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We have discovered in the Exodus series many practical and wonderful lessons about God’s people.
We have discovered in the Exodus series many practical and wonderful lessons about God’s people.
Today in our last sermon of this series, we will look at a familiar story of Balaam and his donkey in .
Today in our last sermon of this series, we will look at a familiar story of Balaam and his donkey in .
the familiar story of Balaam and his donkey.
my title today is “Blessed.” In another words, “One can’t curse what God has blessed.”
my title today is “Blessed.” In another words, “One can’t curse what God has blessed.”
If God’s blessing is upon you, no one is able to curse you. Isn’t that good news?
If God’s blessing is upon you, no one is able to curse you. Isn’t that good news?
Open your Bibles with me to here the Israelites are camped on the borders of Moab.
Open your Bibles with me to here the Israelites are camped on the borders of Moab.
For those of us that had the privilege to go to Israel a week ago,
For those of us that had the privilege to go to Israel a week ago,
we were in Jericho and could see the land of Moab, which is the country of Jordan today.
we were in Jericho and could see the land of Moab, which is the country of Jordan today.
Its a beautiful view and one could imagine being there in Bible times seeing the nation of Israel camping there.
Its a beautiful view and one could imagine being there in Bible times seeing the nation of Israel camping there.
The Moabite King, Balak who heard about the Israelite victories,
The Moabite King, Balak who heard about the Israelite victories,
saw that what the Israel had done to the Amorites he and his people were terrified and were looking for some kind of solution.
saw that what the Israel had done to the Amorites he and his people were terrified and were looking for some kind of solution.
saw what Israel had done to the Amorites, he and his people were terrified and were looking for some kind of solution.
saw what Israel had done to the Amorites, he and his people were terrified and were looking for some kind of solution.
Balak knew that Israel was far too powerful to defeat militarily, so he decided to employ a famous diviner.
Balak knew that Israel was far too powerful to defeat militarily, so he decided to employ a famous diviner.
He believes divine help will be needed to defeat the Israelites and that is when he sends for Balaam.
He believes divine help will be needed to defeat the Israelites and that is when he sends for Balaam.
So Balak sends messengers to summon Balaam son of Beor. v 5-6 read.
So Balak sends messengers to summon Balaam son of Beor. v 5-6 read.
It is interesting how Balak knew that whoever gets blessed will be blessed, and whoever get’s cursed will be cursed.
It is interesting how Balak knew that whoever gets blessed will be blessed, and whoever get’s cursed will be cursed.
So he is determined to find someone to curse these people. And he sends for Balaam.
So he is determined to find someone to curse these people. And he sends for Balaam.
As we read from history and study about Balaam..
As we read from history and study about Balaam..
we learn that he once was a prophet of God but he had gone into apostasy and trusted in himself.
we learn that he once was a prophet of God but he had gone into apostasy and trusted in himself.
And God still had some ways of communicating with him..
And God still had some ways of communicating with him..
because the messengers had
because the messengers had
because we see that the messengers came to him with this request.
because we see that the messengers came to him with this request.
Then Balaam speaks his message. read v. 7-12
Then Balaam speaks his message. read v. 7-12
God here told Balaam not to go.
God here told Balaam not to go.
Because he can’t do something that is already done.
Because he can’t do something that is already done.
In other words you can’t curse what is already been blessed.
In other words you can’t curse what is already been blessed.
So he gets up and sends these messengers back.
So he gets up and sends these messengers back.
So the king does not give up and sends again.. a more numerous and distinguished officials then the first time and offering greater rewards.
So the king does not give up and sends again.. a more numerous and distinguished officials then the first time and offering greater rewards.
Balaam was impressed with the VIP’s, plus he was impressed with their offer and reward.
Balaam was impressed with the VIP’s, plus he was impressed with their offer and reward.
And Balaam tried to work it out so he can go and curse Israel.
And Balaam tried to work it out so he can go and curse Israel.
Balaam was hoping that God would change his mind, and he invited the officials to wait overnight...
Balaam was hoping that God would change his mind, and he invited the officials to wait overnight...
now notice God’s answer this time to Balaam, verse 20,
now notice God’s answer this time to Balaam, verse 20,
God said “Go” but do only what I tell you. There is a lesson here for us.
God said “Go” but do only what I tell you. There is a lesson here for us.
God does not hold us back from the paths we choose. But if its a path that is hurtful, God tries hard to help us see that.
