Sunday, October 20th, 2019 - AM - Therefore Pray Ye: Christ's Pattern for Effective Prayer, Part 2 (Matt. 6:9-15)

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Breaking Bread with Barnabas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:56
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Once we have addressed God as our heavenly Father, it is then that we should bring to Him our earthly frailties.

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For those who are just now joining us and perhaps listening outside. These walls was being online or a message in titled a continuation of last week's obviously as I mentioned, but they're portrayed in prayer and giving a better understanding. I think if we don't really use that word a lot today, but it didn't composite so much more than just money. I need a place to stay in right now. It does encompass more than money and it's not just our father rewards openly on the inward portion since he began this so-called Sermon on the Mount and it's amazing to see the parallels with the Beatitudes in the disciples prayer or better known as The Lord's Prayer with the vertical relationship and then it extends to the horizontal relationship. And that's a good way to teach his disciples in the Beatitudes relationship vertically and then the latter one of the Lord's Prayer what's known as The Lord's Prayer. We see the same pattern and model prayer this pattern for prayer. And we noticed that it shows us how to address our heavenly father so that gets the vertical right doesn't and then the day we pick up our studies looking at the horizontal relationship that now we after getting our gaze upon our heavenly father can consider what's going on around us in this earth. And so just to catch everyone up will you learn how to address our heavenly father and I point out this is not a type of position where we believe in a Triune godhead Father the Son the Holy Spirit are equal in Quality Inn Essington character in so Jesus is just as much God is the father in one and so we don't believe in the Universal fatherhood of God or the universal Brotherhood of Man.

Believing in his messiahship. Now. He's our father uses the plural addressing our heavenly father. We seeing verses 9 through 10. Jesus gave the pattern for our praying after this manner therefore pray the Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. We see the person to whom we pray. Transcendence, we note his Holiness. He's a butthole in over all of you, please to be involved intimately in the Affairs of our life down here. One Rider by JG Whittier Cinema point of this. He says I know not where his Islands lived there from Dad poems and they are I only know I cannot ribs be on his loving care until we dress our Heavenly Father Robert Browning God. I build my face on that. I know if it were two strange that I should doubt. I love his only son is almost time for us all. All the women freely give this all things. You just can't look at the cross without seeing the love of God. We have the crossing perfume. There's no way I believe we can never doubt the love of God because of the tremendous display. When we see that it's easier to say thy will be done not mine. We follow the pattern of our savior is he prayed father? Nevertheless not my will but as for what that will the purposes of God then become our priority we see to whom it is. We dress our prayer that is our Father in heaven. And then as we focus on him and adoration and worship His purpose has become our priorities by kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. And is that kingdom is on its way is coming one day in his second Advent in all the fullness in the glory that you'll have. He's going to establish his throne who sang the song this morning that talks about being caught up together with him.

Open it when he's coming. He's coming that second time but private that he's coming to the clouds in the Trump will sound in the dead in Christ shall rise to the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord? So we're we're walking in that blessed. Hope acknowledging his kingdom shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we speak of his will in heaven. I think this is an interesting when did Jesus is transitioning his listener? Two down here and I do see this is transitory Innocent. But it also is is the climax of this week we're asking his will be done on Earth and it causes us to look around a little bit down here and see what is it that the World the Flesh and the devil in heaven. Nothing Jesus begins to draw attention to what we have your rubber bands will done in heaven. The forgetting God's will be done in earth. I think it was Clarence Sexton in one of his Sunday school lessons. He talks about prayer. I think that's what happens when we follow this pattern when we remodel our prayers after this model. We think about him first we make sure we're right with him first and then I'll go to the store open in the things that we deal with down here and it brings us into a much better State of Mind will because we're not speaking alone and will have confirmation that keeps her.

That will be done in our heavenly father. Now, I turn our attention this morning to these few verses that help us. His disciples know how to address our Earthly frailties addressing our Earthly Frailty Frailty and I hope we'll stick in yours as well as it is. Mine. Is that the whole point of alliteration isn't it? We don't just litter are sentence with alliteration just so that we can sound pretty we want to remember everything else frailties. We're praying for our food are forgiveness and our fight And I think that's a good way to summarize the footnote as we pray. We are asking the Lord for the food we need to eat forgiveness that we enjoy and the fight against evil bread. This would be an easy language for this. But what are we going to eat? I think this is also going to play in very very soon here to what Jesus is teaching when he says to seek first the kingdom of God and his passages. We're getting to that moment. He's helping us to it's not worried about what we're going to eat and what we're going to drink. Where was shall we be closed for the Gentiles seek? After those things in Jesus has Authority cover. If you have a heavenly father, I don't need to worry about any of that. I've used this illustration multiple times to speak to the point. Well, I remember very vividly sitting around the pool with my grandmother is in heaven. Now my Memaw if I can call her that you let me know. That's that's what I know her by Ed. I can't wait for that. But I remember she she was the one that told you about last time. We were taking a break cuz I was getting ready to go back out and help him and sweats more and and we can sit around the table and she just made a passing comment, but it was

A lot of what we would think about as having started to work in and they didn't know he didn't have a mother sitting there around the table with me making this comment. It meant all the more because I knew the ups and downs I knew the times when she would be her head on her pillow at night wondering how one person said walking by faith is exciting. It's okay to live as long as it.

