Luke 11:14-23 - Jesus and Beelzebub

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The sermon this week addresses the underlying question of the crowds when they saw Jesus cast out a demon. The question: ”How does he do it?”

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Well this morning we are continuing on our sermon series in the Book of Luke looking at Luke chapter 11 verse 14 through 23 wheel read that in a moment. You can find that passage, of course in your Bible. But also on the back of the insert that's in the bulletin before we get to that I want you to think. How about a time in which you saw a magician?

Someone who is sleight of hand was able to make it appear as if he was doing something Supernatural.

The whole I think intrigued behind magic is the idea of us not knowing how the magician did it. I mean, I think at least adults anyways understand that this isn't a supernatural thing that the magician has somehow with his sleight-of-hand or through some other means of distracting us has tricked us, but we're still intrigued by it because we're interested to figure out how did he do that? In fact, there is a television show on TV these days with two famous magicians Penn & Teller and they have a show called fool us. And the idea of the show is that other magicians come on do their tricks before these two professional magicians and if they can do their tricks and in such a way that the professional magicians don't know how they did it. Those professional magicians are asking themselves. How did he or she do that then they win and get to go to Las Vegas with the professionals and perform on stage. And so when we see the magician's we understand I think that this isn't something Supernatural going on. But the magician through his trickery has made it look as if something supernatural has happened that's important that idea of that intriguing that wondering. How did he do that? How did she do that? How did they pull that trick on us? Because that is the exact question that the crowds are asking in the passage. We look at today. No unlike The Magicians we see these crowds see something Supernatural and then understand it to be Supernatural and they don't have a problem with that but they still have the same question in mind. How did he do it? So let's look at Luke chapter 11 verse 14 through 23.

Starting a verse 14 now. He was casting out a demon that was mute when the demon had gone out the mute man. Spoke and the people Marvel but some of them said he cast out demons by Beelzebub all the prince of demons While others to test him kept sinking seeking from him a sign from heaven. But he knowing that thought said to them every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and a divided household Falls and a Satan also is divided against himself. How will his kingdom stand for you? Say that I cast out demons by Beelzebub all and if I cast out demons by Beelzebub by whom to your son's cast them out. Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the Finger of God that I cast out demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you. When a strong man fully armed guards his own Palace, his goods are safe, but one wins stronger than he attacks him and overcomes and he takes away is armor and which he trusted in devices for whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Let's pray father God. We thank you for your word this morning. You are a good and gracious God for giving us your word. We thank you specifically for the Gospel of Luke. Father God for you by your Holy Spirit inspiring Luke to give this account of Christ his life and death and Resurrection. When we pray father God that you would help us this morning. Help us is we hear your word. Help us to understand it with our minds and embrace it with our hearts. We have confidence in you that is that happens? We will be changed. And we will walk out of here this morning more like Christ than when we came. I pray father God that you would help me by your spirit to communicate your truth. Accurately and helpfully. Father God we would ask you this morning even now to forgive us. For those times in which we hear your word.

But for whatever reason are hard-hearted towards it.

And forgive me Father God for times when I do not communicate your word in your truth accurately or helpfully.

Father we want to see Christ this morning. We want to see him as has been prayed and has been song High and lifted up in glorious and all his splendor. I pray that you would help us to that end in Jesus name. Amen.

How did he do it that is sort of the question that underlines this passage the drives this narrative. And so the main idea for this passage, I would suggest to you is the answer to that question.

It answers the question. How did he do it? Here's the main idea The Works of Jesus are authorized and empowered by God the father. That's how we did it. The works of Jesus are authorizing empowered by God the father and US Jesus's Works initiate the kingdom of God on Earth. And this morning we need to recognize that and we need to respond appropriately. So let's start this morning this idea of how did he do it. We see it in the first couple verses of the passage 14 through 16. Larry viscosity of the demon that was mute when the demon have gone out the mute man spoke in the people marveled, but some of them said he cast out demons by Beelzebub all the prince of demons While others to test him catch seeking from him a sign from Heaven answer the passage is laid out Simply and succinctly we have the work that Jesus did we have the result and then we have the reaction of the crowd. What was the work? It was the casting out of The Exorcism of a demon from a man who was mute not understanding their contacts. This was not unexpected. This would not be the spectacle. It might be in our day and age and in our culture, this is something that they saw with some amount of regularity there were weary. Danax. There were Jewish Exorcist On the way, it's talked about was like that was almost there profession. And it was enough for them to make a living on it. You would assume that people would have seen this. They also would not be surprised at a supernatural event like this like we would they wouldn't have looked at the exorcism like we look at a magician, you know, there's some sort of hoax going on. No, they would have seen it as what it was.