God does not hold us back from the paths we choose. But if its a path that is hurtful, God tries hard to help us see that.
Read v. 21 So Balaam rose in the morning, saddled His donkey, went on with them.
Read v. 21 So Balaam rose in the morning, saddled His donkey, went on with them.
and offers rewards and bribory.
and offers rewards and bribory.
Well here is where the story gets rather exciting,
Well here is where the story gets rather exciting,
because as Balaam was riding towards the country of the Moabites on his donkey, the donkey began to baulk.
because as Balaam was riding towards the country of the Moabites on his donkey, the donkey began to baulk.
The donkey would’t go and Balaam tried to persuade him, with all kinds of methods.
The donkey would’t go and Balaam tried to persuade him, with all kinds of methods.
And finally they came to a wall and a narrow opening through the wall.
And finally they came to a wall and a narrow opening through the wall.
And as Balaam tried to force the donkey through the opening..
And as Balaam tried to force the donkey through the opening..
the donkey wouldn’t go and in the process, he smashed Balaam’s foot.
the donkey wouldn’t go and in the process, he smashed Balaam’s foot.
Why wouldn’t the donkey go?
Why wouldn’t the donkey go?
Because as you know the Angel of the Lord was standing there, with His sword drawn and even a donkey could see through that.
Because as you know the Angel of the Lord was standing there, with His sword drawn and even a donkey could see through that.
His eyes were open, he was able to see into the other dimension.
His eyes were open, he was able to see into the other dimension.
He saw the angel of the Lord which Balaam didn’t.
He saw the angel of the Lord which Balaam didn’t.
How many times we might be hurting the people that stand between us and our desires…
How many times we might be hurting the people that stand between us and our desires…
They see harm and danger and try to protect us as the donkey was protecting Balaam.
They see harm and danger and try to protect us as the donkey was protecting Balaam.
And instead of being thankful, we hurt those who love and care for us.
And instead of being thankful, we hurt those who love and care for us.
And perhaps it is not even people that stand between us and our desires, but the Lord himself and we fight against the Lord.
And perhaps it is not even people that stand between us and our desires, but the Lord himself and we fight against the Lord.
the people with words, or rudeness when we feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
the people with words, or rudeness when we feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
or rudeness when we may feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
or rudeness when we may feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
when we feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
when we feel that they stand in our way between us and our goals.
When it could be the Lord standing in our way...
When it could be the Lord standing in our way...
And all the Lord longs to do is try to protect us from any harm that is in front of us.
And all the Lord longs to do is try to protect us from any harm that is in front of us.
We might be so busy and distracted with many ungodly things..
We might be so busy and distracted with many ungodly things..
that we in return we don’t see what’s ahead ahead us or who is beside us that is trying to help.
that we in return we don’t see what’s ahead ahead us or who is beside us that is trying to help.
God uses people today for us to listen to them at times…they may have good wisdom. :)
God uses people today for us to listen to them at times…they may have good wisdom. :)
To help us stay on the narrow path, to do the right things and to say the right things.. follow his word.
To help us stay on the narrow path, to do the right things and to say the right things.. follow his word.
And so Balaam in his fit temper began to beat on the donkey and in verse 28-30 it says: (READ)
And so Balaam in his fit temper began to beat on the donkey and in verse 28-30 it says: (READ)
Then the Lord opened his mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam.
Then the Lord opened his mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam.
“What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?”
“What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?”
Now at this point Balaam should’ve been so surprised that he should’ve fallen off his donkey.
Now at this point Balaam should’ve been so surprised that he should’ve fallen off his donkey.
But instead, he talks back to the donkey as if it was an everyday happening.
But instead, he talks back to the donkey as if it was an everyday happening.
Can you imagine how bent a man can be on his own desires that a donkey starts talking to him and he just responds back without thinking twice about it.
Can you imagine how bent a man can be on his own desires that a donkey starts talking to him and he just responds back without thinking twice about it.
yet you are so distracted that you don’t realize what that response was.
yet you are so distracted that you don’t realize what that response was.
That’s how unreasonable sinful desires can be. People or in this case an animal tries to warn us and we don’t pay attention at all.
That’s how unreasonable sinful desires can be. People or in this case an animal tries to warn us and we don’t pay attention at all.
Or did you ever drive and don’t pay attention the way back home.
Or did you ever drive and don’t pay attention the way back home.
