1 Corinthians 7:25-31 (Part 35) Lessons on Single Life
Remaining single
• “Good”—v. 1—commendable not commanded
• He is merely giving advice
• Some can and some cannot—just consider
*The spirit of the passage is in v. 35—do not see this as an unnecessary burden
Lessons from vv. 25-40
• There are solid reasons for remaining single—look at your case and see if it applies
• The solid reasons are provided . . . : 1) You can maintain sexual control, v. 7; 2) You can do that without misery, v. 9
• These verses also show how single life should be lived
The addresses, v. 25
• The advice is directed toward women
The nature of the teaching—he has gotten material from . . .
• Direct command of Christ
• Command of Paul
• In the context now is apostolic opinion
General principle—v. 26
• This is application of the stay as you are principle
• The issue is not circumstances
• The issue is fellowship with God
4 considerations about single life
1. Consider circumstances: 1) External, v. 27; 2) Internal, v. 28
2. Consider the shortness of time—vv. 29-31
3. Consider added responsibility, vv. 32-35
4. Consider family, vv. 36-38