And what was the result of this casting out? Well, the demon was cast out in a man who previously couldn't speak was now able to communicate with his own voice again. They wouldn't have seen that is a hoax. They would have seen that as a display of power of having control over the demon who accept this man mute. And so the power wasn't in dispute here was the reality of what transpired but there was a question. There was a dilemma that the crowd had how does he do it with what power does he have accomplished this? Made me think of people who are really into cars. Vehicles and you have a vehicle you have maybe a truck a big truck or you have a fast car and and people are in two vehicles. They want to know where the power is coming from. What's under the hood? What kind of engine do you have in there? Well these people in this story. They had a question. Where's this power coming from? I recognize that a demon has been cast out. I believe that's actually happen. But by what tower is this being accomplished and that's where we see the reaction of the people. It says the people Marvel at this work know, what's interesting about this. Is this marveling can you to be a positive or negative depending on the context in the context clearly indicates that the marveling of the crowd in this case was negative. It was a negative response to what was going on in factored to negative responses. First of all, unbelief, and secondly uncertainty The unbelieving are suspicious and proposed an evil explanation and the uncertain are skeptical and petition for extra evidence. unbelief And uncertainty what was the evil explanation while they said Jesus is not doing this work or sore. Jesus is doing this work of power, but he's doing it by the power and with the authority Beelzebub the prince of demons.

These crowded have understood this was Satan. It was a nickname for him. There's a lot of argumentation on exactly what it meant. I think what I found most compelling is Lord of the Flies a sort of derogatory Mark about Beelzebub, but it was clear that they understood this to be safe as Satan. This is what some who were unbelieving proposed as the answer to the question. How did he do it? He did it by the power and with the authority of the devil.

They weren't they were unbelievers their other people who are uncertain and they wanted extra evidence. They wanted a sign from Heaven a public event to confirm something that was disputed. If we're to believe that this comes from God we want to see more signs.

So we have the work that's the casting out of the demon The Exorcist we have the result the demon is removed from the man in the man's speech returns and these things generate the reactions unbelief and uncertainty which really come in regards to the question. How did he do it? Let's pause here for a first point of application.

Let us be careful to Mark and to measure are marveling. I just be careful to Mark and measure are marveling. We need to understand that our Sunday morning marveling is not necessarily an indication of God's work in our lives. We need to understand that that wonder that we feel perhaps any quiet time may or may not be Godly. We need to understand that amazement. We may sense when we gather with other Christians is by default neither righteous or unrighteous rather are marveling must be evaluated.

Wonder is not necessarily worship and amazement is not necessarily A duration. How do we tell how do we Mark and measure are marveling a true Encounter of Wonder and amazement and marveling in regards to Jesus Christ will result in a change life. Because you may be here marveling on Sunday. but living in moroleon Monday You may be singing in wonder. With brothers and sisters on Sunday and then sending in skeptical throughout the week. You may be uninhibited in your amazement when God's people gather, but unsure and unconvinced and the day-to-day moments of your week. So don't be deceived by a few moments of marveling. Ask yourself is my marveling leading to maturity is my amazement leading to adoration is my Wonder resulting in worship? Do I leave a changed person?

Let's mark and measure are marveling. Now this work of exorcism in the result of the demon being cast out. And in the man beginning to speak led to these reactions these reactions which were ultimately questioning Jesus. How did he do it what we see that Jesus really gives two answers to that question. How did he do it? The first one comes in the form of a -9 with divided Authority? We read but he Jesus knowing their thoughts said to them every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste in a divided household Falls and a sane also is divided against himself. How old is Kingdom stand for you? Say that I cast out demons by Beelzebub all and if I cast out demons by Beelzebub by whom to your son's cast them out there for they will be your judges. But if it is by the Finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Jesus knows they're thawed and perceives. Our underlying question is interesting. This is another Display of Power, right the idea is that they're talking amongst themselves. So he cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub all or if we're going to believe him. We want to see more and yet he knows their thoughts.

