I Corinthians 11:7-34 (Part 50) Propriety in the Local Church
• As demanded by creation
• As demanded by angels
Clarification—vv. 11-16
• Men and women should glory in their own uniqueness, vv. 11-12
• Paul considered the connotations of the culture in which he lived, v. 13
• “Long hair”—this is obviously relative, vv. 13-14: 1) Could be relative to women; 2) The issue is not how long
• Probably the best statement as to what the covering is—v. 15
• Perspective—v. 16—this is not doctrine it is “custom”
The Lord’s Supper—11:17-34
Revolves about three themes
• The problem of mockery at the Lord’s Table—vv. 17-22: 1) In general; 2) Specifically
• A review of the significance of the Lord’s Table—vv. 23-26
• Warning about partaking of the Lord’s Table—vv. 27-34
The Corinthian practice included the agape feast
• View in light of the Matthew 26:20-28 account
• “While” (v, 26)—he institutes the Lord’s Table
• Paul is dealing with the love feast issue in vv. 17-22
• The purpose of the love feast was to be an equalizer