1 Corinthians 2:14-3:4 (Part 14) Man's Response to Truth and Revelation (Part 2)

The saved response to God’s truth and revelation—2:15-3:4
• Spiritual—2:15
• Carnal—3:1
The carnal (fleshly) believer’s response to God’s truth and revelation—3:1-4
The limitations it imposes—3:2
• You are not able—limitations
• The difference between milk and solid food . . .
1) The Corinthians, in their manifestation of the flesh, do not want to wrestle with the Word of God—(don’t want to put the effort into chewing)
2) All truth has implications—they don’t see it—they never make any progress (growth)
The manifestations it makes—vv. 3-4
• In general—v. 3
• In particular—v. 4
Achieving unity by considering the nature of Christian service—3:5-4:21
• The worker is only a servant in the hands of God—3:5
1) The issue is function not person—v. 5—“servant”
a) One who is an instrument
b) One who is assigned a position—“Lord gave”—what?
Results—vv. 6-8
You do not judge servants based on results
God is the one who gives results
• Principle—results are solely the work of God
• Conclusions . . .
1) The worker is nothing
2) God is everything