And he gives them an answer an answer to the underlined question of how does he do it and it comes in the form of a brief logical argument. By which Jesus disproves the notion that he is casting out demons by the power and authority of Satan. This logical argument really comes with two premises and a conclusion first premise division leads to destruction not Dominion division leads to destruction not Dominion a kingdom divided against itself. Will fall it will be laid waste. Likewise a household divided against itself will also fall division leads to destruction not Dominion. That's the first premise is second premise. Is this the devil demonstrates Dominion you seen it in the mute man, who is Been taken over by this demon in such a way that he cannot speak. Nothing. Jesus was suggesting the demons have entire Dominion. But Satan is demonstrating in this way, and many other is that he has a type of Dominion. Season the sicknesses you see it in the demon possession. You see it in the sin that is in society. So division leads to destruction not dominion and the devil demonstrates Dominion. Therefore. I cannot be exercising Demons by the power and authority of the prince of demons if I were his kingdom would be laid waste. Until he refused this evil explanation. He does not cast out evil spirits by the authority of the devil and he follows up this this logical argument with with two implications one and two implication in regards to if they're evil explanation was correct and and one implication if his explanation is true. And so the implication that goes towards the crowds X explanation is this if I was doing these works by and with the authority and power of Satan then your son do it in the same way. Now he he's probably I think pointing to the disciples. We just heard a little bit before that are the disciples to 72 being sent out and Healing The Sick and casting out demons. It's why I Think Jesus is actually pointing to them. You know, you don't like me because of my teaching but even your son's these other Israelites wife sent out our casting out demons and if you're saying I'm doing it by you have to attribute that to them as well, but he could be also talking about Jewish Exorcist and they wouldn't have wanted to impugn. I don't think either one of those groups the way they were impugning Jesus and so is an implication Jesus says if what you say is true but there's also an implication of what Jesus is saying is true. He says if I am doing these work Works in God's power and with God's Authority then the kingdom of God Has Come That's his implication if what he is saying is true. I'm not doing it by the power of Satan and I am casting out demons. And if I'm doing it by the power of God was Jesus certainly suggesting here, then the kingdom of God Has Come. Jesus is activity gives evidence of the in Breaking of the Kingdom the rule and the reign of God. In the presence of God spiritual rule through Jesus anticipates God physical rule through Jesus that is still yet to come. So let's pause now that we have the first part of the answer that Jesus gave for another point of application. Jesus said something interesting here. He used an interesting phrase. But if it is by the Finger of God that I cast out demons then the kingdom is coming out of that phrase Finger of God is an interesting one. There's only two other times that the Bible uses that phrase both in the Old Testament both times. I'm sure Jesus was aware of I think you use that phrase intentionally, but the first time both times after an accident Actually one time it refers to Exodus as well talking about the same thing and exodus 8:19. We read then the magician said the Pharaoh after having seen Moses do Miracles that they couldn't do they say to Farrell. This is the Finger of God. And then we read but Pharaoh's heart was hardened. He would not listen to them as the Lord had said that's the first time the Finger of God The Magicians in Egypt old Pharaoh what he's doing? There is the Finger of God. We can't replicate it. And then we see again and exodus 31 verse 18 we read and he gave to Moses when he finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai the two tablets of the testimony tablets of stone written with the Finger of God is the only two other times that the Bible uses that phrase so Jesus, I think knowing full well for those incidents of those phrases being used uses that he's talking at now, and then we might be able to see why I think of the responses to the Finger of God in both those times. The response of pharaoh to the Finger of God was that his heart was hardened. The response of the Israelites to the Finger of God writing the Ten Commandments was what was Disobedience Moses comes down in the worshiping a calf. I think there's an application here for us in regards to the Finger of God. We too have seen the Finger of God. We see it in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We see the mighty works of God working through Jesus in The Gospel and all he did as he lived and died and rose again.

