’s design and intention – affirms male and female as equal and complementary.
Both are bearer, together, of God’s image (Gen 1:26-27).
Both are given the mandate to responsible sovereignty over the created order (Gen 1:28).
The creation of woman is intended to rescue the man from his aloneness and to provide him with a complement (Gen 2:18).
Thus the view that God intended the woman for a restricted role in the home, church and society cannot be grounded in the order of creation.”
The relationship between men and women changed after the Fall.
The curse impacted every aspect of God’s creation including men and women.
One of the consequences of SIN and the curse was that men began to rule over the women.
This was a prediction that as a result of the curse, men would rule over women.
It was not God’s design.
Jesus restored the equality of men and women.
When Jesus came as a sinless man and died as the Messiah on a cross for you and for me, the restoration was compelte in the spirit realm and began in our realm.
Through Jesus the results of the curse of Genesis in the spiritual realm have been lifted.
Jesus gave Life to ALL Christians.
The curse is lifted.
Paul proclaims all are equal in God’s sight.
Once we are born into the kingdom of God, we become new creatures in Christ.
We find there are no ethnic distinctions, or class separations, or gender differences.
The Lord looks on the hearts of His new creatures and therefore does not discriminate when He offers His love, privileges and gifts.
All of us are a part of the church for the well being of each other and the world.
The curse of inequality has been abolished.
The Holy Spirit Fell on Men and Women.
IN vers 8 Peter told the crowd that what they had seen was a fulfillment of of what Joel predicted...
In the study of spiritual gifts, there is no place where the WOG teaches that some gifts were for men and others for women.
Spiritual Gifts were given to all people.
In Ephesaans 4 Paul outlines someof the gifts...
Paul doesn’t say that some of these gifts are for men and otehrs for women.
It seems strage to me that some argue that some can be a pastor but others cannot.
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