So cheap that around that table and she said these words Jason as long as your your papa and I've been together. I've never come to this table and Racine it bear. Is this a lot of other things but I've never seen this table empty. God is always provided something for us to eat some clear and his wife then we don't need to get worried about what we're going to eat. And so Jesus says acknowledge that it's from the good hand of God. We're asking the Lord now for the food we eat. Daily Reliance. I do believe that, you know, I tell you a little bit but I think they have another story in the back of their mind that made the holy spirit will remember a day when they would have to get up in the morning and go and gather for that.

And I remember the words of the Lord in John chapter number 6 how he reminded them there? That's your father's did he bread in the wilderness and are dead. Our daily provision comes from God and if we think about these words of Christ, give us this day our daily bread. He gives it but we still have an obligation to go gather. Don't lie. So many times we don't look up and see where the blessings come from to go to the Motions of the day. We don't stop to pause to say thank you for what I can say. I never thought maybe your conscience doesn't do that to you is I have had to stop by. And pause it say Lord, forgive me. Because I didn't acknowledge this first that it came from you and I bless your name for it and Jesus blessed if you break the gate, so as we sit around the meal table, when we we have those good things that God bless the good hand of our God as Jesus says here. We asked for our daily bread. We have not. Well then maybe we didn't ask. I don't know James tells us that that happens right don't have her prayers answered the same way. A man was only given one day at a time. The disciples rely on daily provision of God. I think this does much to help us continue to grow and develop a continuing conscious dependence on God. There's the old story that stole a man who met a boy in a village Street who's carrying a loaf of bread from the baker was a reply by Richard a boy flower. Where did he get his flower? He got it from the farmer. Yes, but where did the farmer get his corn? So the boy then you got your love from God. Silly to think about but sometimes we're a lot like that back of the flower the mill. Don't know what that is. It's a place where they go when they crushed corn grits Mill back of the mill and the shower drain that is in the sun back that you can work. His father's will I think he's absolutely right. I agree with you. Morgan on that. So we see we acknowledge the good hand of God says about the Forgiveness that we enjoyed and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Michael Jay Vernon McGee, he's fun guy with the use for give me some dick while others do forgive us our trespasses Lord's Prayer as repeated in their churches in one said we have trespasses in our church ever said in our church part of the churches are concerned. So which ones are you behind this is sand. Forgive us our shortcomings is how my granddad used to pray the Lord forgive us our shortcomings and lead us into life eternal life Everlasting. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want and so whether to bed or trespass the trespass meet you stepped Over The Line.

I think in a minute.

That's interest passes forgive us this takes humility. It is pride stands in the way of acknowledging where we have fallen short. And may we continue to walk humbly? This is from the good hand of God above consider how we are what a worm am I but then I have to consider my relationships with other forgive us our debts released not hold anything against that are debtors to us. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. I'd love to hear my mortgage company say that someday mortgage. Well. trespass I don't want to be guilty of meddling here. But if you would get along with the holy spirit of God, I'm convinced if there's anything between you and anybody else he's going to show that to you. You don't need a preacher to come point that out to you. You don't need your pastor to come say well you need to go get right with some so the Holy Spirit can do that just fine. In fact, he doesn't better because he knows what I can't know until it there's a burden you have if there's a face maybe that you're saying even right now in your heart and mind. Let me encourage you get along with the war as possible.

Why don't you take that burden to the God who understands and cares and even though your voice might not be able to reach them in the Bible where Jesus spoke into an empty just an empty nothingness have faith to believe that he can he can take that first and you can cash your care on him because he cares for you. Even if they're beyond your voice. You can be right with God and ride with others with a clear conscience. If you let the Lord carry that for you he's big enough and he's powerful enough to do that available when you can talk with them. I would encourage you. Can you live peaceably with all men do whatever it takes to get whatever he needs to happen to take 150% of the blame for whatever happened before and just make sure you're right with God and right with your fellow person because then you can move on and think about a greater spiritual pipe just between ourselves in between God and God will never forgive you every time you ask that would save you got forgiveness one too many times now don't take advantage of his grace and goodness because John also to do to send it to death for that and that's a very hard one person that comes to that place and only God knows when they're there and it's his prerogative to call them home. But if we're breathing where a candidate for forgiveness if we are alive God has Grace for us in his arms are open and he calls it to him to be right.