And I think we need to be warned in regards to this is two groups in particular. I want to speak to this morning. First of all you maybe someone who is attending, but you are not a believer. And I'm thinking more not as someone who's maybe visiting for the first time today, but someone who is here regularly someone who comes every Sunday who hears and sees the Finger of God in the proclamation of the gospel and sees the results of that in the lives of those who have been saved by the gospel. Be warned this morning every time you see and hear the Finger of God and it's represented in the gospel. And you do not respond and Faith are Depends your heart is being hard. Even as pharaohs was when he saw the Finger of God. You could be an adult or a senior who has been coming to this church for years sitting in service after service and hearing and seeing the good news of Jesus Christ and yet you continually reject it. You could be a student who grew up in a Christian family and grew up in the church and and heard the gospel in the gospel stories more times than you can count and yet you're still not a Believer you keep rejecting it. Be warned you this morning. Look what happened to Pharaoh when he ignored the Finger of God. His heart was hardened. You hear of Jesus's life and death and resurrection and all the works that he did specifically the work of redemption. These were by the Finger of God. Stop ignoring and stop rejecting it. Little group here. I'd like to speak to this morning. You are believers. You have come to faith in Christ and you regularly attend church, but you're not obeying. The implications of the Gospel you understand that it was the Finger of God that moved. True Christ and in Christ as he lived and he died and he came back from the dead and yet you don't live up to the implications of the Finger of God moving in the life of Jesus. Just like the Israelites were part of the Covenant. They wouldn't have argued that the Ten Commandments were from God. They saw the Thunder and they saw the lightning and they saw the flames and the smoke. And yet they weren't obedient.

You may be here be a believer and you hear and see the gospel every week and are part of God's covenant people part of God's family and you believe the gospel, but your life gives little or no evidence of it being changed. You don't respond to the implications of the Gospel by walking in a manner worthy of the Gospel be worn this morning. remember those Israelites Who disobeyed when the Finger of God was writing the Ten Commandments those Israelites for the most part none of them enter the Promised Land?

The gospel and its implications that are laid out in the New Testament are the works of God. They're they're done by the Finger of God and they reveal to you how you should behave in light of that. God lets not be people who ignore that Divine instruction. So that was Jesus's first answer the question. How did he do it? It was in a form of a negative statement not with divided Authority. That's not how we did it in his second answer States the answer the question positively. How did he do it? He did it with overwhelming Authority. We reads 11 21 through 22 when a strong man fully armed guards his own Palace his goods are safe. But when When stronger than he attacks a man overcomes him he takes away is Armand which you trusted and divides his spoil whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Jesus's second response to the underlying question. How does he do? It is delivered in a picture story or short Parable which clarifies that Jesus cast out demon with the overcoming Authority and a power of God's what Jesus kids is imagery the image really of a war of a battle not inappropriate on Remembering Sunday. Jesus talks about a strong man the strong and he first talks about is Satan. Lisa Staton is fully armed and fully armored. He is mighty in his own way. He's Valiant in his own way. And that's far. He's been Victorious. He sits a picture in his Fortress and his treasures are safe.

But praise God there is a stronger man. There is a stronger man who wages war against Satan and his name is Jesus and he overcomes Satan and he takes away his armor. That is he neutralizes his power Satan's Fortress has been breached.

The strong man in the stronghold has been strong-armed by a stronger man.

The devil's spoils have been plundered and looted and disseminated among Jesus's people. This is how Jesus gives an answer to the question in the positive. How did he do it? He makes a powerful declaration that he does his works with the power and authority of God there by initiating the kingdom of God on Earth. Let's conclude this morning with a couple more points of application.

I think I'm going to switch them around and let me start with this last statement of the passage. Whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters. our culture our society and and it's view of religion undermines this clear teaching of Jesus and many ways to of which I want to address this morning. First of all in our culture and in our society, we regularly speak out against religious extremism. We see it in the phrase radical Islam which is applied to terrorists and Muslim to perpetuate acts of violence. Is religious extremism. This pejorative is not restricted to Islam or really any religion which acts in a way contrary to society's Norms might be branded extreme. Now in so far as Society is talking about violent actions that disregard the way God is taught mankind how they should treat one another.

This sort of radical Behavior should be condemned. We're not in a green mint with it and yet never the last this cultural norm also causes us to take a negative posture towards those who take their beliefs seriously so that they're called Fanatics in a negative way, even if their actions really aren't that for nautical. This is the first win which sucks aside. I believe works against this teaching of Jesus because of the actions of some religious zealots. We look on favorably on religious people who believe zealously When was Jesus is calling us to is a type of radical belief? Advanced Society encourages us to be indifferent about our faith if we must have faith that all Society will say have your faith if you if you must but be reserved about it. Don't go all in. In regards to what you believe, that's the first way I think Society speaks against what Jesus is saying here. The second is in regards to a truism that we have which is encapsulated enough. Well known Proverbs all things in moderation.

