1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (Part 9) Unity Is Achieved by Considering the Nature of True Wisdom
I Corinthians 2:1-3:4 (Part 9), [November 7, 2018, Wednesday]
Unity is achieved by considering the nature of true wisdom—2:1-3:4
• A comparison of Chapters 1 and 2—the theme of both is the cross
• A contrast of Chapters 1 and 2
o Chapter 1--the cross as man views it
o Chapter 2—the cross as God gives us through His revelation
Powerful Preaching-Teaching—2:1-5
• Its content
o What his preaching was not—2:1-2, 4
It was not oratorical—“excellency of speech”
It was not encumbered—v. 2
It was not (that) persuasive—v. 4
o What his preaching was
It was declaration of fact
The exclusive contents were Christ’s person and work
It was proclaimed against a background of personal weakness—(two ideas involved with “weakness”)
His message was dependent on the Holy Spirit
• Its method
*Paul is the presenter and the Holy Spirit is the persuader
The person and work of Jesus Christ
• Historical person—“Jesus”
• Saving person—“crucified”
o The nature of His death—a cross death
o The completeness of His work—perfect tense (completed action)
o The effectiveness of His death (work)—perfect tense (includes abiding results)
• Prophesied person—“Christ” (goes back to the OT Messiah)
Next study—True Wisdom: Its content and source (2:6-16)