See the Lord was angry with him not because he went…you see he gave him permission to go.
See the Lord was angry with him not because he went…you see he gave him permission to go.
So the resistance was not against his going but against his unspoken motive or intentions.
So the resistance was not against his going but against his unspoken motive or intentions.
but because he told him to go however when the Angel apeared
but because he told him to go however when the Angel apeared
Balaam wanted to curse what God has already blessed, why? so he could be famous and make some good money.
Balaam wanted to curse what God has already blessed, why? so he could be famous and make some good money.
(he loved the wages of wickedness). . Which was obviously contrary to God’s will.
(he loved the wages of wickedness). . Which was obviously contrary to God’s will.
Which was obviously contrary to God’s will.
Which was obviously contrary to God’s will.
Let’s continue the story in verses 31-35. Strange things happening on the road to Moab.
Let’s continue the story in verses 31-35. Strange things happening on the road to Moab.
So many stories we see in the Bible that we can relate where strange things take place as people journey in life.
So many stories we see in the Bible that we can relate where strange things take place as people journey in life.
We see this story as a story where we can relate a lot.
We see this story as a story where we can relate a lot.
Usually strange things happen as people journey in life. We see this story as a story where we can relate can we.
Usually strange things happen as people journey in life. We see this story as a story where we can relate can we.
And the first thing the Angel did was to give him a reprimand for beating so unmercifully on a poor donkey.
And the first thing the Angel did was to give him a reprimand for beating so unmercifully on a poor donkey.
Here is another important lesson we learn from the Angel.
Here is another important lesson we learn from the Angel.
People or animals around us also hurt when we choose a destructive path. So love Jesus and be kind to your pets :)
People or animals around us also hurt when we choose a destructive path. So love Jesus and be kind to your pets :)
Stops him from his bad intentions, motives or his desires in his heart.
Stops him from his bad intentions, motives or his desires in his heart.
After this rebuke Balaam falls on his face and is filled humility.
After this rebuke Balaam falls on his face and is filled humility.
How many times do we humble ourselves only after our sins are discovered..
How many times do we humble ourselves only after our sins are discovered..
or we say we are sorry, only after our sinful act has come to light.
or we say we are sorry, only after our sinful act has come to light.
Balaam then acknowledged his sin in opposing the Lord...
Balaam then acknowledged his sin in opposing the Lord...
and not seeing divine direction in the donkey’s behavior.
and not seeing divine direction in the donkey’s behavior.
How many times are we so distracted with our busy schedules...
How many times are we so distracted with our busy schedules...
our dreams that we don’t even pay attention to our divine moments with God.
our dreams that we don’t even pay attention to our divine moments with God.
then offers to return home but the Lord told him to go but only to speak his commanded words.
then offers to return home but the Lord told him to go but only to speak his commanded words.
On his arrival the king was overjoyed
On his arrival the king was overjoyed
because this man was known for his good cursing.
because this man was known for his good cursing.
took him to a high place on one of the mountains of Baal overlooking the camp of Israel...
took him to a high place on one of the mountains of Baal overlooking the camp of Israel...
He took him to a high place on one of the mountains of Baal overlooking the camp of Israel...
He took him to a high place on one of the mountains of Baal overlooking the camp of Israel...
and stood by for Balaam to do his thing, Balaam opened his mouth. -10
and stood by for Balaam to do his thing, Balaam opened his mouth. -10
All Balaam could do was give good marks to God’s people, the righteous they’re called.
All Balaam could do was give good marks to God’s people, the righteous they’re called.
And he said I’d like to die the death of these people.
And he said I’d like to die the death of these people.
Read verse ,
Read verse ,
Then King Balak took Balaam to other 3 other places...
Then King Balak took Balaam to other 3 other places...
to see if he could change his mind and curse the people of God.
to see if he could change his mind and curse the people of God.
Read he said that God will not change his mind.
Read he said that God will not change his mind.
and that he has a command to bless.
and that he has a command to bless.
What an interesting change in the story of Balaam where his eyes and ears are open to God’s purpose now.
What an interesting change in the story of Balaam where his eyes and ears are open to God’s purpose now.
He speaks so beautifully about Israel and is filled with beautiful words of blessings.
He speaks so beautifully about Israel and is filled with beautiful words of blessings.
Num. 24:1-7
Num. 24:1-7
This points out for us to remember our God and how His word never changes.
This points out for us to remember our God and how His word never changes.