What's up, a counseling appointment after the service? I'll have time to do that right now, but we need to talk and we had to go to the first one. If you're honest. You can't even make it past that have no other gods before me somewhere along the way while we burn lots of stars death. This word also reminds me of what Christ said we sang this earlier and then Jesus Christ said from the cross. It is finished paid in full that deposit was put on Jesus Christ and he died in our place as though he were us for us and we can come boldly to the throne of grace free. Is debtor any longer through Jesus Christ.

We move on here and I hate them to consider this last part our fight against evil. So we asked the Lord to help us with our when the food that we eat with the Forgiveness that we enjoyed forgiveness forgiveness. Horizontally now consider with me on fight against evil. First numbers 13 the Bible says we does not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. When we compare scripture with scripture. We see that God has never tempt anyone with evil to the point where he solicits them to do evil. But when we study the scriptures, we do find out that the route trials to test our faith here. We're being told by our Lord and savior to ask God to lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from the evil. There's a good argument here that used to the evil and I won't get into semantics here in the Fate that would do this morning, but I do I do think the ground for arguing That we have a very real enemy. And if we were to say Lord Deliver Us from the hand of fate and Deliver Us from the devil. I think I would be an appropriate prayer based off this verse Deliver Us from Evil in us and there's nothing in it. Every person is James tells us. And so as we get into these circumstances, let's remember it remember God never leaves anywhere that he's not with us to help us through the Temptation. There is some weak spot somewhere along the way. Where were where were in firm in that spot is where he will solicit us to do evil time.

Vulnerability is in every single one of us. There is not one of us in this room today that is exempt from this vulnerability on the web. The playwright that wrote a play long ago called the will in Mister devices. He was a lawyer if anything was the matter in the old man told him that his doctor had informed him that he was suffering from an incurable.

I'm sure it's not what you fear. Any specialist would tell you so 213 without looking up I've been the one serve yesterday Mr. Devize as well. 36 it's Sir, mr. Devices

Sir, yes, sir. Economy during operation truly you can have an operation. too late for that he said I've been operated on long ago. I might have a chance. But you can have it. Walmart to my knowledge. He says it was there all the same spot.

that seems completely understand I don't know sir. And we don't look out it doesn't it does for us in the end. No, no, he called in his first thing. I think you meant that we should know of it and be on the watch. And each one of us there is a weak spot. There is a vulnerability and if we are not on the watch. That very weakness is what will ruin us and bring us to our demise. Somewhere in us. There's a flaw somewhere in it. There's a temperament infirmity of the flesh. But I'm thankful that the scriptures remind us it is by his stripes. We are healed. Go our infirmities. He born to Splash. He was tempted in all points in one day one day spending will be completely eradicated from this old Tabernacles has this Frame this mode of transportation. I have your below and I'll be with my savior. We must be mine then until that glorification happens. The moment I'm not looking the moment. I think everything's okay. It's just a moment where the devil's like. Okay now it's time to work.

Now there's a difference between that and I believe when James talks about working our patients out and I'll talk to people to say Pastor, please don't break. No more patience for me. I understand completely understand. What the Bible does say? Count it all joy, when you fall into divers, what's the word temptation telling us to pray to our father lead us not into temptation.

Where to ask the Lord not to lead us into into the realm of the wicked one into his hands and into his clutches, but we come from above. Because free that God mode to see if we singing that song will come forth as gold because he burns all that off liver Us from Evil 1st Corinthians, 10:13. No temptation taken you but such a table, but will with the Temptation underlined or Circle or put a box around highlight words with next time you read that verse I want you to ponder the word in the Temptation and he is the one that will make a way to escape.

How do you say could be a chance that you won't? If you don't lie on him, and if you don't take his way out and he's with you if you quench the Holy Spirit, you're on your own. So we see part of the sprayer is Insurance Lord, you're going to take care of me. And then you're going to walk with me through this powerful as he is no match for almighty God. This was a great comfort me when I realized it. The devil is powerful but he is not omnipotent and he was in Michael Beardsley book where I first came to that thought really really honored that fruit. The devil is powerful but he's not up there is a limit the devil is tomorrow and he read my mind. You can only put my response.

Where is spiritual warfare?

John chapter 17 verse 15. Our lord said this in his prayer his high Priestly prayer for us listen now.