Society has used this whether intentionally or not to contradict this teaching of Jesus. Now this saying came from Greek and Roman philosophy. It was speaking towards the pursuit of Virtues towards the pursuit of The Virtuous life to those who would pursue Earthly Comforts and Earthly pleasure. The suggestion was made that these things should be pursued in moderation.

The Bible refer much of that perspective if you're going to drink alcohol, you should drink it in moderation. If you're going to eat food. You should eat it in moderation. If you're going to exercise you should exercise in moderation. If you're going to pursue Hobbies, you should pursue them in moderation and many ways. This is walking the self-control life, which is the Fruit of the Spirit. And yes, I think because of society we have taken the saying all things in moderation and applied it to many areas of life and which the Greek and Roman philosophers never intended it to be apply.

You see we shouldn't be moderately truthful. Would you be completely truthful we shouldn't be moderately loving we should be entirely loving if we can neither. Should we be moderately bitter? We are not to be bitter at all. Neither should we be moderately racist we ought not to be racist at all until you see how there's areas in our lives where there's no way this idea of moderation in all things should be applied. What society would like us to apply moderation in all things to our allegiance to Christ and our commitment to God's will Jesus and his teaching directly contradicts this idea. Some of us this morning Believers and unbelievers alike have adopted this idea that Christianity is acceptable as long as nobody gets too Earnest or serious about it or about Jesus. Understand this this morning in regards to any notion of moderation in regards to our Allegiance or commitment to Christ Jesus forcefully denies this in this statement Jesus forcefully declares that there is no middle ground. There is no space for neutrality when it comes to Jesus and fact the Son of God here in this statement obliterates the category altogether.

If you're not for him you're against him. If you're not doing what he's called you to do you order at you are acting in direct opposition to him when it comes to our commitment and obedience to Jesus moderation doesn't suffice. We need to take Heat. We're not to do all things in moderation. That's not what Christ is describing here.

Secondly in regards to this second answer of Christ. Let us this morning find great comfort and great courage and the fact that Jesus is the strongman of which there is none stronger.

See the spoils that this passage are talking about or at the very least The Souls of men and women.

And under Satan's Dominion all mankind is enslaved to send all mankind faces certain Death and All Mankind faces Eternal punishment.

And make no mistake. Satan is a strong man. And yet Jesus is stronger Jesus through his substitutionary sacrifice on the cross answer his resurrection from the dead accomplish the Forgiveness of sins. He destroyed the power of death. And your us wage the wrath of God, thereby ensuring Eternal Bliss instead of Eternal punishment for those who are his and he did this all for his chosen people who are identified with him through repentance and faith. We need to take great comfort in this We need to take great courage from this whatever it is you're facing. Jesus is the strongman of which there is none stronger.

We see in Jesus's answer to get back to the main idea. We see that he was as he has been doing time and a time again through the Gospel of Luke. He was identifying who he is who he was and what he came to do. Any indicates by his answer to this question. How did he do it? How did he cast out the demon from this mute, man? He answers this question indicating that his works are authorizing empowered by God and their evidence of the kingdom of God in our midst.

So let's Marvel at this. Let's Marvel added in a Godly manner so that we see it and wonder and it causes us to worship and we allow this Spirit to work in my life so that it changes us.

Let us apprehend the Finger of God in the gospel in the life and death and resurrection of Christ and let's not Harden our hearts to that beautiful message and let's not ignore its implications in the way. We live our life.

In our commitment and our Allegiant allegiance to Jesus Christ, let's not be moderate. Let's be all in. Because if we're not for him or against him. If we're not doing what he's called us to do in regards to the kingdom of God, we're doing it contrary to him and finally, let's find great comfort and courage in our strong man Jesus Christ because there is none stronger. Let's pray.

Father God we thank you again this morning for your words, and we thank you for this. Narrative of Jesus casting out a demon from a man who is mute. Father God would you help us to understand in this story? But even Beyond this story would you help us to understand more clearly this morning as we've prayed and asked for a clear view of Christ. Would you help us to understand? The Jesus your son did everything in your power and your Authority.

Father help us to see that most clearly in the gospel. That's who Jesus is life his sacrificial death in his resurrection from the dead. You have pillaged the Fortress. of Satan you have save the souls of men you have offered forgiveness.

You have offered eternal life. I pray father God for those who know you that they would glory in that this morning and glory in Christ. And for those who don't I pray you would open their eyes to his might and his Beauty in the glory of your working through his life is in his name. We pray. Amen.

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