It's All His - The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory!
The elements of His“kingdom,” “power,” and “glory” are found throughout the Lord’s Prayer. At the prayer’s beginning, Jesus taught us to pray that God’s kingdom come. The prayer also reveals God’s power by showing us he is the King, the Provider, the Savior, and the Deliverer. And finally, it shows us his glory by revealing him as the Father in heaven whose very name is to be hallowed in all the earth. The doxology closes the prayer beautifully, reminding us every time we pray that we are HIS people…not our own.
[Late Latin hendiadys, hendiadyoin, modification of Greek hen dia dyoin, literally, one through two] circa 1577: the expression of an idea by the use of usually two independent words connected by and (as nice and warm) instead of the usual combination of independent word and its modifier (as nicely warm)