1 Corinthians 1:1-10 (Part 3a) Problems Arising from Carnality
Preamble of hope--1:4-9, the presence of carnality among the Corinthians does not distort Paul's appreciation of the good because he learned to view believers by their position
A believer may be viewed from any of three standpoints
• His position in Christ
• His present life
• His ultimate destiny
• Weakness
• Sinfulness
• Transitoriness
*The flesh is the part of the Christian that is the seat of sinful desire
The problem of and solution to dissension--1:10-4:21
• The problem stated--v. 10:
1) The appeal--"I beseech": a) Encouragement is the idea involved b) He wants them to see the issue for themselves
2) The motivation: a) The name of the Lord Jesus Christ
3) The details a) Positive standpoint: Unity is to be achieved by doctrinal agreement-- NOT compromise
b) Negative standpoint
1) No divisions--"schisms"
2) No differing opinions
• The carnality defined--vv. 11-12
1) In general--"contentions"
a) Bitter discussions is the idea
b) The source of the sin nature
2) In particular--(involved ego)--v. 12
a) Involved everyone
b) Centered in personalities--this is the idea with the names
c) Involved ego--the personal pronoun "I" is actually the Greek word "ego"--and it is emphatic in each case
d) It did not involve belief--the issue is not doctrinal differences
*The idea behind the names is not that these were the actual factions--they are figurative for the factions that were being developed