2nd Thessalonians in the Bible whose scalp and keep you from evil. 2nd Timothy 4:18. The Bible says in the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and preserve under his Heavenly Kingdom Glory forever and ever amen one who is delivered from Evil is in fredon their life to produce the fruit of the spirit Galatians chapter 5 turn over there is this shows us how God brings us out and bring fruit into her life. And as I've done before it is a verified this over and over every time I went to this Force I go look it up again and make sure that it's still singular the Greek and every time I do is always and so it's still one fruit not the fruit of the spirit you might have but if you're even when you don't have the whole fruit A singular fruit It's All or Nothing singular. Is there are there any where you don't have this fruit? Do you have love? Agape love you have love in action. Do you have joy you have teased you have long suffering. You have a gentleman. Do you have goodness Temperance if any of those are missing?

You're not there. If you don't have the whole thing. Which against such posted there is no law Invader Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections in love. If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. So do we constantly where the whole armor of God going back to Friday night? We got to watch the guys put on some armor and run around crazy in the auditorium at a relay race and an armor and shooting up in that armor. I thought you know, that's what I have to do everyday. I have to actually put this armor on Magic suit up in the whole armor of God, and if I neglect that and I walk out vulnerable.

Are we walking with the whole armor of God lead us not into temptation, but Deliver Us from Evil. I want to do this this morning, but on the heels of praying this Jesus then explain the little bit more on that aspect of forgiveness. And he gives us the fundamentals of forgiveness. We are forgiven by forgiving and The Unforgiven The Unforgiven is the unforgiving. If you can't forgive Jesus had some further explanation on that. I think he comes back to Chapters that book and then you don't see the devil anymore. We can we can deal with that we can go take care of those things. But when it comes to the bitterness that sent us the Forgiveness that we think that's why Jesus comes back to it because he needs to explain and expound a little bit further. We forgive to be forgiven. But Paul says we forgive because of what Christ did for us.

And I love our first we have great music in him tremendous time worshipping and singing and that and being able to worship together, but let's not cut short the preaching and so hold on just for a moment. Let me give you some things to take home with you to ponder on as we put all this together prayer to try to get attention.

He says pray in secret don't go to the street corner and lift up the swamp Critters. Remember you talking about the Pharisees there?

That would be to make a grave mistake. It's a private communion. But we also pray in secret first. We pray in our closet and throw our private prayer line it strengthened. We don't prayer to get attention. The power of prayer is based on the quality of your prayer. Not the quantity. It's not it's not how many times you can repeat yourself on certain phrases if the quality are you connecting with God. Are you being heard by Dia Woodbury, please in your prayer or are you just really hearing your prayers are others here in your prayers only. Are you hearing your prayers. Prayers? The weather is most important. Father is the one who needs to hear our prayers and that's based on quality. Not quantity is a story told about missionaries. It went over to the Y and end and the people that are the priests that would go to the temple. They would set out for hours and sometimes days meditating in and bring a Christian Missionary showed up in Hawaii. Where are the painted priest can understand why and why didn't go through.

It's not the quantity. It's not how much or how long?

It's the koala. The heart of prayer is found in work. Are you working? When you pray Our Father which art in Heaven corporately as a church, we learn how to pray together and I want to do this.

The thing that I would share with you that our concern ought to be with the things of God before we start to deal with our only are we coming to Amherst in are we getting write vertically so that then we can focus more clearly on what's going on around us. We focus on what he wants before we start asking what we write 6, we bring all of our personal needs to God and total dependence on him. We're dependent and we acknowledge his good hand 7th, and I'm done.

Community really part of his people part of his church, then really that's all about forgiveness. There's much to give I understand there's things that hurt all along the way but is Jesus taught us we can live right this way and it'll help us live right this way and let us keep that Spirit of Love Among Us that Spirit of forgiveness not carry grudges. That's all on the Second Baptist Church of Dallas Second Baptist through first step is to Second Baptist Dallas, Georgia Community is all about forgiveness. It's all about reconciliation. as we look at how we're 2 minutes are in this world. Let's do so as God's people who are burying truly the Fruit of the Spirit. And if you don't speak the Lord on that, he'll show you are some weaknesses show you areas where you might have to trust in him like you should but what am I riddle as we pray? Let's make sure we follow the right pattern. Call Beth Nettles friction when I do woodworking if I don't have a template, it's not pretty when I get done. It's not anything and it's helped me in my prayer life to be able to know what I'm doing up, right? Weather I just say the words that he gave there's nothing wrong with that so long as it's good to become vain repetition say these words until it sinks and if that's what it takes to do that in front of the place where you can take it and follow the model and cut within those lines and be able to go to God and be right with him and then focus on the needs that are around you it will take time to follow that pattern. It will take care to make sure you're doing it the way to State your prescribed and not be guilty of saying and repetitions were just the babblings that people think are Lucky Charms that are going to help them in and help their leave me. Prayer is not a lucky charm prayer is our communication line with the throne room of heaven. So what do people who can move things because we're able to seek God because he moved us prayer changes it changes me.

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