And that he will never change his mind about us as his own people. As he promised he will do.
And that he will never change his mind about us as his own people. As he promised he will do.
Also this brings out that We must speak what the Lord puts in our mouth..
Also this brings out that We must speak what the Lord puts in our mouth..
and he only desires to place positive and goodness in our hearts..
and he only desires to place positive and goodness in our hearts..
We must do things what please the Lord...
We must do things what please the Lord...
This part reminds me how much positive words and obedience to God makes such a difference in our lives.
This part reminds me how much positive words and obedience to God makes such a difference in our lives.
by speaking positive words and following in His obedience.
by speaking positive words and following in His obedience.
How much today can we really bless others, with good words, complements and affirmation...
How much today can we really bless others, with good words, complements and affirmation...
and as we do that we will be full of blessings and joy.
and as we do that we will be full of blessings and joy.
Bob Goff in his book “Everybody Always,” Tells the story of how he needed more patience in his life.
Bob Goff in his book “Everybody Always,” Tells the story of how he needed more patience in his life.
What helped him get more patience was a children’s book that he read. It was a book about buckets.
What helped him get more patience was a children’s book that he read. It was a book about buckets.
And its premise was simple: we will become in our lives what we put in our buckets.
And its premise was simple: we will become in our lives what we put in our buckets.
And Bob Goff knew that he needed to fill his bucket with patience.
And Bob Goff knew that he needed to fill his bucket with patience.
So he went to a hardware store and bought a metal bucket.
So he went to a hardware store and bought a metal bucket.
And decided to carry it with him everywhere as an experiment.
And decided to carry it with him everywhere as an experiment.
The bucket was made of galvanized aluminum and had a wire handle. He looked like a dairy farmer.
The bucket was made of galvanized aluminum and had a wire handle. He looked like a dairy farmer.
He looked like a dairy farmer. So he took his bucket with him in cars, sailboats, subways, airplanes. People would ask if he had a bladder problem.
He looked like a dairy farmer. So he took his bucket with him in cars, sailboats, subways, airplanes. People would ask if he had a bladder problem.
Imagine your life to be filled with joy, peace, passion.
Imagine your life to be filled with joy, peace, passion.
So he took his bucket with him in cars, sailboats, subways, airplanes.
So he took his bucket with him in cars, sailboats, subways, airplanes.
Pure cathardic...
Pure cathardic...
People would ask if he had a bladder problem. And his answer would be “yes,”
People would ask if he had a bladder problem. And his answer would be “yes,”
Cleansing releasing.
Cleansing releasing.
but then he would say, “I have an even bigger problem. I’m really impatient.”
but then he would say, “I have an even bigger problem. I’m really impatient.”
And he would let people know how he used his bucket as a reminder to fill his life with patience every day.
And he would let people know how he used his bucket as a reminder to fill his life with patience every day.
Let me read a couple of sentences from his book to you. pg. 161.
Let me read a couple of sentences from his book to you. pg. 161.
Now I’m not suggesting for you to go to the hardware store and buy a bucket and carry it with you everywhere you go.
Now I’m not suggesting for you to go to the hardware store and buy a bucket and carry it with you everywhere you go.
But Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
But Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Just imagine that your life to be like a container, a bucket, and what comes in is what stays in for a long time.
Just imagine that your life to be like a container, a bucket, and what comes in is what stays in for a long time.
And don’t allow that container to be filled with negativity but only what is good, what is love, what blesses.
And don’t allow that container to be filled with negativity but only what is good, what is love, what blesses.
And good things comes from knowing God and staying close to him.
And good things comes from knowing God and staying close to him.
but only good things bc we want to stay as close to God as we can.
but only good things bc we want to stay as close to God as we can.
And there are researchers done also that if you stay close to God you will feel happier and healthier.
And there are researchers done also that if you stay close to God you will feel happier and healthier.
Give no place to the enemy. Give no place to guilt, give no place to worry.
Give no place to the enemy. Give no place to guilt, give no place to worry.
Give no place to any poison in life. We have to allow God to be in control of it all.
Give no place to any poison in life. We have to allow God to be in control of it all.
You see... God is on the throne sending his angels to be guiding our words,
You see... God is on the throne sending his angels to be guiding our words,
our actions and our thoughts.
our actions and our thoughts.
And also He guides us through the Bible in how to live in obedience to him.
And also He guides us through the Bible in how to live in obedience to him.
