1 Corinthians 7:25-31 (Part 36) Lessons on Single Life
1. Consider circumstances: a) External, v. 27; b) Internal, v. 28
2. Consider the shortness of time, vv. 29-31
3. Consider added responsibility, vv. 32-35
4. Consider, vv. 36-38
Liberty: Its Use and Abuse, I Corinthians 8
• Liberty—there are many things we do in life that we do not have specific instruction from the Lord
• Much of the Christian life is left to mature judgment
Introduction to I Corinthians 8-9:18
• Organizing the passage: 1) A question, 8:1; 2) A regulation, 8:2-13; 3) An example, 9:1-18
• Cultural background: Everything was totally idolatrous and polytheistic
Pagan ritual sacrifice
• Portion dedicated to the idol
• Portion to the priest
• Portion to the offerer
The question, 8:1-3
• Knowledge—facts don’t solve all the problems of life—there must also be . . . : 1) Attitude; 2) Action
• Knowledge alone gives birth to pride
• Love edifies—what kind: 1) Love for God must precede all other