Our identity, power and potential is found in Jesus and His family
Our IDENTITY is in God
Before any discussion we must note that he did not say “from whom every fatherhood in heaven and earth is born” but “from whom every fatherhood in heaven and earth is named.” For it is one thing to merit the name of father, another to have a natural relation [as eternal Father to all creatures]
Our POWER is in God
But how are persons strengthened and made firm through the Spirit of God? By “Christ’s dwelling in the inner man,” he says. For when Christ begins to dwell in the inner citadel of the soul, persons are made strong by might through the Spirit.
The Greek word for power (dunamei) is the same word from which the word dynamite is derived. Paul is not asking for a minor influence in the reader’s life, but one of awesome power. He is praying that God would make the people dynamic. Connected with this request are a number of specifics about how this prayer is answered.