As we live in Him, we will be blessed by him.
As we live in Him, we will be blessed by him.
We ought to live recognized that we are blessed and live to bless others.
We ought to live recognized that we are blessed and live to bless others.
we must make room only for God and not allow our enemy to take over.
we must make room only for God and not allow our enemy to take over.
Well Balaam went home with his tail between his legs.
Well Balaam went home with his tail between his legs.
He had wanted the rewards and the honor that would’ve come from the king of the Moabites.
He had wanted the rewards and the honor that would’ve come from the king of the Moabites.
But the whole project had gone sour. So Balaam went home and put in a few sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling.
But the whole project had gone sour. So Balaam went home and put in a few sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling.
And according to the record, you find out that Balaam wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
And according to the record, you find out that Balaam wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
He came up with a bright idea and sent word back to Balak.
He came up with a bright idea and sent word back to Balak.
and basically what he told Balak is that you can’t curse what God has blessed.
and basically what he told Balak is that you can’t curse what God has blessed.
And the reason that you can’t get Israel cursed is because they are close to God.
And the reason that you can’t get Israel cursed is because they are close to God.
Anyone who is living close to God is going to be blessed.
Anyone who is living close to God is going to be blessed.
Now if you will do something that will separate them from their God, you won’t have to curse them.
Now if you will do something that will separate them from their God, you won’t have to curse them.
ohh...What a site... just imagining how Jesus prayed…
ohh...What a site... just imagining how Jesus prayed…
of obedience and he took that cup for you and me.
of obedience and he took that cup for you and me.
with tears of obedience and how he took that cup for you and me.
with tears of obedience and how he took that cup for you and me.
So you and I can have eternal life, eternal love.
So you and I can have eternal life, eternal love.
My challenge for you today would be.. what would it take for you to
My challenge for you today would be.. what would it take for you to
The curse will be automatic. And that is in a nutshell what Balaam told Balak.
The curse will be automatic. And that is in a nutshell what Balaam told Balak.
So Balaam and Balak came up with a plan to separate Israel from their God.
So Balaam and Balak came up with a plan to separate Israel from their God.
They threw a big party and sent some of the most beautiful Moabite woman to invite the Israelites to the party.
They threw a big party and sent some of the most beautiful Moabite woman to invite the Israelites to the party.
And unfortunately most of the Israelites fell for the trap and the curse was automatic. You could read about it in .
And unfortunately most of the Israelites fell for the trap and the curse was automatic. You could read about it in .
It’s a sad story, where 24,000 Israelites lost their lives. Because they allowed themselves to be separated from the Lord.
It’s a sad story, where 24,000 Israelites lost their lives. Because they allowed themselves to be separated from the Lord.
Looking across the Jordan and seeing where Balaam blessed God’s people.
Looking across the Jordan and seeing where Balaam blessed God’s people.
Seeing the places that Jesus walked, talked, healed, and loved.
Seeing the places that Jesus walked, talked, healed, and loved.
Being in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed and turned His will over to the Father.
Being in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed and turned His will over to the Father.
My appeal for you today is don’t be fooled by the riches and empty promises that the world offers.
My appeal for you today is don’t be fooled by the riches and empty promises that the world offers.
Make a choice to follow Jesus today, make a choice to be truly blessed by him.
Make a choice to follow Jesus today, make a choice to be truly blessed by him.
Don’t oppose the Lord in your life. Apply, obey and act on His Word.
Don’t oppose the Lord in your life. Apply, obey and act on His Word.
Don’t create stages to impress but go deeper with God.
Don’t create stages to impress but go deeper with God.
Go with Him all the way, take courage and be who he wants you to be.
Go with Him all the way, take courage and be who he wants you to be.
And when you walk close to the Lord, you are blessed.
And when you walk close to the Lord, you are blessed.
The blessing may not come financially or physically.
The blessing may not come financially or physically.
But you are blessed because you have Jesus in your life.
But you are blessed because you have Jesus in your life.
Jesus does not promise riches, He promises a relationship with Him. And that my friends is the greatest blessing ever.
Jesus does not promise riches, He promises a relationship with Him. And that my friends is the greatest blessing ever.
And when you are blessed by Jesus, no one is able to curse you.
And when you are blessed by Jesus, no one is able to curse you.
So choose God’s blessing, choose Jesus today.
So choose God’s blessing, choose Jesus today.