Put Off...Put On
Sermon Tone Analysis
Us vs Them
Us vs Them
Our focus is on Christ.
Our focus is on Christ.
Focusing on Christ makes a difference in how we live day to day. This is not some heavenly minded focus which causes us to be of little use on Earth. It is the opposite, when we focus on Christ we will make a difference on Earth. This is true because his life, death and resurrection still makes a difference today.
We cannot just “add” Jesus to our life.
We cannot just “add” Jesus to our life.
The Christian life, the life of the Kingdom is not about adding Jesus to your life and hoping he is okay with things. It is a “under new management” type of life. When we submit to Jesus we are saying we want Him to be the most important thing. Yet, we are never “forced” to do what Jesus wants. We have free choice. God knows what we are going to do. God cannot “learn” something—this is known as God’s immutability.
We must put to death earthly nature.
We must put to death earthly nature.
Sinful nature for Paul has as its focus the natural thinking which puts one’s trust on things of Earth. The results of sin, starting with Adam & Eve but continuing today, is taking our focus off the creator and onto the created.
The earthly nature focuses on actions.
The earthly nature focuses on actions.
Three main areas of concern for believers:
1. Sexual sins.
1. Sexual sins.
This was an issue in Paul’s day and it is one in our day. We are all broken in this area and need the redemption that only Christ can bring. Yet, this is not the only area of sin.
2. Sins of the heart.
2. Sins of the heart.
Specifically Paul mentions rage and anger. We live in a world of rage and anger. We see this on Facebook, Twitter, news, and such. Let me ask this question: does your social media posts show anger, rage because of what someone else is or has done. There is a place to be outraged and have the anger of God.
3. Sins of the mouth.
3. Sins of the mouth.
the use of our tongue for greatness and for evil. Paul spends just as much time on the tongue than he does on the “obvious sins” of sexuality. Both are important for Christians to remember.
All sin is idolatry.
All sin is idolatry.
Idolatry breaks down community.
Idolatry breaks down community.
We this throughout Scripture and throughout our world. When even good things become the main focus and supreme focus death happens. The result of sin and idolatry is always death. Has been from the beginning and will be until Christ makes all things new.
Truth: This was us.
Truth: This was us.
Here is a great truth. Those who are in Christ’s kingdom, the kingdom of light, are the ones who live differently. But for the grace of God we would be living as sons and daughters of disobedience. However, since as Colossians 3.1-4 states, we have died with Christ, been raised with Christ, and now our life is hidden in Him, we are called to be different. Our future is brighter because of the Son!
The new nature focuses on being.
The new nature focuses on being.
This combats the sin/earthly nature. This reminds us who were are. We are IN CHRIST! If we start to focus on the status we have, the blessings we have, the power we have because of being in Christ we can start to be different.
Christ breaks down walls.
Christ breaks down walls.
The cultural, political, religious and socioeconomic dividers of life. This is the beautiful truth of verse 11.
You are chosenand loved.
You are chosenand loved.
Despite we used to be people far from Christ, earlier Paul talks about when we were dead to our sins.
Therefore we can BE different.
Therefore we can BE different.
We can be different only because we are chosen and loved by God. This is not something which comes from us, as the pagans and some Jews would have thought. It comes because of who Christ is and who he says we are.
We live out community building traits.
We live out community building traits.
This is the list of verses 12 and 13. There are more positive things to look at then any one of the categories of sin. We must focus once again on not what is wrong but the positive.
Back to social media: does your posts help build community? Does what you add actually provide value. No maybe not every time but most of the time.
If we as a church, and individual Christ followers make these things what we are for, I believe by nature we will be against areas of sin. I would rather be known for what I am for and not what I am against.
We treat others based on Christ.
We treat others based on Christ.
Christ is the example. We treat others as Christ would treat them; full of grace and truth.
How do we do this? How can we manage such a large task?
How do we do this? How can we manage such a large task?
We must be thankful and grateful.
We must be thankful and grateful.
This is the first step to living out the traits of verses 12-14. If you find yourself not being compassionate, gentle, patient, having endurance, humble, then start by creating a list of things you are thankful for. The first part of Colossians has listed many things we have because of Christ, things to be thankful in gratitude.
We must allow Scripture to be dwell/live in us, together.
We must allow Scripture to be dwell/live in us, together.
We cannot do this by trying to be better people, more moral people. Yes people can be moral and good without Christ. But, being good is not the goal. Being like Christ is! We cannot be like Christ when we do not let His words dwell richly in us. This is where our Faithlife group and Faithlife TV comes in.
We must engage in worshipping through singing, together.
We must engage in worshipping through singing, together.
Worship breaks down our idols as we see Christ as the King over all. Worshipping through singing connects our hearts and our minds. Music is powerful!
The result: Christ’s peace rules.
The result: Christ’s peace rules.
The peace of Christ is a wondrous but mysterious thing. In Philippians it is beyond understanding in how it works. Here it will guard our hearts, keeping the things of Christ in and the enemy of anger and hate.
The result: We do all things in Christ.
The result: We do all things in Christ.
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.
Nothing is to escape the Master’s touch. Everything belongs to him.